NTNP - How long?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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How long is an "acceptable" time to NTNP??

I mean, realistically how long would you expect to be NTNP for before you fell PG? 6 months, a year etc etc?

Kinda "how long is a piece of string" but i mean its unprotected sex right, so still a chance every month right?

Just trying to weigh up my options about plans for a possible Holly No2 :whistle:
With my 2 girls I was ntnp and first time took 5 months, the next about 6?? Last time we :bd: once and had Oscar so I guess it's always different.

I think if after 6 months I'd start wondering if I needed to start tracking my cycle (I've always been totally ignorant about when I was fertile :blush:). Saying that I have a drawer full of opk's and hpts ready for ntnp lol.
we weren't exactly TTC (o/h was never home so we just fitted it in around him being home obviously) but I had just had my ovaries drilled so I fell pregnant really quickly. I'd say if you know your cycles well, then you'd know when was the best time of the month for you, so you could take an educated guess :)
havent a notion ! join ttc with me!! :) well have a pf baby boom in 2012! xx
I wasn't really ntnp after K but wasn't using anything and obvs got caught very early! A friend told me she was ntnp earlier, I said it's bollocks cos it's a man thing that! Us women can't do it, you know you'll be tracking your cycle and doing the whole opks thing :lol: id say about 6 months, but you were LTTC before weren't you?!
Yeah i was Alice, almost 3 years in total!!

The way im looking at it is Brooke is 3 now .. if absolute worst case scenario it takes me another 3 years then Brooke will be 6, i dont want to leave it any later than that, but im not sure if im 100% deffo ready for another, if it happens it happens iykwim but i dont want to go out of my way.

Knowing round 2 could end up and another LTTTC session makes the decision even harder!!
Take the plunge hun, was a month this time for me :faint: might happen sooner for you aswell :flower:
i've been ntnp for nearly nine months and no luck so I guess it's different for everybody :/ xxx

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