November 2020 Mummies

I haven't experienced this but could be cause of the faster level of blood flow.

New symptom as of yesterday...headaches. The only way I used to be able to rid of them was ibuprofen :(
I haven't experienced this but could be cause of the faster level of blood flow.

New symptom as of yesterday...headaches. The only way I used to be able to rid of them was ibuprofen :(

Oh no! I’ve heard the October girls talking about headaches :/ Not looking forward to that part :( I hope it’s a brief occurrence for you!
Oh no! I’ve heard the October girls talking about headaches :/ Not looking forward to that part :( I hope it’s a brief occurrence for you!

Thanks, I was hoping to start feeling better as I'll be in 2nd trimester next week. I was to feel motivated and energized again
Thanks, I was hoping to start feeling better as I'll be in 2nd trimester next week. I was to feel motivated and energized again

So that’ll be you and @EmilyMaria both in tri 2 then! :) One of you can start our new thread! :D

Who is next on the scan list?
Hi ladies, apologises for MIA, just been caught up with the kids at home. They have turned into devils lol. Hope you're all staying safe and well.

I've loved catching up on everyone's progress and seeing scans. Sorry to hear of some more losses. Thinking of you.

Had my 12 week scan yesterday, dated 11+6. Was lovely to see baby doing well. I'm convinced it's a girl, DH convinced it's a boy. We told my sister, brother and nan who were all happy for a new baby to join the family. I let my 2 girls know, my 9 year old initially said light heartedly she felt annoyed as it's going to cry all night, but was very sweet talking about it today.

I'm going to try and post more regularly, keep up the adventures with you ladies.

Congrats @Jesi that's a beautiful scan photo and glad your girls are ok with the new baby :D

@SockVortex glad to hear you get to take your partner, that's brilliant!!
I've not had any cuts or anything to notice extra bleeding but our blood volume increases a lot while we are pregnant (like a 3rd I think?) So it could be to do with that?

I had an amazing day on Sunday with no symptoms for most of the day, was able to eat lunch and play with my kids and I ventured outside the house for the first time in 5.5 weeks and I was hoping it was the start of the end of my sickness, but it's been back with a vengence this week. Never mind! Hopefully the end will come soon as I'm 12 weeks tomorrow so only 1 more week of semester 1. Looking forward to seeing the end of it!

My scan is on 5th May so not too long to wait now! Getting anxiously excited and hoping time will go fast!
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@Jesi amazing scan photo. Glad your girls are coming round to having a baby. Telling our children this weekend, slightly anxious what my daughter will say also she does say she wants a little brother or sister. She is an only child of me and her dad but has step sisters and a brother so I'm hoping all be excited.

@CharliC hope your sickness starts to subside this week. I have days when I get less symptoms but then it seems even worse when they come back. It's awful that you feel so unwell your unable to enjoy this time for your children being home from school. Hope your scan goes well can't wait to see pictures xx
@Jesi Congrats on a good scan and a lovely photo :D I’m glad your family is excited!

@CharliC I so hope this is the end of the sickness for you :( You’ve been tortured enough and your body needs to give you a break! Just four days until your scan! It’s so close now! I cannot believe it’s May! :O

I’m 11+1 today. Our scan is in ten days so nearly single digits! I’m hoping I start to feel less nauseated this week but I woke up this morning and was still retching instantly when I got up so... maybe not. The weekends always seem to be worse too so I’m not really looking forward to Sat and Sun :/

Only working three days next week! My company starts its four day working week from Monday (20% cut cos of Corona) so I’m taking Wednesdays off for at least three months. And then Friday is a bank holiday! :D
@SockVortex I hope this weekend isn't as bad for you and it stops soon. We are almost out of the 1st trimester, these things should start to ease up soon. I hope.

My boobs have caught up with the situation and are now sore and getting bigger only taken then 12 weeks
I had an amazing day on Sunday with no symptoms for most of the day, was able to eat lunch and play with my kids and I ventured outside the house for the first time in 5.5 weeks and I was hoping it was the start of the end of my sickness, but it's been back with a vengence this week. Never mind! Hopefully the end will come soon as I'm 12 weeks tomorrow so only 1 more week of semester 1. Looking forward to seeing the end of it!

13+5 for me today and I probably woke up with the least amount of nausea this morning since 6 weeks. Maybe the second trimester reduction in symptoms is true!

I have had more energy too which has been nice. Even did a light leg workout earlier this week and man did I feel it for days afterwards. Looking forward to doing some more this weekend.
Wow @EmilyMaria , you're nearly at 14 weeks! :O I so hope things keep improving for you :D

I really hope the second trimester isn't such a drag for all of us and by the end of it things are well on their way back to being normal.

My new bra arrived in the post this morning! I am so happy :) I was finally just growing out of the only one left that fit me. The DD cup fits perfectly for now, haha :)
I haven't experienced this but could be cause of the faster level of blood flow.

New symptom as of yesterday...headaches. The only way I used to be able to rid of them was ibuprofen :(

i not due till dec but I have got headaches to from 6 weeks is horrible I did try that roll on 4head stuff but wasn’t great I found a cold compress was the best and just rest!
12 weeks today and apparently baby is the size of a plum.

I don't know how big a plum is

My boobs have doubled in size overnight (they weren't very big to start with but still)
12 weeks today and apparently baby is the size of a plum.

I don't know how big a plum is

My boobs have doubled in size overnight (they weren't very big to start with but still)

I've been loving the bigger boobs! Gotta enjoy it while it lasts, I know its last days of Rome for them

For me there has also been a bit of round ligament pain and cramping lately.
How is everyone today? I managed to clean the bathroom this morning and whilst I’ve still retched a few times and am still nauseated, I do feel a little better :)

It’s good but it also worries me. I’ve felt sick for around eight weeks now which has become to me the natural state of being pregnant so to think it might be going away makes my anxious brain think the baby is going away too x__x

Eight days til our scan. It can’t come fast enough!
How is everyone today? I managed to clean the bathroom this morning and whilst I’ve still retched a few times and am still nauseated, I do feel a little better :)

It’s good but it also worries me. I’ve felt sick for around eight weeks now which has become to me the natural state of being pregnant so to think it might be going away makes my anxious brain think the baby is going away too x__x

Eight days til our scan. It can’t come fast enough!
It’s very normal for the sickness to just stop so don’t panic when it does. It just means your body is use to all the hormones x
It’s very normal for the sickness to just stop so don’t panic when it does. It just means your body is use to all the hormones x
Yes this very much.
Unless your unlucky, this is the time that your nausea will be stopping. So try not to worry too much (easier said than done I know!)

I'm ok today, although I was busy helping my kids with something and was 20 mins late taking my meds and it was a bit of a vomit fest :shock: and I've been getting a few light cramps this afternoon which are annoying and hopefully nothing! Will have to wait and see. Pregnancy is just one long waiting game isn't it!

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