November 2020 mums

31 weeks along now.
I'm starting to get muscle cramps and reflux. Something tells me that it is all down from here.
9 weeks seems to both very close and very very far away.

31 weeks along now.
I'm starting to get muscle cramps and reflux. Something tells me that it is all down from here.
9 weeks seems to both very close and very very far away.

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Wahoo for 31 weeks, single figures now!! Sorry to hear about muscle cramps and reflux, hopefully they won't get too much worse!

I'm 29 weeks now, baby's the size of a butternut squash apparently :D
Ooh! I love the chunky wheels :D Three wheelers look so cool!
I bought this one because eventually it can be used to run with, once baby is 6 months. And I'm going to need that if I ever have time to run again.
The muscle cramps and reflux actually are not bothering me. It is still a novelty at this stage to experience new pregnancy symptoms. (But only mildly so. I might eat these words later!).

My appetite went crazy in trimester 2, and its actually starting to decrease now. But one interesting craving I have been having recently is cereal. I have never really been one to go for a bowl of cereal in the morning but lately I have been so excited for it at all hours of the day. Grabbing it straight after I get home from work or for desert after dinner. I'm glad to have at least had one interesting pregnancy related food craving because it's the only one I have had so far.
The muscle cramps and reflux actually are not bothering me. It is still a novelty at this stage to experience new pregnancy symptoms. (But only mildly so. I might eat these words later!).

My appetite went crazy in trimester 2, and its actually starting to decrease now. But one interesting craving I have been having recently is cereal. I have never really been one to go for a bowl of cereal in the morning but lately I have been so excited for it at all hours of the day. Grabbing it straight after I get home from work or for desert after dinner. I'm glad to have at least had one interesting pregnancy related food craving because it's the only one I have had so far.

Is it one particular type of cereal?

I go through phases but I wouldn’t call them cravings. Right now I love coleslaw but I’m not desperate for it. I did send D out for cheesecake after tea yesterday though as we’d run out of puddings haha.
Is it one particular type of cereal?

I go through phases but I wouldn’t call them cravings. Right now I love coleslaw but I’m not desperate for it. I did send D out for cheesecake after tea yesterday though as we’d run out of puddings haha.
Running out of pudding definitely counts as an emergency and requires a cheesecake run!!

I've been loving yoghurt recently and I'm not a yoghurt person usually. But I can eat one of those big tubs a night if I'm not careful! Not ideal for weight gain, hah.
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I have been loving the uncle toby's iron plus cereal. (For me cereal has to be crunchy, I hate it when it is all soggy).

And I have been also going crazy for jarlesburg cheese slices.

Maybe my body just wants a lot more calcium right now.
Mmmm I love cherry yoghurt :D

Feels like Gilly is climbing about in my stomach at the moment. He loves a good wriggle in the evening :) I've got my 28 week appointment on Tuesday so it'll be interesting to find out how much he's grown!

@Kelly1991 and @Boymum90 How are you both getting on?
My baby always seems a lot more active at night too. Maybe it is just the positioning on my side or that I'm paying more attention.
Mmmm I love cherry yoghurt :D

Feels like Gilly is climbing about in my stomach at the moment. He loves a good wriggle in the evening :) I've got my 28 week appointment on Tuesday so it'll be interesting to find out how much he's grown!

@Kelly1991 and @Boymum90 How are you both getting on?
Can totally relate to the climbing! My whole bump is moving whenever she moves, it's distracting sometimes!!
Baby's foot is just under my sternum. He is really starting to pack a punch.
Baby's foot is just under my sternum. He is really starting to pack a punch.

Eeesh that does not sound comfortable at all :( Does it feel like he's kicking the bone?

I've had a terrible day. Work is absolutely manic (I only ate lunch at 4pm and haven't actually taken a break) but I had to leave at 11 and rush out for my midwife appointment. I got to the surgery in time and checked in with reception then waited half an hour only to receive a voice message from another location (twenty minutes further walk away) asking me why I wasn't at my appointment...

Why, other surgery? That would be because no one told me the venue had changed. I was absolutely livid. Not only now have I not had my 28 week appointment but the receptionists didn't even think to tell me that the appointment had moved when I got to the front desk. They just checked me off a list and told me to take a seat.

What a waste of time x__x
Eeesh that does not sound comfortable at all :( Does it feel like he's kicking the bone?

I've had a terrible day. Work is absolutely manic (I only ate lunch at 4pm and haven't actually taken a break) but I had to leave at 11 and rush out for my midwife appointment. I got to the surgery in time and checked in with reception then waited half an hour only to receive a voice message from another location (twenty minutes further walk away) asking me why I wasn't at my appointment...

Why, other surgery? That would be because no one told me the venue had changed. I was absolutely livid. Not only now have I not had my 28 week appointment but the receptionists didn't even think to tell me that the appointment had moved when I got to the front desk. They just checked me off a list and told me to take a seat.

What a waste of time x__x

It feels like the muscles at the top of my abs are getting a big stretch!

