October 2014 due dates

I'm feeling fine today Fun1uk think it was just a little bit where I wiped it I never got implantation bleeding when my period should of started but sometimes my periods are all over the place but the tests still gives positive so I don't know what the blood was about just glad it was just a tiny bit.


How's everyone feeling today you girls up to much on Sunday !?x
That's good then. Just take it easy just in case. Feet up for a lazy Sunday lol xx
If it makes you feel better at all Chrissy, last time I was pregnant, I had that at 5 weeks and it was late implantation bleed. I hadn't had any at all up to that point, and it was just on that one occasion, just when I wiped.

I am working up the courage to tell my brother and his wife that I'm pregnant, 10 days after they were told they couldn't have anymore children. I'm seeing him at 4pm. Wish me luck! Hope you all have relaxing Sundays xx
Chrissy, from all the reading it seems a little bleeding is nothing to worry about. Hope you're ok...

Maisy, I'm sorry to hear about your fall. Luck your oh was there to catch you!

sj22, I get where you're coming from. My oh went out boozing last night, for the first time since my bfp, he came home at 2 which woke me up, then tossed and turned and snored and even punched me when rolling over... It was so bad I got up at 4 and went to sleep on the sofa. I'm so cross and tired today, and I'd planned on working from home but I'm so shaky I can hardly concentrate. What annoys me even more is the only reason I didn't go with him is because our friends would have guessed and we don't want them to know about the pregnancy this early, otherwise I'd have been there to restrain the drinking. Selfish men! Grrrrrrr
Thanks for the support I'm okay today though I did have brown spotting but I'm sure I read that on here somewhere and it's okay. Going to the doctors Thursday and hopefully I get a midwife so I feel a bit more at ease.

Went into mother care today with the other half to look at maternity bras as mine just hurt ATM rubbing and there so sore. Felt weird being in there looking at all the bits still doesn't feel real.

Now time to chill and do my nvq back to work tomorrow :(
Hate these quick weekends.. X
Aaww Chrissy I'm sure all is ok, seems to be really common to get light bleeding or discharge early on. Good that you have docs on Thurs anyway.

So I got my second blood test results back and I've gone from 463 to 1460 in 48 hours. V pleased with that and so was doc although slightly scared that it's twinnies in there!! Roll on my scan xxx
That's fab about the blood results. How great would it be if it was twins lol. Do you have many symptoms? X
Aaww Chrissy I'm sure all is ok, seems to be really common to get light bleeding or discharge early on. Good that you have docs on Thurs anyway.

So I got my second blood test results back and I've gone from 463 to 1460 in 48 hours. V pleased with that and so was doc although slightly scared that it's twinnies in there!! Roll on my scan xxx

So pleased to see your fantastic news Cosmogirl and wonderful news about your blood results. Will be following you through the tri's and can't wait to see pics of your little bundle when they arrive x

Michelle x
Oh fun thanks for that, I will be even more excited for my scan to see if there's 2 wee babies in there. Symptoms are just tired and a bit nauseous nothing standing out more than previous times I've been pregnant.

Aaww thanks Michelle!! Can't believe your wee bubs is nearly cooked now. Hope you're keeping well xxx
Oh fun thanks for that, I will be even more excited for my scan to see if there's 2 wee babies in there. Symptoms are just tired and a bit nauseous nothing standing out more than previous times I've been pregnant.

Aaww thanks Michelle!! Can't believe your wee bubs is nearly cooked now. Hope you're keeping well xxx

I am good thanks huni. Still can't quite get my head around the fact that our little one will be here in just over 10wks. It's crazy. I just have some back and hip pain and breathless but apart from that great

Michelle c
Well I am sat outside the hospital, an hour early for my appointment.I am so scared as to what they are going to find, think i will be in tears before i even get in there.Please please be in the right place little bean.x
Thankyou so much ladies, i truly cant believe it , i am growing a baby bean!!! I was even lucky enough to see the heart beating, i am truly blessed
I go back for another scan in 2 weeks and just taking things one step at a time.x
Awww yay!! That's fantastic news Daisy :) I bet you're on cloud 9 today xx

Have know idea if this will work, my 6 week scan! X
Aaww Daisy that's amazing news and great to see in your pic too. Congrats xxx

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