October 2014 due dates

I've been feeling sicky sometimes. Watery mouth like I want to throw up. Tender boobs but that's all. I'll hopefully be getting a early scan around 6-7 weeks due to prev mc I just want to be reassured my bean is growing good x
I'm starting to have more symptoms, nearly been sick few times today, headaches and constantly tired.
I had really sensitive nipples but that has gone off now, but have noticed an ache in my boobs. felt a but sicky but nothing major. mainly I'm really moody and gettin lots of cramps, not constant just come and go. Havent even made contact with my doctor or midwife yet, suppose I had better get the ball rolling really! xx
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Hi everyone! Got my BFP this morning, so EDD is the 20th October. Just popping a toe in to say hello!! Xx
thanks girls! i guess everyones different! i shouldn't be complaining that i dont have morning sickness , headaches etc! im lucky! im only 5+5 so got a long journey yet! wishing everyone happy pregnancies xxx
Morning lovely ladies.

Such a variety of symptoms around at the moment! I woke up this morning feeling so nauseous :sick: just goint to try some dry toast to see if that helps!

Two weeks today I am having an early scan! Cannot wait.
Congrats and welcome Gemmylou.

My symptoms are big heavy boobs, feeling moody and on/off cramps, but the worst one is unbelievable gas and bloating. Nice!
Haven't had any nausea yet. I wish I'd get a little bit cos then it would feel more real but it's still early days for me. 1st scan on 24th Feb. Just praying all goes well until then as have been on constant knicker watch.
Morning girls. Welcome gemlou.

My boobs are achy and quite painful at times. Headaches are still there on and off, & have aome stretching, pulling achy pains on and off. I quite like having these as its reassuring that something is still happening in there.I kinda wish I had more symptoms to make it feel more real, but guess there is still time.

I bought this really good book yesterday and would highly recommend it. Day by day pregnancy by dr maggie blott. I think it will help me get through the next 2 weeks before our early scan. Xx
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Thank you Tinks! Feeling nauseous today and boobs are sore, but grateful for it in one way!! Xx
Doc called earlier with results of my blood test....officially pregnant with hcg level of 463 on 14dpo, googled it and that seems like a good number. I've had another test today so they can check my levels are doubling properly over 48 hours, fingers crossed xxx
Fantastic news Cosmogirl! Fingers crossed you see those numbers go up and up.

Tinks, I brought that book off Amazon a few days ago but still waiting for it to arrive. I can't wait to read it as it great reviews.

Felt a little sick this lunchtime but it's gone now. Can't work out of its morning sickness or something else.
Hey ladies I've been having terrible sicky feelings and my mood swings are terrible! Think OH will be divorcing me at this rate hehe! Can't wait to get to 12 weeks and see baby xx
Thank you Kathy - just seen your post!!

It hasn't really sunk in yet for me. Still a bit cloud 9 spacey lol.

I've skim read through the thread, so probably not 100% informed, but did see at the beginning all of the introductions, so thought I'd write mine.

I'm Gemma, I'm 27 and this is my second baby. My son will be 2 in June and then his sibling will be along on the 20th Oct-ish. Hubby and I had a DP end of Nov, obviously didn't get pregnant. We decided to TTC in the Dec/Jan Cycle, but had a family issue so didn't really DTD, so first proper cycle TTC was the Jan/Feb cycle, and here I am!!

Looking forward to getting to know you all, welcome some more Oct mummies, and go through our tri's together :)
I've just notice blood when I went to the toilet not a lot quiet faint pink blood I'm really scared :( x
Try not to worry. Do you have a epu close by? You could try calling tomorrow and seeing if they will scan you. Most as you have to be refered but its always worth a try. It's prob nothing Hun xx
Chrissy how are you this morning? Hop the spotting stopped for you xxx
i fell down the stairs yesterday!! slipped down 3 or 4 and my oh caught me at the bottom! i have a sore left bum cheek!! i was awfully worried but googled it and there was lots of pregnant ladies who had done the same and if i didnt after experience cramping and fresh bleeding then me and babba should be fine xxx
How is everyone this morning? I am absolutely shattered! Keep falling asleep in the evenings and this morning bought my LO down and before i knew it i'd woken up after a cheeky doze and he'd pulled all the cushions off the other sofa!

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