*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

No food aversions for me yet!
My blood results came back normal! Then they rang that they wanted to examine me in person.. so off I went to the hospital and had another internal scan and we could see the sac!! No foetus yet, but the sac was in the right place :) they want me back in 2 weeks to check up on it.. Feeling relieved

Yay!!! I'm so happy for you!
Bit late to the party but I'm due 14/11....Day after my son's birthday so could be interesting!
I must admit I had a brief spell of depression last week and getting all kinds of intrusive thoughts such as whether I wanted the baby (I do.. more than anything)

So it could just be hormones, Hope you feel a little better soon, once the pregnancy has gotten past the yucky worrying stage and we start feeling kicks and such hopefully things will improve xxx

Congrats DeeDeeAbi :)

Oh what a birthday present. How old is your son? xxx

Congratulations DeeDeeabi lovely that you'll have birthdays close together

Claire I've suffered with depression for years but it got worse when I had the miscarriage last year, I suppose it may be due to hormones, I desperately want this baby and I shouldn't feel like this but I just feel down , I'm going to speak to my Midwife about it when I see her for my booking appointment

Starchild, I think hormones can be to blame also when you're feeling constantly sick it really doesn't help your mood lol

My sickness had been awful today, and I also feel really weak and exausted ...yay the fun of tri 1 ;)


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No food aversions for me yet!
My blood results came back normal! Then they rang that they wanted to examine me in person.. so off I went to the hospital and had another internal scan and we could see the sac!! No foetus yet, but the sac was in the right place :) they want me back in 2 weeks to check up on it.. Feeling relieved
So glad everything is looking good sweetie :)


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Welcome deedeeabi!

Sorry to hear some of you ladies are feeling low..

I've been to breast clinic today, breast was scanned and is normal so that's a relief, but they don't know what the pain is essentially which is worrying me a bit. But at least it's not breast cancer! I have to go back in 10 weeks as I'm pregnant.

Hopefully I can chill out a bit now.. still don't feel particularly pregnant. I'm just tired really..
Yay for all the good news ladies!!!!!!

I ate mcdonalds at lunch! I really really fancied it!
I normally feel sick by this time and dont so panicking. But sure its fine xxx
Perhaps they're worrying about the baby redbear. Sounds daft but my dogs been the same, clingy is an understatement he will not leave our side. :lol: my daughter doesn't really understand she said she wants a sister but I don't think she actually gets what's going on.

Ugh, off to work, wish me luck. Day from hell xxx

Yeah I'm sure it is, although she seems excited for the baby she is super clingy. Her sister is fine just excited but she is my eldest and had a younger one anyway.

Bought my first pair of maternity pants today. Bloat fat whatever it is o can not cope with pants pushing on my stomach. So I was down to one pair of pants I could wear lol xx
Thanks all, same to you guys! My son is only 16 months...Bit scared of the small(ish) age gap!!
All my symptoms have gone!
Well other than sore boobs and needing too pee.
I hate the sickness but at least its a good sign. Now im back to being an anxious mess 😢
Thanks all, same to you guys! My son is only 16 months...Bit scared of the small(ish) age gap!!

I had a 14 month gap with my first two. It is hard work but worth it. And now they are almost 4 and 5 they keep each other occupied mostly. Xx
I bought a little white pram suit in Boots today... Couldn't resist! £24, down to £12, down to £8. My daughter was a summer baby so I don't really have any new born size winter clothes. It's so cute!
That's good to hear Redbear!! Hope my two have a good bond. Cute Mayflower- I don't dare buy anything yet but I annoyingly keep seeing loads of cute stuff in the sale! Got loads of stuff from my little boy stashed away, watch this one be a girl and I'll have to fork out for more stuff! Although I reckon this one is a boy too- just a hunch x
I keep seeing clothes, too! Don't wanna tempt fate though.

Well today has been a good day sickness wise managed breakfast (banana and grapes) dinner (bread roll BUT with cheese...) and an ice cream :) It's been a lot less nausea / sickness which I'm so pleased about. It's hit now though but I'm exhausted, so putting it down to that.

Hope everyone else is well!

We told our parents today, both are excited! xxx

No buying clothes for me. :(

Likely this is turning bad. I have brown spotting, past experience tells me this is not good news. Ffs, I wish someone would cut me a break. I've had so much stress in my life over the pat 6 months, this would have been something nice to look forward to.. but no it seems that's too much to ask. Feeling despondent right now.

I'm going to have a scan I think.. my body isn't great at recognising when it isn't working out and likes to hold onto things and if it's not going to happen this time I want it dealing with asap.
So sorry TORino, :( fingers crossed this will all be harmless & everything will work out. Hugs xxx

Torono fingers crossed all is okay. I had pain and spotting a few weeks back and all was fine.

Im so exhausted. All the time. Life is such hard work!

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