*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Do thwy stop the sickness or nausea?
I felt absolutely fine last night. Nonsymptoms at all!
Scan is 2weeks on monday -needs to hurry up xxx
Still waiting for my scan letter. Giving it till next week and then going to pop round to antenatal and ask. I work in the same hospital as our maternity unit etc and work next door to ante natal!!!
Finally got a call from midwife yesterday with a date for booking in app on 21st April. Glad I've finally got it sorted. Can't wait to get a 12w scan date. Xx
Hi everyone, I am due 18th November. So far i have been feeling nauseous but havent thrown up. Definitely a lot more tired but my LOs are keeping me on my toes. I have 12 week scan on 3rd May

Congratulations!!! Knopk... you are due a day after me - I'm exactly 8 weeks today :)
I wasn't allowed any medication when I went? They said they don't give anti sickness tablets before 12 weeks. I think it's the luck of the draw which doctor you see. My nausea was so bad yesterday I threw up literally in my dinner. :(

Starchild.. do you get EMEX your side of the world...it's a syrup and it helps with the Nausea.

Mine is a bit mild today - I'm having a few slices of biltong (beef jerky) cause it looked so delicious!
No nausea today!making the most of it and eating everything that takes my fancy! Hahahaha xx
Haven't heard of it? I'm considering going back to the doctors. Just thrown up in the garden, (lovely) and I look a mess, people at work are gonna think I'm on drugs with my black eyes :( xx

There's is absolutely no reason not to prescribe under 12 weeks. Generally try to avoid it unless significant symptoms risking dehydration etc but it's pretty safe and there are a wide range of drugs that can be used for sickness in early pregnancy. I think Starchild you said it was a nurse you saw last time? I'm wondering if she was a prescriber and perhaps she herself wasn't allowed to prescribe to pregnant women in the first trimester or similar. Either that or totally clueless and should have asked a GP. Definitely go back if you are still vomiting frequently xxx
I've got my 12 week scan appointment 19th April. I'm very excited. No nausea today my hips are killing I've overdone it with the housework I think, with it being sunny. The hormones are kicking my arse this time. Ligament pain, hip pain, bloating ergh. I seem to be ok with the sickness side of things though luckily except the odd day nothing so bad as with my first I was sick everyday up to 20 weeks. Xx
I'm gonna either ring out of hours this weekend or make an appointment for Monday. I'm at work in less than hour and feeling so lethargic, my muscles in my leg feel weak & I'm dizzy and out of breath after standing up for 5 minutes, I haven't had a proper drink in ages. Feeling so crap. :(

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm working it. Brill! Lol xxx

So i made the most of it and ordered a indian. By the time it got here i felt sick as a dog. None the less i ate it - it was amazing! But not feel rough :( combination of hornone sickness and too much food sickness 😷
Tried ringing midwife about my sickness, having not had a drink for almost 4 days... and throwing up what little food I do eat... to be told there's nothing they can do? I have to ring my GP which is closed until tomorrow. I've called in sick at work today cause of nausea, feeling dizzy and having zero energy. So losing out on pay. Can't look after my daughter properly. :(

Feeling really let down. :( xxx

MWs cant prescribe anything so theyd be no use.
Cant you ring 111 and get a prescription from out of hours?
They'd have to come to my house. And I'd never "waste their time" like that when I could just wait until tomorrow. My advice was to contact midwife if "can't keep food down for 24 hours/dark urine/dizziness/pain in the stomach" all of which I have. xx
Aww Starchild, that's awful, I really think you should go to out of hours? Do they have a walk in centre near you? They have one at our local hospital

I honestly think you'd feel so much better with some anti sickness medicine, I've been taking 1-2 tablets a day and feel so much better, the ones I have you can take up to 3 a day
Let us know how you get on hunny


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