*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Nope we have one that's open 9:30-11:30 on Saturdays, closed Sunday. I was working yesterday so couldn't go.

It's crap around here, my local midwife services is closed all weekend. And they're even trying to downgrade our midwife led services at the bigger hospital (20 mins away) and move consultant led services to a hospital 30 miles away! Ugh just annoyed at the world I think. Sick of feeling sick. Thank you Clover xxx

Thats not very good starchild. I hope they sort you out tomorrow!

The nausea is back today! I should have made the most of the last few days of none 😷
Note to self never try and eat chilli again. I should have known it was coming back up! Nose = on fire!

They'd have to come to my house. And I'd never "waste their time" like that when I could just wait until tomorrow. My advice was to contact midwife if "can't keep food down for 24 hours/dark urine/dizziness/pain in the stomach" all of which I have. xx

Whereabouts do you live? If I were to call 111 they'd arrange an appointment with the closest on call GP - it wouldn't be at my doctors surgery but it'd be at a surgery nearby. I've done it for myself with tonsillitis and when my daughters temp was 40+ degrees.
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Starchild, that sounds completely horrid, definitely get seen by the doctors today, I really hope they do something to help, as usual can't keep on like this

I have my private scan today, starting to feel really nervous and worry about what it is going to show, please be OK little one!

I'm waiting for a call back from the doctor.

Good luck in your scan Emmajaine! xxx

Good Morning Ladies

Starchild - that makes no sense that they are not helping you after you've "ticked" all the symptoms! I hope you get some help today.

Emmajaine - can't wait to hear your update.

EOE - I hope you ladies had a peaceful weekend.

AFM - I'm not in the best of moods today - cannot explain it - just feel miserable - but on the other hand I'm excited cause I'll get to see our little bean in 3 days time.
Hi everyone, sorry to hear some of you are being so sick :( I've still got nausea but it's not as bad as it was - just need to make sure I eat regularly. We had a private scan on Friday, saw little ones heartbeat and all good so far :) Got my booking in appt on Weds xx
Morning ladies, i feel fine today back to feeling pre pregnancy. dont know if ive had it super easy this time or if its going to hit me in the next couple of weeks. ive paid my dues with my first so i hope ive just had it easy.
Im not having a private early scan just one at 12 weeks then im paying for one at 16 weeks. But only 1 week and 2 days not that im counting lol.
I cant wait until i get the all clear (FX) xx
Devastated to say I have to leave the thread. Had some spotting and was at epu where they saw a fetal pole but no hb. They thought it was too early but over the weekend the bleeding has got heavier and im sore. Have a follow up scan on friday but don't know if there's any point in going cause there is no way this isnt a misscarriage. Cant put it in words how bad this feels. Wishing you all good luck and thanks for reading xx
Devastated to say I have to leave the thread. Had some spotting and was at epu where they saw a fetal pole but no hb. They thought it was too early but over the weekend the bleeding has got heavier and im sore. Have a follow up scan on friday but don't know if there's any point in going cause there is no way this isnt a misscarriage. Cant put it in words how bad this feels. Wishing you all good luck and thanks for reading xx

Oh no my thoughts are with you. sending lots of virtual love xx
Got an emergency appointment with the doctor this morning I'm dehydrated, have ketones in my urine & finally come away with some tablets. Just taken one and trying to have some lunch so will see how things go.

Also my scan date letter arrived, April 26th so that's cheered me up!

Emmajaine hope all goes well let us know how you've got on!


Sorry kaypee

Starchild thats great news!!!!

Emmajane how did the scan go?

Nausea back on full flow today -i feel really heavy and bloated! LO was not well last night and have had a few bad nights with him so i am hanging out of my arse!!!!! Our house is supposed to be completing next week so thats a good distraction. Scan is 2weeks today...........wish it was sooner! Para that somethings going to be wrong!
So sorry Kaypee, be kind to yourself x

Starchild, am so pleased you have gotten some help, fingers crossed the tablets work quickly.

So the scan was brilliant, we have a very bouncy little peanut, measuring 9+4. Was soo cute, we saw baby waving it's little arms around and heard it's heart beat. Feel soo relieved, definitely worth the £60

Thats fab emmajane!

Heartburn is killing me tonight :(
Ohhhh time why must you drag so much!.
I've got my booking in appointment tomorrow morning, followed by my scan in the afternoon. I should be 10+3. The closer it gets the more nervous and anxious I get!

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