Hi all! I just wanted let anyone reading to know that it's not always as terrible each time. I have 3 children, and developed obstetric cholestasis with my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies at around 32 weeks gestation. The first time, the itching was horrendous and I was induced at 37 weeks which ended up in a catastrophic crash c-section delivery. When I got it the 2nd time around in my 3rd pregnancy, I was introduced to something called Ursodeoxycholic acid, and this medication helped lower my LFT's and bile acides somewhat. However, at 38 weeks they skyrocketed again yet I still refused an induction and went on to deliver at 40.5 weeks after starting labor naturally (even though I ended up with another cesarean - thankfully this time I was awake).
I am now on my 4th pregnancy with dc/da twins and 35 weeks. Started itching at week 19 and blood tests revealed that my LFT's were elevated although my bile acids weren't. I'm assuming I started OC early due to carrying twins. At first they were relunctant to give me Ursodeoxycholic Acid because my bile acids were not that raised but the itching was unbearable and I told them that the only thing that helped last time I had the condition, was urso. Well, one of the consultants agreed to prescribe it and not only have I NOT had any itching since then but my LFT's have been normal throughout my pregnancy so I'm allowed to go full term (which is 38 weeks for a twin pregnancy). Odd, huh? The fact that in 2 of my single pregnancies I suffered a lot with it and with twins it's been kept at bay when you'd expect the opposite.
I also didn't get this condition in my first pregnancy. It's strange how randomly it behaves and how unpredictable it is.
I've also read in one medical literature that they don't think that the itching is soley caused by raised bile acids. You can have lowered bile acids and still itch like crazy.
Good luck to all you ladies and hopefully someday we'll understand more about this condition than what's available to us now.