*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Hey girls

I've woke up this morning and I've got Brown spotting ...I'm 9 weeks , I'm crying I can't believe this is happening again :(

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Hugs Clover, fingers crossed it's nothing major, brown blood is old blood. Definitely go and see the doc if you are concerned, they should be able to get you in for a scan

Great news Emmajaine! Bet it was amazing. Can't wait until my scan, two weeks tomorrow.

Clover I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. Get yourself to the hospital, thinking of you & sending all my love. xxxx

Clover i commented on your other post in tri 1. Really hope its all ok for you xxx
Clover have you managed to get in touch with anyone?
I had this a few weeks back - fingers crossed for you.keep us postes. Thinking of you xxx
I am so impatient for my scan on the 25th but I'm also so so scared that they won't find a heartbeat and everythings gone wrong
Hey girls
I've got a scan booked for Thursday afternoon at 3.30pm, they couldn't get me in any sooner, brown cm on wiping but not much

It's just very similar to how my miscarriage started last year , but you never know it could be ok


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Fingers crossed for you Clover. Here's hoping it's nothing serious. I can understand your worries having had the miscarriage last year. We're all thinking of you. xxx

When I went for my booking in appt the midwife called the hospital there and then for a time and date. Should I still get a letter do you think?
We get ours as a letter as we have to sign an info leaflet giving consent for certain tests xx
Good luck today Mayflower.

Hope you are feeling better this morning Clover.

Could just be ligaments stretching Clare, try not to worry, easier said than done tho I know

Good luck Mayflower, a busy day for you!!

I'm still spotting brown but the cramps have eased

Still have sickness and I'm exausted as usual so symptoms are still strong
Just want to get this scam over and done with tomorrow then I know what's happening

It's so similar to my miscarriage last year that I'm not holding out hope really

Claire it could be ligament stretching like Emmajaine said


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Its all lower abdo pain, has eased now ive been up and moving so proba is nothing.
Feeling very sick today :(
I just wabt it to be scan day - in getting so paranoid!!!!

Good luck for appts/scans today! Xxxx

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