*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Where are the december mummies?!? They need to be the newbees!!!!!
I literally cannot stop eating!
I'm so sorry Torino :( sending you lots of hugs


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Sorry I've been a bit absent this week, had hurrendous sickness and dizzyness, I've had to tell work as I've had to have 2 days off sick,
I've never had sickness before and this is my 5th pregnancy (I have 3 children)
Last time I had no symptoms ...This pregnancy ended badly, although my other pregnancies weren't too bad and I only ever felt occasionally sick

My boss thinks it's twins haha as she had bad sickness with her twins
...although I would be so happy I've already got 3 kids so would be a shock :eek:

How's everyone else doing?

And yes Claire where are the December mummies!!?? :)


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Eurgh my sickness started today :(
Absolutely nackered. Hope your all ok x
My sickness is horrendous too, and was with my daughter so try not to "worry" about twins hehe!

I'm in bed eating dry cheerios at the mo! Lol xxx

Why thw bloody hell am.i doing this again? Whos odea was that?!?
Labour is a breeze compared to tri1! Id give birth everyday over this shit 😢😢😢

Rant over!
Midwife told me I'm more like 9 weeks at the moment!
I should be due 2nd November!x
Been without symptoms for a few days now, starting to worry. I don't see my midwife until I'm 11+5 (am 8+4 now) so my scan will be a week or 2 after that, so if something is wrong I won't know for ages.

How is everyone else?

I'm sorry for what you're going through TORino look after yourself <3

I'm still without symptoms I'm 6+5. Just done 4 nights had 2 hours sleep and hit the gym - I didn't think I'd have the energy to do that in early pregnancy!
We have a ultrasound machine at work and I tried playing round with it but too many buttons lol.
I did a pregnancy test just to see if the line is getting weaker or something cause literally not even got sore boobs! But it's still strong.. Scan on Wednesday!
Why is time going so bloody slow?!?

When are we going to.move over to tri2 - on the first daye or last?
Got my midwife appointment tomorrow. I know its only the booking appointment but im ridiculously excited haha
Ahh no id be excited too. I was :) its the next step isnt it, and you get sent off for your scan date. Its all good :)
Had my first appointment today! All went well, my blood pressure was slightly raised so im getting asprin from 12 weeks. i usually have low blood pressure so not impressed with myself.
Im joinging slimming world this week ive decided midwife gave me the go ahead she said only sw do a pregnant friendly plan.
Ive to phone in 2 days to book a scan in.
The midwife was lovely, she said the bag ligament pain could be a god strong surge of hormones, which sounded positive to me.
She wasnt worried about my weight which is good.
I turned down the blood tests for now, and with my blood pressure already up and my poorly daughter with me bored and moaning, i said id rather wait until another time. Its not urgent anyway ive had the tests before and nothings changed since then. She didnt even try to tell me to have them she was very much do what you feel is best.
My appointment is Wednesday I'm excited too! I'll be almost 9 weeks and tempted to ask if I can hear the heartbeat.... but I feel they'll refuse. It's so hard knowing for so long yet not knowing what's going on in there. My friend discovered at her scan her LO had stopped growing at 9 weeks and so I'm a little nervous.

I'm worried about my blood pressure, it's usually low but got high with my daughter & I was in and out of hospital & on medication which made me feel rotten.

Sickness is improving, only really bad when starving and tired. Still can't eat much other than bread/mash potato/bacon fries (craved these last time lol) and only can drink fresh orange and sprite/7up but I do feel a lot happier in myself.

Off to Harry Potter studios tomorrow super excited! Hope everyone's well! xxx

My appointment is Wednesday I'm excited too! I'll be almost 9 weeks and tempted to ask if I can hear the heartbeat.... but I feel they'll refuse. It's so hard knowing for so long yet not knowing what's going on in there. My friend discovered at her scan her LO had stopped growing at 9 weeks and so I'm a little nervous.

I'm worried about my blood pressure, it's usually low but got high with my daughter & I was in and out of hospital & on medication which made me feel rotten.

Sickness is improving, only really bad when starving and tired. Still can't eat much other than bread/mash potato/bacon fries (craved these last time lol) and only can drink fresh orange and sprite/7up but I do feel a lot happier in myself.

Off to Harry Potter studios tomorrow super excited! Hope everyone's well! xxx

I think the NHS only listen from 16 weeks ish, i dont think they can hear much before that point but can ask for free.
I usually have low blood pressure so a bit worried, going to cut out sodium and increase potasium and see if that helps.

Harry Potter sounds super fun! xx
They listened in at 13 weeks last time & the midwife said they don't like doing it early in case they can't hear anything. Worth a shot tho lol

I'm sure I read calcium can help with high blood pressure? xxx

Hey girls

Red bear, I was interested that your midwife said you can join Slimming world, I would like to join But wasn't sure if it was recommended

I haven't even booked a midwife app yet,

Oh and I did a pregnancy test a few days ago just because I found a spare one and my test line is a lot lighter than it was previously
Still feeling sick and no bleeding so I guess that's a good sign
My little boys birthday tomorrow and exactly a year since I miscarried my last baby ...not a great day for it to happen but I'm just keeping everything crossed this time


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