Obstetric cholestasis? is it only me?


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Hi everyone , i was just wondering if anyone else on the forum is suffering from OC.
I just started with a little itch but is good job i mentioned it to my midwife as she sent me for bloods doing and they found my bile acids were 16 and the should be 14 or below, but i wasnt too worried as i thought thats not much, now i have to be at the hospital twice a week until baby is born, which the have said the will induce me at 38 weeks, maybe before if baby gets distressed.

Baby is fine at moment as i went to hospital yesterday and was scanned and monitered which was quite funny as i've not heard hiccups from baby before :D
But my bile levels have now gone to 35 in a week and now i'm getting quite anxious.

Would be grateful for anyones input on this
My sister in law had OC, i konw it can be quite serious and they told her that the baby could die at any time, BUT her levels were sky high- she itched so bad that she bled.

They kept her in hospital from 32 weeks and kept a close eye on her.

Sorry i have probably scared you now- didn't mean to :oops:

Anyway what i am saying is don't let them fob you off, if you get really bad make sure they do something about it.
i believe its where your liver doesn't filter the poisons out of your blood properly.

Hopefully your levels wont reach that high.

I've probably not been much help have i- sorry!! :(
Thanks Amy's mum, no you haven't scared me i know i have it very mild, i haven't itched that much as i think they caught it in time and am now on loads of pills a day, also go to hospital twice a week at moment to be monitered, scanned and generall prodded and poked, also have bloods taken twice a week.
They say i am anemic what do they expect when they keep draining me of blood lol :lol:
Lol, i can believe you are anaemic- taking blood off you that much!!

Good luck anyway hun, keep us informed

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