*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Our birth unit is attached to labour ward with access for emergencies so its ideal for me just in case!!! Fingers crossed. Now inpatiently waitig for my scan date lol

aww thats perfect ours is a seperate hospital in another town so it makes it worrying for me. i know everything will probably be fine anyway its just me thats a stress head xx
Yeah our HV mentioned vitamin D as we don't get much sun here.

All I took was folic acid last time as my prenatals made me even more sick.

Claire have you tried lemon? It's honestly the only thing working for me. Lemon ice lollies & sprite/7up settles my tummy.

Great news Rachel! :)

My booking apt is today. Not sure why I am excited. Can't wait to get my scan through it seems I've been waiting ages this time, probably cause I found out at 10dpo this time lol

Hope everyone is well! xxx

I'm 7+1. Got my scan today I haven't slept at all. I feel like I've already accepted it's going to be bad news. still no symptoms
Had a horrible dream I was pregnant with triplets and I thought something was wrong with them so my husband cut my stomach and pulled one out, baby was fine so he put it back in and we stitched it up. Then I had to lie about my scar to the midwives. It was so freaky. It felt so real the triplets kicking me all night was so real when I woke up it took me a while to realise it was all a weird dream lol.
I'm feeling sick today poop going to get some fruit to eat. Bought myself some decaf coffee because I fancy one so bad. Xx
Ooo no ill try lemon. I feel.gross :( was really bad this morning but had nothingnto come up and thats 10x worse :(

Good luck with the scan! Youll be fine!xxx
Good luck with the scan T2186!

Oh redbear that sounds so freaky! I haven't had any pregnancy related dreams for a while.

I had my apt this morning, all went well. I've got to be consultant led though due to my blood pressure in my first pregnancy. xxx

T2186 - any news yet?

How are the rest of you ladies?

having people at the office know is so much more relaxing 0 had to got take a nap during my lunch break cause I was exhausted....(and this after going to bed at 8:30 and asleep by 9)!

Luckily for me - its school holidays over here and the kids are at my sister's!
Knackered and sick :(
Vommed at work.:(
Nipples hurt

Im a moaning mess today!
Hope all os fine at the scan - what time was her appt? Xxxx
not sure Claire.

I'm sorry that you feeling so crap :(

if you're able to - try and get home and get some rest!
Scan went well, we got to hear and see heartbeat she said it was a bit lower than normal so has given me progesterone tablets which are given vaginally. Has anyone else had this?
I go back week 10 for a follow up ultrasound
Glad every was ok with scan T. Such a huge relief seeing the heartbeat when you're so worried isn't it! Xx
Scan went well, we got to hear and see heartbeat she said it was a bit lower than normal so has given me progesterone tablets which are given vaginally. Has anyone else had this?
I go back week 10 for a follow up ultrasound

Not during pregnancy, but I had fertility treatment before having my daughter. They're easy enough to do, but they dissolve and leave a chalky residue so make sure you wear a liner or pad!
Trapped wind all day have been in horrible pain. Feeling ok now. It was horrid spent most of the day in bed. Terrible mum day but I could barley move. Thank the Lord for pjmasks today!! Xx
Thanks for asking guys! Been at work all evening just got in. Feeling reassured. Haha mayflower it just all fell out in one go and I had to run to the toilet to see what happened ���� this was several hours later..

Hope you're all ok X
T2186 - so glad everything is ok with you - and that you can be at ease now.
Hi everyone, I am due 18th November. So far i have been feeling nauseous but havent thrown up. Definitely a lot more tired but my LOs are keeping me on my toes. I have 12 week scan on 3rd May
I cant concebtrate at work :( really restless and cant keep still as i feel so nauseous! I had it till 19wks with my lb. Hope it dosent last that long this time. Its exhausting! I sat and cried all night last night as just couldnt do anything tk make me feel even slightly better. Im getting fed up :(
Claire I feel you, I'm the same. Had until 20 weeks too and praying it's not as long this time. :( you tried sea bands? They haven't worked for me tbh but a lot of people swear by it.

I have a poorly baby today she's got a fever. :( xxx

I used them last time and they stopped the vomming but still had nausea.
This time its just nad nausea mainly so thinking they wont work :( xxx
Hey girls
I've also had unbelievable nausea so I've been to the Gp yesterday and I got prescribed Cyclazine anti sickness tablets, omg the difference today is unbelievable, I took one this morning and one at lunchtime and I've felt so much better

I feel so tired still, I can't remember feeling this exausted so early on ...I just want to sleep for a month!!! :o

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