Oh no, what a crappy day. I had one of those days last thursday where no matter what I just could not win. I was ready to throw in the towel and give up work then and there just about!

I hope you can catch up on your appointment soon. My 28 week appointment happened in week 29 because I had a runny nose so I had to reschedule (and get a COVID swab:sick:).
It feels like the muscles at the top of my abs are getting a big stretch!

Oh no, what a crappy day. I had one of those days last thursday where no matter what I just could not win. I was ready to throw in the towel and give up work then and there just about!

I hope you can catch up on your appointment soon. My 28 week appointment happened in week 29 because I had a runny nose so I had to reschedule (and get a COVID swab:sick:).

Aww at least he's giving you a workout! Lol.

And yes, I totally felt like quitting too. The worst part is that I really love my job. It was only a shit day because actually cared about the work going out and wanted it to look good. I could have just let a lot of things slide and had an easier day but... yeah, dedication thy name is Sock haha.

Good to hear that yours being a little later didn't affect things later down the line. I'll be 29 weeks on Thursday and then we go on holiday for the weekend (finally!) so hopefully D can get me a new appointment next week.
Aww at least he's giving you a workout! Lol.

And yes, I totally felt like quitting too. The worst part is that I really love my job. It was only a shit day because actually cared about the work going out and wanted it to look good. I could have just let a lot of things slide and had an easier day but... yeah, dedication thy name is Sock haha.

Good to hear that yours being a little later didn't affect things later down the line. I'll be 29 weeks on Thursday and then we go on holiday for the weekend (finally!) so hopefully D can get me a new appointment next week.

That's awful they changed the place and didn't tell you!! I hope someone apologised? Have they booked you in for another appointment? I wouldn't worry about it being a little over 28 weeks (although I for sure understand your frustration!) And I hope it's soon!!

I'm now the proud owner of a subscription for 200 pills of paracetamol after a lovely chat with the GP where I cried a little bit about my pelvis pain. It deteriorated quite quickly over the weekend, so now I have to try a few days taking maximum dose paracetamol and if that doesn't help it'll be codeine. But they don't want me to be on codeine when baby is born as they don't want her to have to go through withdrawal symptoms after birth, so that's a last resort. I only have 6 weeks left at work, that's only 15 days (as I work one day off, one day on) so I'm hoping that I can manage until then and not have to get signed off work.

Pregnancy isn't the most comfortable thing.

How's everyone? Those wriggly babies doing ok?
That's awful they changed the place and didn't tell you!! I hope someone apologised? Have they booked you in for another appointment? I wouldn't worry about it being a little over 28 weeks (although I for sure understand your frustration!) And I hope it's soon!!

I'm now the proud owner of a subscription for 200 pills of paracetamol after a lovely chat with the GP where I cried a little bit about my pelvis pain. It deteriorated quite quickly over the weekend, so now I have to try a few days taking maximum dose paracetamol and if that doesn't help it'll be codeine. But they don't want me to be on codeine when baby is born as they don't want her to have to go through withdrawal symptoms after birth, so that's a last resort. I only have 6 weeks left at work, that's only 15 days (as I work one day off, one day on) so I'm hoping that I can manage until then and not have to get signed off work.

Pregnancy isn't the most comfortable thing.

How's everyone? Those wriggly babies doing ok?

D got lots of apologies over the phone when he called them but they said 'we have nothing for this week so will get back to you with a new appointment in the next three days'.

I'm sorry your pelvis is hurting :( My ribs have been acting up today again after having a few days of them being alright.

I can't believe you only have six weeks of work to go! This is getting scarily close now ladies :O According to my calculations we should be good to move over to the third trimester board from tomorrow :D Shall I make the thread again?
@CharliC that sounds really awful. Don't push yourself too hard if your body is telling you it can not do something.
D got lots of apologies over the phone when he called them but they said 'we have nothing for this week so will get back to you with a new appointment in the next three days'.

I'm sorry your pelvis is hurting :( My ribs have been acting up today again after having a few days of them being alright.

I can't believe you only have six weeks of work to go! This is getting scarily close now ladies :O According to my calculations we should be good to move over to the third trimester board from tomorrow :D Shall I make the thread again?

Ooh how exciting, yes go for it!! Be exciting to be in the 3rd Tri thread. The final count down!!!

Sorry to hear your ribs are sore again, that's rubbish!! Hopefully Gilly changes positions again and gives you some relief!! Is there any comfortable position for you?

@CharliC that sounds really awful. Don't push yourself too hard if your body is telling you it can not do something.
I'm trying to be realistic but I feel really guilty at the idea of not making it 6 more weeks at work. Just going to take it 1 day at a time. It's a good pattern at the moment as I'm working one day and then mostly just lying in bed the next day for a rest.
I'm sorry your pelvis is hurting :( My ribs have been acting up today again after having a few days of them being alright.

I have been uncomfortable under my ribs too. I think it is because baby sitting up so high. Apparently around week 34 bub might drop down lower into the pelvis head down in preparation for labor.

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