*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Clover - just remember the further you gwt the less likely itl show on a test. I always thought it was somethinglike past 7weeks? Could be lying.lol try not to worry.
They wont hear in till 16weeks here 1 because they may not be able to hear anything uet and 2 with it being so low down it almost constitutes as personal space invasion...

Im panicked that ill get to my scan - 3weeks today- and theyll be nothing there just like last time. Or itl be there with no heartbeat.
I think i still feel rough but not sure if im just imaging it now! I am tired all the time,have no gwt up and go about me and a getting very bloaty!

Im all hard above my pubic bone which is good. Im trying to have a good feeling this time round -but cant help but panic!
I've got my booking in appt on the morning of the 12th and my scan that afternoon too.

I've got horrendous period type pains today, mainly on my right side. Tempted to give the midwife a call as I don't remember anything like this with my daughter!
Wow I'm surprised that's how it works in the UK.. I'm booked in on Wednesday I'll be 7 weeks to listen for a heartbeat and I'm pretty sure they do at 12 weeks too..
Has anyone thought of getting a doppler? My friend has one it's quite cool!
I've heard that the babies don't like Dopplers, it does something (heats them up? IDK I can't remember) and so I would never use my own. I had to have heartbeat checked every morning whilst in hospital and I didn't like it in case baby was uncomfortable or whatever.

Clover she said that slimming world do a healthy eating plan for pregnant women so ask to double check but im going to join up. not to diet but to minimise weight gain and it will make me think more about what im eating.
Ive got a doppler but you can't hear anything so early. 9 weeks seems very early to be listening is that through a doppler? I know in amerca they do early scans with the dildo cam more than they seem to in the UK ive never needed one thank goodness.

She also advised Pregnacare which seemed odd, im taking folic acid and vitamin D used to only be needed for women who wore the Burka and so lacked sunlight, but seems all mums are adviced to have it now. Ive just never had a midwife advice anything paid for or a brand they normally subscribe anything you need. Im not bothered about paying ive ordered some but it seemed weird to say 'this brand of vitamin' ive never known it before.
My Oh has booked me in for a private reassurance scan next Monday!! He knows how much I have been worrying about it, and just decided off his own back to do it. I bawled my eyes out when he told me, what a complete sweetie!!

Glad all the booking in appointments are getting underway and are going well, they are rubbish here. Last time I had to chase loads to get mine and it was only just before 12 weeks, this time it's booked already (which is something) but again right on the 12 week borderline.

Pregnacare is V expensive especially when own brands are exactly the same. I've just been using Tescos own pregnancy vitamins. :)

Dildo cam :lol: I've had one but not to check pregnancy just to check out my insides lol

Pregnacare is V expensive especially when own brands are exactly the same. I've just been using Tescos own pregnancy vitamins. :)

Dildo cam :lol: I've had one but not to check pregnancy just to check out my insides lol

Thats what confused me i expected them to maybe advice vitamins but to name a brand... seemed odd and you get 7 days worth conviniently in the pregnancy pack?

Anyway ive ordered 30 tablets for £3.99 from a website i thought it may be a scam but the online reviews are good. I thought for £3.99 ill risk it because i dont want to pay out £9 if i can get them for less than half price with free postage.

They never told me to take anything like that the first time i thought pregnancy vits where overkill and as long as you took the folic acid and ate fruit and veg you where fine.
Vitamin D is recommended for everyone in the U.K. now, including breastfed infants from birth! But it has been recommended for pregnant women for ages. Doesn't need to be pregnacare - she probably just said that because it's the brand everyone knows, but all of the antenatal supplements are pretty similar.

I'm getting my Doppler back from a friend at the weekend, I found my son's heartbeat with it at about 11 weeks so hoping for similar this time. I've got a UTI and horribly constipated which is giving me awful tummy pains and making me paranoid, scan isn't until the 25th so could do with some reassurance before then!
Not sure if its just here but slimming world ladies - if your mw refers you you get 3months free. The same as if you get it on.prescription. worth looking into! Xxx
Vitamin D is recommended for everyone in the U.K. now, including breastfed infants from birth! But it has been recommended for pregnant women for ages. Doesn't need to be pregnacare - she probably just said that because it's the brand everyone knows, but all of the antenatal supplements are pretty similar.

I'm getting my Doppler back from a friend at the weekend, I found my son's heartbeat with it at about 11 weeks so hoping for similar this time. I've got a UTI and horribly constipated which is giving me awful tummy pains and making me paranoid, scan isn't until the 25th so could do with some reassurance before then!

I said to her 'i wasnt sure what to get if it was all the same like paracetamol for 25p or nurofen for £5 when they are the same tablet'
she said 'with the good brands you cant go wrong'
i thought bullplop there all the same ingredients. Yeah Vitaman D must be now 4 years ago it was only if you didnt get enough sunlight but a lot changes in that time. x
hi how is everyone? sickness is driving me crazy im only sick occasionaly but feel soooooooo sick have headaches and shattered!!!! got my early scan on good friday paying to go private then see the midwife the wednesday after
Morning ladies. Hope you're all feeling ok.

We go on holiday to Greece on Sunday. Have ordered some flight socks and also booked a private scan for the day after we get back. Will be 9+2 then. Still not heard about a booking in appointment. Is anyone else still waiting? Xx
Hey Everyone

I told my co-workers today. It was so easy - everyone is happy.

waiting paitiently for my first check up and scan.
I feel horrendoud :( got a banging head which isnt helping :(

Nausea is driving me insane, dont know if im coming or going, cant to anything to make me happy,or comfortable, or not sick :( :(
Had my booking appt. Had a lovely young midwife. Said there was no reason for me to be consultant led and that she said I should be able to use the birth unit if pregnancy goes well!!! Just got to wait for a letter for my scan!!
I was given the option for the both unit close to me but I've turned it down. My daughter was born with wet lung and had to be in neo natal for 5 days so I decided not to risk it. Nothing to say it would happen again but I would feel too nervous this time. It's a shame as everything went so well with my first and I would have gone for it if not for the 2nd labour.
No sickness just headache today. Xx
Our birth unit is attached to labour ward with access for emergencies so its ideal for me just in case!!! Fingers crossed. Now inpatiently waitig for my scan date lol
I'm so impatient waiting for my scan, three weeks today!
I'm feeling so nauseous though, the thought of food makes me so sick

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