November 2020 Mummies

hey thank you!
I feel ok just still in shock!! Lol
Sore breasts and nipples!! And a little nausea but other than that I’m ok!
Can anyone give me info on what folic avid tabs to take? I got Vitabotic ultra 400mg with vitamin B12.. are these correct? This is all new to me so haven’t a clue just google everything so probs safer I ask on here? Lol xx
hey thank you!
I feel ok just still in shock!! Lol
Sore breasts and nipples!! And a little nausea but other than that I’m ok!
Can anyone give me info on what folic avid tabs to take? I got Vitabotic ultra 400mg with vitamin B12.. are these correct? This is all new to me so haven’t a clue just google everything so probs safer I ask on here? Lol xx
Hi, you can just get pregnancy multivitamins which include everything you need. Just get them from Boots/Superdrug/supermarket. Much easier than taking different tablets!
I brought some multi vitamins from Asda yesterday and began taking. Has the right dose of folic acid in it. Bigger then I expected them to be :???: I'm not a tablet kinda person but will persist.
I'm going to finish my before conception pregcare then move on to the pregnancy ones. I also take extra vit d as I'm low in it and I also take omega 3 vitamin

Just done another digital to see if I'll get my 2-3 but still said 1-2. I did get up at 3.30am for a wee so maybe my wee didn't have enough HCG in. Starting to get a bit worried now. My boobs have really been hurting to taking that as a good sign.

How is everyone else feeling? Xx
I did a digital test on sunday just gone (that's what my OH came home with!) And it came back not pregnant. I've read they are not as sensitive as others, please try not to worry too much.

My period was due yesterday, due to the leap year, and this is this mornings line, it's got darker compared to Tuesday and now my OH finally believes I'm pregnant.

I've felt nauseous from the moment I've woke up and very very emotional yesterday. Good old hormones :rotfl:

I think no matter how many tests we do I bet we still won't believe it haha

Do you have any children already? Xx
Haha you are right there. All I've said for days is 'a line is a line babe' :rotfl:

Have you rung you GP yet? I was going to wait a few weeks?

Yes I do, I have a 9 year old and an almost 6 year old (14th of this month) girl, not so sure my 9 year old will be happy with this news but I know my youngest will be very happy. I see you have a 7 year old CrazyChic, have you told them yet?
Haha you are right there. All I've said for days is 'a line is a line babe' :rotfl:

Have you rung you GP yet? I was going to wait a few weeks?

Yes I do, I have a 9 year old and an almost 6 year old (14th of this month) girl, not so sure my 9 year old will be happy with this news but I know my youngest will be very happy. I see you have a 7 year old CrazyChic, have you told them yet?

She is 6, 7 on 1st November.
No not yet I've had 2 MCs and she is very inpatient and keeps going on about having a baby brother or sister so trying to wait till 20 weeks.

Why don't you think your 9 year old will be happy?
Yes I want to wait as long as we can before telling them, such a long time to wait got them. Shes not keen on her 6 year old sister majority of the time, findd her annoying, but that could be the age. She has a very kind and caring nature though, so i think a baby may be ok, it's as they get older.

My girls have world book day celebrations at school and have gone in as Mary Poppins and Dorothy <3
Yes I want to wait as long as we can before telling them, such a long time to wait got them. Shes not keen on her 6 year old sister majority of the time, findd her annoying, but that could be the age. She has a very kind and caring nature though, so i think a baby may be ok, it's as they get older.

My girls have world book day celebrations at school and have gone in as Mary Poppins and Dorothy <3

Probably for a 9 year old a 6 year old is a but annoying haha I reckon a baby will be a different story.

My daughter didn't dress up today just had to take her favourite book in. She was upset they couldn't dress up.

I reckon I'll ring the when I'm about 6 weeks for my booking in appointment. It's terrible that I'm just wishing time away till the 12 week scan. My boobs are really hurting today which is very reassuring after still get 1-2 weeks still. I did have a little look online and it does say that you probably won't get 2-3 closer to the 5 week mark, so fingers crossed.

