October 2014 due dates

Seriously, our thread is SEVENTEENTH down the line! How did this happen?!

Question: have you discussed discovering if it's a boy or a girl with oh yet? I'm having a flap because oh wants to know and I don't and he said he couldn't possibly keep it a secret once he finds out. GRRRRR
^ I think because we are only about half way through October for due dates!! But we need to keep it bumped up! hope everyone is ok! I am really tired today and have no appetite. I have no idea what I want to eat just know it's nothing I've got in my house :-( xx
Hey Pips!!

Haha 17th! People must be feeling very chatty on the other threads today!

Emm we haven't really discussed it, iv just told him that we aren't finding out and that's that lol! He seemed fine with that so I don't think he wanted to know anyway! However I am very impatient and it think when the temptations there I would cave and want to know but I have always said I would like it to be a surprise! As a rule they don't tell you here anyway incase they get it wrong but I think if u get a nice enough person they might hint.

If your oh did find out and then tried to keep it a secret from you it would be sooo hard for him not to say he/she when talking about it so I think it would be impossible to hide! xxx
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Maybe when we're all a little more confident we will post more. I can't say baby yet just pregnancy. Don't think that will change for a while. But it's lovely to see so many more October mummies here x
Hey girlies, yuck I'm feeling rotten, on the couch feeling sick and shattered but absolutely loving it lol!! Had a majorly stressful week at work so have booked myself a wee facial tomorrow to relax.

Me and husband have discussed this and he'd be up for finding out but I've said I want a surprise and he's said fine. Think it's the only thing I'll get my own way on though xxx
Just updated the due date list - the 10th October is VERY popular!! It will be interesting to see how all the dates change after our scans.

I am feeling quite well at the moment - breast have settled down (they were so tender) and I have a little more energy! Hope is is an ok sign, think I would prefer to feel unwell then at least I would feel more confident about things progressing ok!!

We are planning to find out the sex, and personally would love a pink one! :pink:
Can't wait for my scan , mind you I won't hear from midwife till 8 weeks+ so long time yet. My boobs are sooooo tender and I have massive bloat . I'm only 5+1 so hope this means I'm going to have a massive bump!
Hi there, I'm due on the 8th of October. We're having an early scan as I had a molar. Mc 2 yrs ago but have a gorgeous 4 yr old. BFP was on sat so 5+1. Tender bbs and bloaty but so snotty atm. Don't know if I'm tired from that or pg. Looking forward to sharing my journey with u all. :bfp::dust::wave:
Evening girls & welcome to all the newbes.

I have had a slight headache but not as bad as before. I also had my accupucture tonight which was relaxing. Feeling really tired tonight but not sure if thats just my accupucture kicking in. Xx
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We will be finding out the gender for definite. We tried not to with Abi but found buying clothing very difficult. I will be finding out this time as we have saved some of Abi's clothes. But we are hoping for a :blue: this time xx
I'm ridiculously tired all the time! Keep wLing up at 3 or 4am every day. Sleep on sofa after cooking dinner then go to bed at 10! So so tired!!!!
Oh dear I feel so sick this morning!!!

Btw forgot to mention I booked my first scan yesterday for 26th of February, so excited but nervous!!! Praying there's a heartbeat and baby developing ok and no bleeding before then. In my last pregnancy I had a lot of bleeding and started passing massive clots between 5 and 8 weeks really hope that was just a one off xxx
I also feel a little queasy lol like I could gag but trying not too lol x
I need to step away from the bloody digis. You would think I'd have learnt from last 2 times lol. Got a 2-3 yesterday but didn't use fmu so I was thinking maybe fmu would get me a 3+. Never got a 3+ and it sound daft but I want one so bad lol. So I used my last digi this morning and still got 2-3 lol. Silly as I knew it couldn't change surely in space of 16 hours lol. I'm obsessed haha! I've told myself I won't buy any more now bit I bet I find myself over the weekend buying some ready for Monday morning lol.
Hi ladies.

I got my BFP yesterday, so excited. Doesn't quite feel real yet! I'm due 17th October. This is my first pregnancy so completely new to all this and feeling a bit nervous xxx
Morning all

I am so tired but I just can't sleep or just keep waking up and feeling wide awake at like 3am! Starting to feel a little bit sicky too... Trying to appreciate everyday though as this is last baby for us. We didn't find out the last 2 times and had cheeky boys. Would love a girl this time so were going to find out. Hope everyone is okay xxxx
Hi everyone!

So pleased to be back!

I'm 37 and have a beautiful daughter Amelia who turned 2 last Saturday. We fell very quickly last time but this time took much longer and I was starting to panic we'd left it too late!

Got my BFP on Wednesday and we are over the moon! So wanting these first 12 weeks to go quickly and get through the worry period.

From what I can calculate my due date is 17th Oct. Can't wait for first scan to confirm xx
Hi Tongerlo and congratulations! wishing you and happy and healthy 9 months x
Hi girls thought i had better check in! Nothing new to report really still only got sore boobs, i see a few of you are starting to feel sick already.Have my scan on Monday, so nervous but have to say this week has gone quite quick.
Hello and welcome to the madness all you new October mummies! X
Hi everyone! just wondering who has symptoms and who doesnt? i had really sore nipples and boobs initially but dont feel to bad now... maybe im used to them! ive got no other symptoms, i did two tests and had doctors confirmation but until i have my scan its not going to feel real! got a
midwife app on 10th march thatll be 10 weeks then guess ill get my scan two weeks after xx

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