October 2014 due dates

Oh wow, so much news! Congrats and welcome to Baby and Ruby :)

Fun, so glad you can have an early scan to reassure you! And you'll get to see your baby :D

Steffy, did your avatar used to be tinkerbell randomly?! I think I also remember you from last time too!! How amazing to be having number two :)

:wave: Hi can i join you. I'm sharing a due date with gemma lou (20th october)
Welcome Mustard and congratulations!

I can't decide whether or not to contact my GP/Midwife yet. The nurse at my IVF clinic suggested that I contact them after my early scan when I'll be 7+ 3 but this seems a little late to me. What do you ladies think? x
Awww even bigger yay!! Due date buddy!! Congrats again mustard xx
I thought i'd get a different ticker to you gemmy so we can compare.
Congrats mustard. Hoping you a happy healthy 9 months xx

Mrsgriff.... Yes that does seem late to me too. I've just phoned up today on gt my first appointment for 4th march to see midwife. Ill be just over 8 weeks. I would phone them and just ask for a appointment for a first midwife visit. Lots don't see you till 8 weeks but think it depends on your area xx
Congrats mustard and welcome

Mrsgriff I have already been to dr's & booked my midwife appt. Mines 4th march and I'll be 8+4, they like to see u between 8-10wks so they can refer u for ur 12wk scan. I would phone ur dr's and ask if u need to see a Dr 1st or if u can book to see the midwife. I didn't need to see the Dr but didn't know until I went lol

I went & bought 2 clearblue tests on the way home from work as I still can't quite believe it's real. Result came up before control line and it was darker, so im a bit happier. Days still seem to be dragging. I come home to my free tommy's book "having a healthy pregnancy" the website was on my letter from the midwife, but if anyone wants to order one just go to tommy's website. Xx
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Hi girls hope everyone is okay keep reading that some of you have already had scans when is the 1st one usually done !?
Seeing my doctor for the first time Thursday so I have no idea what happens. Is it usually a first scan at 12 weeks
X x x
Hi Chrissy, yes first scan is normally between 12-14wks. I'm having an early scan at 7wks because I had a an fet,so my clinic is doing mine. Sometimes the midwife can refer u for an early scan if u have had bleeding or any pain. Xx
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Chrissy in my area the doc don't really do much. May confirm your pg with a test but mine don't as they say shop brought ones are just as good as doctors ones. Mine took blood pressure and that was that. You then get booked in with midwife around 8 weeks if you haven't already and then scan comes around 12-14 weeks. I'm having one done next week but that's just due to past history. I don't think unless you have history or bleeding they won't do you a early scan. That's why lots go private after 7 weeks. X
Woohoo!Got my 3+ on a digi this morning - that's a real milestone for me as I haven't got this far before.

Feel a bit more confident about booking in with the midwife now so going to call this morning.
Yay!!! Congrats on 3+!! I've still got a digi to use for that as well!! Glad you're feeling more confident xx
I so want to go buy a digi to see if I get my 3+. But I'm sooo skint after paying out a repair on the car and really shouldn't lol. We will see lol x
I so want to go buy a digi to see if I get my 3+. But I'm sooo skint after paying out a repair on the car and really shouldn't lol. We will see lol x

hehe I'm the same fun1uk! i want to see if I'm going to 3+. i tested on monday and I've got from 1-2 to 2-3 so that made me happy :) x

i went to see my GP yesterday to tell her i was pregnant and she was so nice. It was lovely to just chat to her. she was so excited for me. she's ex military (like me) and said that she understands with partners being on active duty during pregnancy so she said i could come chat to her at any point which was nice of her. Im seeing the midwife tomorrow and Ill only be 5 weeks tomorrow. the receptionist who booked it said it didn't matter when i go to see the midwife....so i guess I'm lucky that I'm getting my booking in appointment tomorrow. It certainly makes it more real!!! I almost had a little tear yesterday.

Congrats to all the lovely new BFP!!! So nice to see so many due in October!!!! wooooo!!!

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I def think I'm going to have to buy a digi this weekend just so I can see the words!

I have an appointment with my doctor next Thursday, then I will have a booking in app with my midwife at about 8-9 weeks. Then the scan date!! Eek!!

Fun - I'm glad you had such a good appointment, sounds like your doc is really supportive :) xxx
Is it just me or is time standing still?!!! I can't believe I only found out I'm pregnant last week, I feel like I've been pregnant for aaaggggeesss!!! 2 weeks today till my scan, woo hoo!!! I think the next 2 weeks are going to drag even more :(

Feeling quite queasy this afternoon so I've just scoffed a big bag of crisps which has made me feel better xxx
Yes!!! I feel like I've been pregnant for 6 months already. Why does it take soooo long to cook a baby lol x
I don't actually know how I'm supposed to last another 35 weeks?!! I think I'll be a bit more settled when I've had my scan in 2 weeks. Xxx
Just met my midwife and she's lovely!! Got my scan on 8th April - seems ages away! Xx

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