When are you going to test again?
Hi all, Ive had such tender boobs still. is anyone getting back ache? I do suffer with bad back but it seems to have got worse since being pregnant.. also feeling all sorts in my stomach very weird sensations!? it doesn't hurt but almost like slight period cramps!
I got my first booking app come through today though cant come quick enough!! x
I do normally have a backache which I don't, which was the biggest sign to me that I was actually pregnant haha I've been getting cramps too but that is all normal. It's just our beans getting super snug.

When is your booking appointment? From my memory I think it's at 8 weeks you have it
I do normally have a backache which I don't, which was the biggest sign to me that I was actually pregnant haha I've been getting cramps too but that is all normal. It's just our beans getting super snug.

When is your booking appointment? From my memory I think it's at 8 weeks you have it

I have felt really crap this afternoon have felt so sick it’s amazing how your body changes as soon as you find out! Do you feel tired all the time already or am I just really struggling with the first few weeks haha
my appointment is 13th April! I’m getting really paranoid with the symptoms I’m having I’m such a worrier so I can’t wait til 12 weeks already although I don’t want to wish my pregnancy away but you know what I mean?! Lol xx
I have felt really crap this afternoon have felt so sick it’s amazing how your body changes as soon as you find out! Do you feel tired all the time already or am I just really struggling with the first few weeks haha
my appointment is 13th April! I’m getting really paranoid with the symptoms I’m having I’m such a worrier so I can’t wait til 12 weeks already although I don’t want to wish my pregnancy away but you know what I mean?! Lol xx

I've been really tired but then I haven't been sleeping properly to be honest. I can just about remember when I first found out I was pregnant with my daughter I didn't have any symptoms for a couple weeks then it hit me like a bus.

You shouldn't be worried getting symptoms is a good thing, everyone and every pregnancy is different. I'm going to make my booking in appointment for the beginning of April xx
I've been really tired but then I haven't been sleeping properly to be honest. I can just about remember when I first found out I was pregnant with my daughter I didn't have any symptoms for a couple weeks then it hit me like a bus.

You shouldn't be worried getting symptoms is a good thing, everyone and every pregnancy is different. I'm going to make my booking in appointment for the beginning of April xx

I’m not sleeping well either! Thank you for the reassurance it’s my first so all new to me so every slight thing I feel I’m worrying lol!! Can’t wait to see midwife now then it’ll feel really real! Xx
I’m not sleeping well either! Thank you for the reassurance it’s my first so all new to me so every slight thing I feel I’m worrying lol!! Can’t wait to see midwife now then it’ll feel really real! Xx

No worries that's what we are here for to support each other xx
I'm not sure I'll even do another test after today CrazyChic, thenlines strong enough for me to truly believe. I've spent so much on tests already this past 8 days :shock:

I've had backache more then usual too ladies and my appetite has really disappeared the past 2 days. X
Hello ladies!

Sorry I've been quiet. Life's been a bit hectic to say the least! My boobs are a bit sore, I have bought of light headedness/dizziness and getting very out of breath. My booking appointment and 1st scan came through last week. My booking appointment is in the 27th of March and first scan is the 20th of april :) I remember with my son I didnt really feel pregnant until I had my first scan! I went to the gp with my first pregnancy and her reaction was like why are you here?? You dont need to tell me just register online with your chosen hospital. I felt a bit silly! So this time around I've done just that and within 4 days I got my appointments through the post :) by all means, go to the gp if you feel the need. Sometimes just having an appointment to do with the pregnancy feels reassuring....if that makes sense! But I remember this limbo stage with my son and it seemed like an eternity! Although after the first scan the pregnancy seemed to fly by! So I'm making the most of every second.
How are you girls feeling today?

I've got my booking in appointment for 8th April. I'm glad I rang today as they were booked up for when I wanted it.

I know what you mean @Olivia118, I'm just wishing these 8 weeks away to get this trimester out the way xx

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