*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Thanks both..I just haven't had a good feeling about this for ages to be honest. I don't have symptoms really.. and I did last time.

It so depressing..
I'm so sorry you're going through this TORino
I went through similar last year and it didn't work out ...but there are plenty of ladies on here who have had spotting and gone on to have healthy pregnancies

Sending you big hugs sweetie


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Hope you get some answers soon! xxxx

I'm exhausted, too. I'm in bed already, up at 6 which will technically be 5 yuck :lol: xxx

Hi, completely new to this site! Just found out today that I'm pregnant with my first baby! How exciting! Ill be due November 29th so I guess I only just make it in here 😊😊
TOrino I've had dark spotting for 2 weeks now and I have zero pregnancy symptoms. I've had blood work and scans done and I'm definitely pregnant! All pregnancies are different I've learnt, and I've learnt spotting can be completely normal! I know it's easier said than done than to try not stress because I know how you're feeling �� Have you got in touch with Epu?

I had to google what a White pram suit was �� finding all these clothing options very overwhelming. Maybe there's a book that explains everything? In fact does anyone have any tips on pregnancy books? Especially for dads lol..

Hope you're all well.. My dog got bitten by a viper snake yesterday and has had to stay over at the vets! So stressed for him but otherwise no pregnancy symptoms!
I heard the weather is beautiful in England right now so hope you're all enjoying the sunshine!!

Congrats rebeccaailsa!
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Happy Mothers Day Mummas!!!!!!!
Hope you all have fab days - yours beans appreciate you xxxxx
Happy Mother's Day ladies!

I have my early scan tomorrow morning. I'm excited but getting a bit more nervous the more I think about it since I've seen a few people still don't see heartbeats til a little bit later, but many still do! Xx
Happy Mothers day. Had a fantastic day at the mining museum with the kids and a lovely walk an ice cream. Got on the scales when I got home and upset myself I really wish I had kept off the weight but hey no. My mum altered some jeans and made them maternity ones for me which was lovely. So now I have 4 pair of pants ����. Xx
Awww the mining museum!! I used To live in Huddersfield I loved that museum!
Awww the mining museum!! I used To live in Huddersfield I loved that museum!

It's lovely, especially yesterday when we could go on the nature trail in the sunshine xx
Hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day. I spent most of mine at work but did have fun in the garden with LO when I finished.

Sickness has changed, haven't been sick for 2 whole days, and really only feel it in the evenings when I'm tired. So counting myself lucky! xxx

Welcome Rebeccaailsa, congrats on your BFP! xxx

My boobs today! I feel like ive jad a boob job! Have that day3 milk coming in engorgement pain. So bruised :(
I never really produce milk (no collosum at all) so I don't know the feeling but I'm guessing it's not nice. I just feel sick and in the shop a woman had super bad bo and I was almost sick in the middle of the store. Not nice xx
Redbear where do you live sweetie? I live near Huddersfield,

How's everyone? My symptoms have subsided so I'm a bit worried now


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Clover my sickness has eased (not totally but by a great deal) and I'm worried now too. Don't have any other symptoms at all. Don't feel pregnant either. :/ xxx

My sickness seems to aubside for a day or two then comw back with a vengenance!

Got my booking appt tomorrow :) well part2 of it xxx
How far are you? Xxx

6+2 today. Had my scan this morning and saw our tiny heartbeat! We both cried it was such a special moment. I nearly cried in the car on the way to the hospital just with nerves so we are so relieved! Sonographer said we were measuring just shy of 6 weeks but I'm not worried as I know they usually catch up by the next scan.

When we came out I asked the nurse about whether I could have another scan before 12 weeks as another 6 weeks is a long time to wait when you're nervous from when we lost at 8/9 weeks. She didn't really entertain the idea and said it will just be at 12 weeks now so will look into getting a private scan I think. Xx

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