*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Sorry Mayflower, I can't help. Perhaps make a post in the pregnancy chat if no one here can help?

I rang the midwife myself April, I was 6 weeks 4 days and I got my appt posted out to me that week.

T2186 I can't imagine why not, perhaps don't take both on the same day though don't want to OD lol

Rachel I go on the 5th :) xxx

Hi everyone, I feel like I've put on about two stone already because I can't stop eating. I'm getting nausea in waves now, fortunately no actual throwing up but then I didn't with the other three either - I have a sickness phobia so the nausea is bad enough for me!!

Someone asked about preggy pops?? I used them in my first pregnancy and they did help with the nausea but they leave a film on your tongue :( I live by polos and pear drops...

Got my booking in appt for 12th April, preparing myself for the 4th csection lecture! X
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Last week I had brown blood which lasted 3 days I now assume was implantation bleeding it stopped last week and not had any since. Today I could smell like a period blood smell on the toilet, grim I know, and when I wiped there was brown blood again and I have period like cramps.. I'm so stressed ���� im 5 weeks today
I still have no real symptoms. Hopefully it will be ok..

I'm crapping myself as I have been referred to breast clinic under 2 week rule so that is taking over everything else right now in my life. I got a bit of a shock when I went to gp on Friday.

Hope everyone else is ok..
Morning girls.
T216 I hope your bleeding stops soon. I hear brown blood is old blood? So it might be ok!
Claire I'm worried too because I havnt had any at all except for exhaustion at about 2/3 o'clock at work. I'm quite early though around 4+2 but I didn't even have any pregnancy symptoms before my BFP.
I had awful sickness last time round, which I don't hope for, but feel anxious that I have nothing.

TORino what is the two week rule? Hope everything is ok xx
Morning girls.
T216 I hope your bleeding stops soon. I hear brown blood is old blood? So it might be ok!
Claire I'm worried too because I havnt had any at all except for exhaustion at about 2/3 o'clock at work. I'm quite early though around 4+2 but I didn't even have any pregnancy symptoms before my BFP.
I had awful sickness last time round, which I don't hope for, but feel anxious that I have nothing.

TORino what is the two week rule? Hope everything is ok xx

Thanks xx the bleeding has stopped but I'm having period like cramps still.. Hopefully normal??
Hope you're okay TOrino xx
Torino hope your okay!

645am and i just had to have a glass of lemonade! You know when you just have to do something! I dont even really like lemonade plain!lol xx
Haha Claire I'm like that without being pregnant ����
Thanks ladies.. 2 week rule is investigation for cancer essentially. I can't have a mammogram due to radiation so will be having an ultrasound of my breast to see what's wrong with it.

Hopefully it will be nothing. I took an elbow to it in a game of netball in November and it's still hurting. I don't have a lump or anything like that. It's really not good for my stress levels though!
I've woke up and been sick for the first time....I never had morning sickness with my last pregnancy , but my baby stopped growing at 5 weeks, I'm 6+3 weeks so I'm hoping it's a good sign...feel so crap Though lol

How's everyone else?


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Try not to worry TORino, hope you're okay!

Sorry (and kinda glad in a way) to hear you're suffering with sickness Clover. Definitely a good sign. Mines ridiculous at the mo I'm struggling to do things and I'm dreading work. :(


Torino - please try not to worry. If it's just pain and no lump or anything to see then that doesn't actually even meet the two week rule criteria. And breast cancer very rarely hurts. Will often refer ladies with persistent pain for reassurance, but it's not generally considered a sign of possible cancer xxx
Gp said he couldn't feel anything sinister but it has been hurting for so long now. I think there is internal bruising or something like that. I don't have a lump but it feels a bit strange, hard to describe really.

And the pregnancy has meant quite bad pains in it over the past few weeks.

I don't think this pregnancy is going to work out either. :( I just don't feel pregnant!
Big hugs Torino, hope everything is okay


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Hi ladies...very very tentatively dipping my toe into Tri 1 - can I join in? Got my BFP on sunday after 7 months ☺ I am medical and have a autoimmune problem so I just think the worst is going to happen so am really nervous! My (hopefully!) due date is 22nd Nov which was the date I was due too! 5 weeks today and boobs sore (that's really how I knew in the first place) and nauseous but I did have a stomach bug at the weekend �� Excited for this! Hope we all have happy & healthy pregnancies - still not used to that word!! X
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TORino like someone else mentioned, pain is uncommon with breast cancer, however going to the clinic will help give you peace of mind.

I went (for the 2nd time) with pain & lumpiness (couldn't remember if it had been as lumpy the first time, and with the pain, I worried) I have BC in my family (mother/aunt/great aunt) and had to go get checked.

It turned out I have fibrocystic lumps (is that what they're called?) anyway they can cause pain when they're quite large & change size throughout monthly cycle.

There are non serious explanations for it, so try not to worry too much. Although I worried myself almost to death so I know telling you not to worry will do nothing! Big hugs though! xxx
Welcome kaypee and congrats on your BFP! :)

Good luck to you I hope everything goes smoothly!



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