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.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

I would ring up jellybean as you need your dating scan between 12-14weeks I'v got mine on the 8th April and you are 4days ahead of me X
Yer I watched one born every minute made me tear up X x
Hi all,

Hope you're all well.... Sorry I havent posted in ages. I'm a bit worried today :-( Last night, had brown discharge/spotting... and this morning. So I've booked a private scan for 6pm this evening. I really hope all's ok.

I've had 3 others and never had this before, anybody have any similar experiences/advice?

Thanks all :-)

Danielle x x

How did the scan go? Really hope all is ok xxx
I would ring up jellybean as you need your dating scan between 12-14weeks I'v got mine on the 8th April and you are 4days ahead of me X
Yer I watched one born every minute made me tear up X x

Yep the flat baby made me tear up too :)

Ive been in lots of emergencies like that at work, the sheer panic when the emergency buzzer goes xx
Anyone watching one born every minute?

Jellybean ring your local antenatal clinic tomorrow and ask them whats happening xx

Do I ring the hospital or midwife? My SIL said her MW phoned and booked her in whilst she was at her booking app. Why is everywhere so different?!!
Hi all ☺
Thanks for the concern, scan was great! Thank goodness all looks fine. He/she measured 11 week 1 day (i should be 10 weeks 5 days by LMP, So perfect)

Strong heartbeat, saw lots of movement. It was very reassuring and even though the sonographer isn't a doctor she said she sees a lot of women with the same thing happening and it can be down to little 'sores' just inside our cervix that can become irritated because of the growing uterus/increased blood flow and they bleed a timy bit but mix with the discharge and tinge it brown.

Hope this helps others xxxx
Thank goodness all is ok Danielle :) I've got my scan at 12 and I'm terrified! No reason to be, but after previous losses I struggle believing all will be ok xxx
Hi girls, hope you're all well this morning.

I'm feeling more and more anxious about the baby now and just feel like crying. I haven't felt pregnant for a few weeks, hardly had any twinges past few days and discharge has got considerably less, can nearly fit back in my work clothes too which I had no hope of 2 weeks ago.

Feel really sad and try to talk to OH but he just says I'm being negative.
Hi girls, hope you're all well this morning.

I'm feeling more and more anxious about the baby now and just feel like crying. I haven't felt pregnant for a few weeks, hardly had any twinges past few days and discharge has got considerably less, can nearly fit back in my work clothes too which I had no hope of 2 weeks ago.

Feel really sad and try to talk to OH but he just says I'm being negative.

Oh dear. I felt like this last week which is why I booked the early scan. I still don't like talking about the baby or oh referring to me as "preggers" as I can't believe it'll all be ok yet. My oh didn't get it either.. Big hugs xxxx
Ah jelly bean totally understand but just remember symptoms come and go and bloating will be dying down now at this stage so try and think positive. I know it's hard x I would phone either. If its the wrong one they will direct you to the right place xx
Thanks girls, I'll try calling today.

Not sure if I spoke too soon or just am super worried but I've just had to rush to the toilet at work and I've puked!!!! My first puke since being pregnant!! Now I know it's unlikely that I would get this symptom so late in the 1st tri but I'm going to try and see it as a positive thing, hopefully it's not a bug!
Thanks girls, I'll try calling today.

Not sure if I spoke too soon or just am super worried but I've just had to rush to the toilet at work and I've puked!!!! My first puke since being pregnant!! Now I know it's unlikely that I would get this symptom so late in the 1st tri but I'm going to try and see it as a positive thing, hopefully it's not a bug!
Hi girls, hope you're all well this morning.

I'm feeling more and more anxious about the baby now and just feel like crying. I haven't felt pregnant for a few weeks, hardly had any twinges past few days and discharge has got considerably less, can nearly fit back in my work clothes too which I had no hope of 2 weeks ago.

Feel really sad and try to talk to OH but he just says I'm being negative.

Oh dear. I felt like this last week which is why I booked the early scan. I still don't like talking about the baby or oh referring to me as "preggers" as I can't believe it'll all be ok yet. My oh didn't get it either.. Big hugs xxxx

That's what I'm like, I don't like talking about the baby as then it seems to real and after my over lost I'm terrified that it will happen again, I don't think men understand the emotions and worry that we go through. I'v just been counting down the days till my scan,

My symptoms have died down but that is fine when u get to the end of the 1st tri x
I still dont feel pregnant at over 13+4.

I must admit it was worrying towards the scan. But I just kept telling myself Ive had nothing concerning, no bleeding, no severe cramping. Everythings fine and it was.

Youll be fine. Try take it as a blessing.

I had a good day yesterday. A bit more energy and feeling less tired. But today I'm making up for it. Feel really sick and exhausted. I really hope to feel normal at some point soon. I feel so blah most of the time x
Im just tierd all the time which I kind of like lol, as to be it means that baby is doing fine X
Hi Cherrybelly and all,

Thanks I am very relieved now and really hope all goes well with your scan :-) I have my official '12 week' scan on 11th april (a week mon) but I should be 13 weeks then from what they said in scan yest.

How are you feeling?

Danielle x x

P.S I've tried to attach a pic of the scan from last night :-) Hope it works :-)


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I have been having a siesta daily :shock:.

My bump seems to have popped a wee bit today too - everyone at work is like "did you tell your mum? how can she not know" :lol:

I'm not feeling very good, but no sure if it's stress or baby related! Toddler is currently trashing the living room.. Leaving in 30 mins argh!

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