October 2014 due dates

Thats great news daisy, must be such a relief for u & amazing to see in on a screen.

I wish I could fast forward to next thurs for my 7wks scan, actually wish could fast forward to 12wks so we're over the worst bit & can start enjoying being pregnant and not worry as much.

I was really annoyed with my manager today as she came in with a tummy bug! How selfish is that when she knows all ive been through to get here! Another girl in my team is pregnant too, but shes 19 wks. She wouldn't even open the window because she said she was cold. Now im worried ill catch the bug after being next to her in the same office all day ggrrrrrr.

Felt so tired this afternoon at work, could have quite easily put my head on the desk and had a nap, was fighting my eyes.

Hows everyone? Our thread seems to be slipping down again. Hope ur all ok and not going too insane with the wait. Xx.
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Just wanted to say hello as I got a bfp today! This will be baby no.2 and has come as quite a shock as we had decided to put off ttc until early next year due to one thing and another. Had a bit of a panic when the line appeared (only took a second to show) but excitement is starting to creep in now, not even told OH yet!!!

We have a 20 month old called Max who is amazing, a right little monkey :)

According to the date of my last period Peanut No.2 is due 18th October, which I'm really chuffed about as I wanted to try for a Sept/Oct baby.

So just wanted to say hi and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all xxx

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Congratulations taffyrose and welcome to the madness :lol:
Congratulations Taffyrose - great line.

I finally got 3+ on a digi today, got 2-3 for past two Mondays so was going to panic if it hadn't gone up. Just waiting for scan next week now. Have nausea, fatigue and a ridiculous thirst - and boobs know they're well and truly pregnant.

Feeling so crap I finally understand why something you have looked forward to so much is so overwhelming. Can't wait for this secretive bit to be over and to for life to start feeling a little more normal.

Also using my phone makes me feel sicker so might have to stay off Tapatalk for a while. Xx
Yay TaffyRose!! I remember you last time when you were pregnant with Max and I was with James. Looks like we'll head through the tri's together again :)

Felt quite nauseous today - had to suck on some mints to help, already!! First day back at work tomorrow after finding out. Fingers crossed my uniform fits!! (I have a stupid water bump already, like I did last time!!) xx
Yay TaffyRose!! I remember you last time when you were pregnant with Max and I was with James. Looks like we'll head through the tri's together again :)

Felt quite nauseous today - had to suck on some mints to help, already!! First day back at work tomorrow after finding out. Fingers crossed my uniform fits!! (I have a stupid water bump already, like I did last time!!) xx

It's so nice to go through this with people you know again (as well as getting to know all the new lovely ladies :) )

My OH walked in about an hour ago and I said 'you may need a beer, Max is being promoted' and showed him the test. He was chuffed and had the beer to celebrate.

The only symptom I have is sometimes feeling light headed and peeing A LOT! In fact that was one of the main reasons I tested xxx
I love that!! "Max is being promoted" cuteness!! Glad he's happy about it, especially since it's 12 months earlier than originally planned lol
Congrats TaffyRose! I also remember you from last time as my little girl is 20 months old xx
Ah it's so nice to be back together, it's sinking in a bit more now. OH woke up with a huge grin on his face this morning so I know he's really pleased.

I think I might get Max a t-shirt saying 'I've been promoted' to announce the pregnancy after the 12 week scan :) xxx
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Well finally got round to phoning the docs and make a midwife appointment. 4th march so ill be just over 8 weeks. I've asked for a call back so I can speak to her about having a early scan due to past 2 mc. So scared she's going to say no x
Hi Ladies,

Congrats to all of you and hope you are all well.
I've tested positive yesterday. Whoop whoop! So my little boy, who is 2 1/2, will have a little baby brother or sister on around 21st October.
First test was very faint second line so run out to get a digital pregnancy test, which confirmed the good news :)
I'm am 4 weeks today based on last period, but have a doctor's app booked for Fri morning to confirm.
So very excited! :)
Thank you girls, it still hasn't really sunk in as so new, but also very excited! Can't wait for the doctor to confirm on Fri :)
Spoke to midwife for first time today booked in for 1st march for my booking in apt and she's sent request off for scan! She said it's normally 11-13 weeks do as she's sent it early we're hoping for early end !!! Feeling a bit real now! Whoop!
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Well finally got round to phoning the docs and make a midwife appointment. 4th march so ill be just over 8 weeks. I've asked for a call back so I can speak to her about having a early scan due to past 2 mc. So scared she's going to say no x

fun1uk - I'm sure they will give you an early reassurance scan after 2mc. i had one after a mc and will request another one as I mc in October. Good luck x
Hi, my EDD is 18th October if you could mark me down please thanks x
Well finally got round to phoning the docs and make a midwife appointment. 4th march so ill be just over 8 weeks. I've asked for a call back so I can speak to her about having a early scan due to past 2 mc. So scared she's going to say no x

fun1uk - I'm sure they will give you an early reassurance scan after 2mc. i had one after a mc and will request another one as I mc in October. Good luck x

Spoken to her. Says I can have one but after 6 weeks. She's calling me up on Monday to tell me what day I can go next week. So excited but so scared too lol xx
Oohh fun that's ace that you're getting one next week, hopefully that'll reassure you that everything is fine in there xxx

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