******November Mummies 2018******

Me too Melanie3103, I took my SIXTH! test yesterday.... First digital though, I think I just needed to see the word pregnant! I won't take anymore now, I feel like I've got a bit caught up in taking them...

5 weeks today, excited that by the end of this week, baby will have a heartbeat!

glad I'm not the only one freaking out...

I have my early scan Friday... omg to see that heartbeat.. I cant wait...
Does anyone get a wee sharp pain now and again in abdomen?

I occasionally get a sharp pain low down when I laugh or cough atm, I did read that it can be things moving about/stretching in there xx
iv decided to have an early scan too Melanie, Im finding myself panicking to much so just to hear the baby's heart beat I think will take alot of pressure of the situation (or maybe just me being impatient).
Hi everyone, Danielle and due November the 6th :) first pregnancy but super excited and a tad scared! Dont want to wish my life and pregnancy away but cant wait to get to 12 weeks and go to my first scan and be in the 'safe(er) zone'

Welcome! Have added you to the list - I'm due the day after you.

Any symptoms yet ?


Thank you and congratulations!

Sore boobs and tiredness really, the past couple of days iv had stomach pains but back to normal today though. Have you? Do you know what the best app/apps are to download to track my journey? I have Baby Center but i'm finding it very basic xx

I have 4 :rotfl: Ovia Pregnancy, Pregnancy (green with white feet in app store), Nurture and Pregnancy+

Hahaha! i have 2 actually but they both say different DD, one says the 6th which my midwife told me and the other the 8th! Weird!
Does anyone get a wee sharp pain now and again in abdomen?

I occasionally get a sharp pain low down when I laugh or cough atm, I did read that it can be things moving about/stretching in there xx

I was referred for an early scan after the bleeding early on (and the "non darkening" HPTs in the first 4 days)... just to put my mind at rest. The GP said she was optimistic, so I'm trying to relax... but its so hard when it's taken us 3.5 yrs to get here (and with the MC last year)...
I'm back to insomnia tonight...

Has anyone told anyone yet? I've told a few friends and my mum... No regret telling the friends but instantly regretted telling my mum, it's far too early! But she was asking if we planned to have another baby and before I knew it, I'd told her!

I don't personally believe in 'tempting fate'. I think what will be will be whether you tell the whole world or keep it a secret, but I am a bit worried now that I'm getting ahead of myself here.
Hi ladies! My names Nicky and my edd is 16th nov :)
I had a missed miscarriage 5 years ago so feeling pretty terrified at the moment.
I’ve had sore boobs, mild cramping and insomnia. Literally wake up at 2-3am and can’t get back to sleep.
Hoping to go for an early scan at 7 weeks.
I'm back to insomnia tonight...

Has anyone told anyone yet? I've told a few friends and my mum... No regret telling the friends but instantly regretted telling my mum, it's far too early! But she was asking if we planned to have another baby and before I knew it, I'd told her!

I don't personally believe in 'tempting fate'. I think what will be will be whether you tell the whole world or keep it a secret, but I am a bit worried now that I'm getting ahead of myself here.

I believe the same as you. Someone told me once, tell the people you'd be happy (and I use that term loosely!) to "untell" if you had to. So someone you would probably tell about a miscarriage. I've told 1-2 friends, and my sister, and my mum.
Hi ladies! My names Nicky and my edd is 16th nov :)
I had a missed miscarriage 5 years ago so feeling pretty terrified at the moment.
I’ve had sore boobs, mild cramping and insomnia. Literally wake up at 2-3am and can’t get back to sleep.
Hoping to go for an early scan at 7 weeks.

Welcome hunni, congratulations! Added your name to the list of mummies-to-be... is this your first child ? Miscarriage aside I mean. Fingers crossed for your sticky bean xx
I'm so hungry today! All the time!

Hope the rest of you are good x x
I'm so hungry today! All the time!

Hope the rest of you are good x x

The boobs thing has gone - they were really achy and seemed fuller. But not yesterday or today - trying desperately not to overthink it. That something is wrong. Symptoms come n go.

I have been really hungry too - first thing, I have to eat ASAP - I used to be a brunch girl - eating my first meal of the day at 09.30/10ish... I could never eat at 6/7 when my 4yr old is up. But NOW I have to eat at that time, as I feel famished...
Only me and my husband know atm, finding it so hard not to tell family etc. One of my best friends is 14 weeks as well, so really difficult not saying anything when she talks baby! The only reason we haven't told anybody else is because we told immediate family as soon as we found out with out first, and it just seemed to make it the longest pregnancy EVER lol. We might tell family around 8 weeks. I will have to tell my friends around 11-12 weeks regardless of a scan as we are away for a hen weekend and they will for sure guess!

Symptom wise, really sore, heavy boobs, on/off nausea, super tired and ridiculous bloating!!! I look 6 months gone already!!

I could eat 24/7 I never stop thinking about my next meal lol or snack lol
Hey ladies I'm thread jumping a little as I'm due either the last day in October or first day in November atm lol! Thought I'd peek in and say hi
I've eaten lots of little bits all day and so much fruit! Probably too much fruit tbh!
Currently having a bowl of rice and Spinach to try and ward off bedtime sickness!

Thanks for welcoming me. This is my 5th pregnancy, I have two children and had two miscarriages. I’m 5 weeks tomorrow and woken up with a bit of spotting this morning so I’m literally panicking!! �� can’t go to the early pregnancy assessment clinic until Wednesday as nothing will show on a scan. What a stressful waiting game.
I fee like I have flu today ☹️☹️ Since early afternoon is keep have no hot flushes and feeling dizzy and shattered!! I wanna be full of energy and happy!! On the front of telling people.. we have told my partners mums, and I’ve told my co worker. That’s it. I want to tell my dad but I’m going to wait until I check everything is okay x
Thanks for welcoming me. This is my 5th pregnancy, I have two children and had two miscarriages. I’m 5 weeks tomorrow and woken up with a bit of spotting this morning so I’m literally panicking!! �� can’t go to the early pregnancy assessment clinic until Wednesday as nothing will show on a scan. What a stressful waiting game.

Try not to worry (i had the same) - saw gp last week after early bleeding - she said early scan at 6wks - so i had to wait til tomorrow - i’ll be 6+2...

Trying to sleep as so panicky...
Hi everyone!

Had a dull persistent cramping today. I know all the apps say it's good and normal to have cramping at this stage, but it just makes me worry so much. A friend thinks I should try and get an emergency scan to reassure me, but I don't feel like they'd give me one just for some cramping!

I've been feeling OK other than that except for some mild backache. Boobs had been feeling sensitive but today not so much!

Good luck for the scan Melanie. I've never had an early scan so not sure how they'd do it but I think they always try a standard tummy scan first?
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