*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

I'm considering calling in after work tomorrow & just waiting until I can be seen.

I don't want it to get to the stage where I'm dehydrated & weak. I've got a two year old to look after. xxx

You don't want to be admitted for hyperemisis either! I do hope you feel better soon it must be awful... If I could I'd cannulate you and give you some fluids IV! Xx
I really don't. Been sick again, looks like it's developing into HG again as I'm throwing up more each day.

With my daughter I was being sick 20+ times a day, had burst capillaries in my eyes and face from the straining, so you'd think being sick 4-5 times would be nothing to me! Haven't had a drink since this AM and that came back up, so gonna try ice lollies.


I really don't. Been sick again, looks like it's developing into HG again as I'm throwing up more each day.

With my daughter I was being sick 20+ times a day, had burst capillaries in my eyes and face from the straining, so you'd think being sick 4-5 times would be nothing to me! Haven't had a drink since this AM and that came back up, so gonna try ice lollies.


Gosh if you're drinking under half a litre a day you need medical help 😟😟😟
I'm drinking like half a glass of orange juice in the morning and a glass of orange juice before bed. I told the nurse this & she didn't seem concerned. X
Aw Starchild I really hope you feel better soon, it sounds dreadful! Hugs!
Well I'm a nurse and I'm concerned!! Gosh only 2 glasses !! Hope u do feel better soon! Xx
She said she'd suffered with it with her two pregnancies so I thought she would have been a little more understanding. Thank you xxxx

Your nurse sounds pretty shit! Maybe call 111 or go a&e?

No vomit yet - just badddddd nausea! And mood!lol
So sorry to hear hg is rearing it's head starchild, hope you manage to get some help from the doctors soon. Definitely keep pushing them til they do something, you should not have to suffer!

My PGP is definitely starting to get worse, was hoping that having lost weight and really worked on strengthening my core would have helped me avoid it, but obviously not. Thankfully have an appointment with my chiropractor tomorrow, so she should be able to realign and stabilise my hips.

Well things are looking up (touch wood) really fancied hot curry from the chippy so managed a plate of chips and curry for tea. My first meal since Sunday lunch. Feel sick and nauseas now so getting right into bed to sleep.

Anyone else having stomach pains around the belly button?

Hope you feel more comfortable soon Emmajaine xxx

Ive had pains all over although they seem to have stopped now, found my heart beat listener thing in a drawer so cant wait until i can have a listen in.
Im feeling good this afternoon. i forgot to send money in for a red nose for school so had to rush to the shop, im blaming baby brain.
They have to dress in all red tomorrow and i had nothing arranged, dragged two red dresses out from christmas time, they will look cute and like im well organised so its all good.
My youngest has become super clingy and scared of the dark the last couple weeks and im hoping its not the baby news thats causing it. xx
Perhaps they're worrying about the baby redbear. Sounds daft but my dogs been the same, clingy is an understatement he will not leave our side. :lol: my daughter doesn't really understand she said she wants a sister but I don't think she actually gets what's going on.

Ugh, off to work, wish me luck. Day from hell xxx

All the best starchild
I get my blood results today and call from doctor ... No more bleeding just really bad period cramps
Good luck for work today Starchild

I've woke up feeling sick but I also feel really down and depressed, I was on anti depressents but I stopped them a little while a go, I'm thinking it's the hormones that's making me feel like this, just hope it passes


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So apparently nothing can be done. I'm not yet dehydrated however I can't drink water which is very problematic. *eyeroll*

I just have to suffer. Anti sickness tablets aren't allowed to be prescribed before 12 weeks? (I got them before 12 weeks with my daughter... so don't know if this is a new thing?)

So gotta face work tomorrow with zero energy constant nausea and frequent vomiting. Yay! xxx

I can relate to how terrible you must be feeling Starchild... have you tried grating fresh ginger in some hot water...or a little lemon?
ANy of you have any food aversions.

the nausea has slacked off a bit and I haven't really been vomiting... I just have this constant 'distaste" in my mouth.

I'd be really craving something ....like yesterday it was strawberry milk shake - I had one the morning and it went down so deliciously and then when I asked hubby to get me another one... i could barely finish it.

The same with food - the IDEA of it seems so divine...and once it's made and in front of me I cannot stomach it!
No food aversions for me yet!
My blood results came back normal! Then they rang that they wanted to examine me in person.. so off I went to the hospital and had another internal scan and we could see the sac!! No foetus yet, but the sac was in the right place :) they want me back in 2 weeks to check up on it.. Feeling relieved
Great news T2186!

I have food aversions. Every type of food or drink that ISNT curry pickled onion monster much and cheesy bread makes me nauseas. Any drinks other than fresh orange make me nauseas.

Telling our parents tomorrow. Which I'd be more excited about if my brother hadn't beat me to it the other day. They're 4 weeks ahead of us with their new LO.

Hope everyone has a nice Friday xxx

Clover i feel your pain. I was on anti depressants since the birth of my son for PND. Stopped taking thwm when ingot my BFP as was paranoid they causes my MC last year. Have jad a rough few weeks but luckily have alot of support with my MW and still see my JV (22months down the line!) So shea been ace. Ive been advised ro start taking meds again when i feel i can and have bwwn referred for cbt as im not high risk for peri and post natal :(

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