How far and long will you go


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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to get your bfp?

Obviously I'm already one step past just bding :wink: but I'm wondering now how long I'll keep trying for. :think:

Every month obviously costs us quite a bit of money with travel and hotel bills etc, apart from all the tests I enjoy peeing on each month :oops: That's apart from the mental toll :(

So I was thinking today that if I go to the doctors next month if I get another month of faint lines and the late AF :roll: how long will I keep trying after that?

What's the ultimate point you would go to to get your bfp or LO- didn't want to make a poll as there's so many options.
I know it's cheeky me posting here, but I would have gone as far as I could afford (IVF etc) however, DH wouldn't. Having another child (and we are very blessed to have our daughter) wasn't as importnant to him as it was to me. To be honest - he doesn't see what all the fuss is about, which is very infuriating when you do!
i am starting to think that myself today.

i really dont know if i can go on TTC anymore, if oh is not putting 150% into TTC with me then is it really worth the heart ach every month

:cry: :think: :shakehead:
We were asked that question at the doctors last week - my husband blindly said whatever it takes - he looked absolutely gob smacked when the doctor then started talking to him about his sperm being washed!!!!

To be honest it has started to take over my life - some days I think I would be better just thinking I am blessed having had 2 beautiful children 20 years ago - but then I think for another minute and I just know we are so ready to be parents - and I would love to have a child and stay with their dad until they left home - although my now husband is the best step dad in the whole world and he treats them "like his own" - it is still different.

On a lighter note I do spend about half my salary in pregnancy tests a month!!! :D
I think I would be prepared to try anything - not so sure about my DP (it's me who really wants the third baby - he's more than happy with two!!). I've even got savings reserved, just in case!!!

It does really start to take over your life though, and my DP knows of two couples at work who have had an IVF baby after years and years of trying - one marriage broke up and the other is about to!!!

I can't begin to imagine what it must be like after all those years!!!!
as far as we can as long as we are both still happy with what we are doing!
I think we will always 'try' if we dont get a BFP, ill never go on the pill again. To be honest i would spend anything if it will definatly increase the chance of us getting a BFP. but i dont think i would ever have IVF :cry:. I wouldnt want a baby that wasnt me&DH unless we adopted :)

I dont mean to offend anyone its just us personally :) :hug:
Jenna I'm confused with your last post...IVF is used with your eggs and DH's sperm so it would be you&DH? Does that make sense? I know sometimes in the event of one party not being able to use their bits that donors are used but if both you and dh have working bits IVF would just help it along...
oops sorry lol. i meant i wouldnt have IVF and i wouldnt do anything where it would use either a donor egg or sperm :)

I would consider using a doner (most definitely if it was my first child) but I don't think my DP would go for it somehow!
i would go as far as i could till u get to the point where u broke down.
you have to consider the stress youre putting yourself thro. As for you the cost of the hotels etc can put extra strain on you.
But as for tellin u to have some time off from donation i cant do that, as its you who knows wot you want.
Its strange really my DH and I said 'oh we will never have IVF' and yet now it has come down to it and we need that extra bit of help it didn't even cross our minds not to do it, we are currently saying that if this IUI doesn't work and neither does IVF then thats it - final - and we won't adopt... but I really think its a never say never situation.

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