*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Hi ladies...very very tentatively dipping my toe into Tri 1 - can I join in? Got my BFP on sunday after 7 months ☺ I am medical and have a autoimmune problem so I just think the worst is going to happen so am really nervous! My (hopefully!) due date is 22nd Nov which was the date I was due too! 5 weeks today and boobs sore (that's really how I knew in the first place) and nauseous but I did have a stomach bug at the weekend �� Excited for this! Hope we all have happy & healthy pregnancies - still not used to that word!! X

Hey my mum has an auto immune disease (it attacked her lungs) and she had three healthy babies me included at 9lb 11oz!
I will say she told me she got huge with a lot of water and they thought she had pre eclampsia but no protein showed up. She said now they know more about auto immune she thinks it wasn't pre eclampsia that made her swell she thinks it was her immune system working in overdrive and producing extra protection. Anyway it's just a theory but wouldn't that be good if you where extra protected! Xxx
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Feeling a little sick today, and a lot stressed. Had an issue with school shoes and sports direct (2 days and the leather has peeled off and won't give an exchange. Also leather shouldn't peel) and then next doors dog was howling from 7am which is fine I get up at 7.15 anyway but then it had escaped and was growling and barking at the kids on the opposite side of me so they couldn't get out of the house. So called the dog warden to come fetch it (couldn't get near it without risking a bite) And by the time they got here the dog haf lefy the garden so my husband had chased it home (with the car) and shut it back in. So now I look like I've wasted their time. Although the lock has snapped so it could get back out when it wants.
Just need to relax really and I don't seem to be able to xxx
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Hey ladies

Haven't been in here since last week.

Morning sickness has been kicking my butt since the weekend. I thought I was free of it this time around (with my 11st one I had none, 2nd one was nausea and vomiting for from 6 - 12 weeks - with my MC last October I was constantly nauseous and vomiting and nothing tasted right).

ANd every day roundabout 3 I am so sleepy it's not even funny!

Luckily for me I get a hours lunch so if I feel that way I can go take a nap and yesterday was a public holiday here in SA - so I could at least relax. - I had to ask my mom though if my faerie could sleep over, because she had taken a nap the afternoon and I know when that happens she goes to sleep quite late again & I had no energy - (i haven't told any one else yet - just hubby and myself till we go for our first scan next month) - and told my mom I think I had gastro - I felt bad and a little guilty though.

Sleep has become a luxury for me too... I can't seem to sleep for a long stretch and that is what tires me out even more.

Af or the morning sickness it got so bad yesterday I had to go get something from the chemist - just so that I could have abit of energy! ... Anyone hear of EXEM syrup - it seems to be helping a bit though. I've also read that some essential oils such as peppermint / lemon and lavender is good... has anyone heard about this or given it a try?
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Has anyone had a constant niggle on one side which hasn't resulted in mc ? It's really getting me down I feel like it's getting stronger... It feels like you know when you're on a roller coaster and drop down really fast and have that butterfly feeling - it's like that on one side... I just need to hear it's normal. I'm driving myself insane. I have zero pregnancy symptoms I feel like I'm having an ectopic. I've just had my blood taken and again on Friday and will speak to a doctor on the phone on Friday. Just doesn't feel right...
Has anyone had a constant niggle on one side which hasn't resulted in mc ? It's really getting me down I feel like it's getting stronger... It feels like you know when you're on a roller coaster and drop down really fast and have that butterfly feeling - it's like that on one side... I just need to hear it's normal. I'm driving myself insane. I have zero pregnancy symptoms I feel like I'm having an ectopic. I've just had my blood taken and again on Friday and will speak to a doctor on the phone on Friday. Just doesn't feel right...

I'm sorry that you going through this and can't say anything. but what I wanted to ask is - could you possibly try and get hold of your doc before Friday? And I'm sure it was an ectopic or if you were miscarrying and he could see by your bloods, he would have called you back.
Try and give him a call.
Has anyone had a constant niggle on one side which hasn't resulted in mc ? It's really getting me down I feel like it's getting stronger... It feels like you know when you're on a roller coaster and drop down really fast and have that butterfly feeling - it's like that on one side... I just need to hear it's normal. I'm driving myself insane. I have zero pregnancy symptoms I feel like I'm having an ectopic. I've just had my blood taken and again on Friday and will speak to a doctor on the phone on Friday. Just doesn't feel right...

I'm sorry that you going through this and can't say anything. but what I wanted to ask is - could you possibly try and get hold of your doc before Friday? And I'm sure it was an ectopic or if you were miscarrying and he could see by your bloods, he would have called you back.
Try and give him a call.

Thanks for replying 💜 Yeah I rang them and told them everything and explained I had a sample done this morning but she couldn't see any result on the system yet and just said if I pass clots or get stabbing pains to go into a&e
I have niggles and i also have heart palpitations which feel like the drop on the roller coaster. Palpitations are common in early pg.
Try not to worry. Like the others hwve said can you get in before friday?
T2186 I have a right sided pain, mines just below the level of my belly button. Not sure if that's the same?

I'm going to try and see a doctor tomorrow as my sickness is getting worse, can't keep anything down other than bread, and must be dehydrated. I'm miserable. :( xxx

I had a haemorrage after my lg. About 700-800mls. I was also induced due to reduced movements....am I likely to be consultant led?!?!
I had a haemorrage after my lg. About 700-800mls. I was also induced due to reduced movements....am I likely to be consultant led?!?!

I replied to your other post... I had a PPH during my EMCS with my daughter, lost 1800mls and had a blood transfusion. I had a miscarriage in Sept, lost 1200mls.

For this reason and the EMCS I've been referred to the consultant, and they'll decide whether they continue to see me or not. I'll see the midwife too.
I have an appointment at 9am about my sickness; hopefully get some relief before work tomorrow. xxx

No sickness as of yet but heartburn has started. And tums are like eating chalk so I'm going to look for something better today. Xx
So apparently nothing can be done. I'm not yet dehydrated however I can't drink water which is very problematic. *eyeroll*

I just have to suffer. Anti sickness tablets aren't allowed to be prescribed before 12 weeks? (I got them before 12 weeks with my daughter... so don't know if this is a new thing?)

So gotta face work tomorrow with zero energy constant nausea and frequent vomiting. Yay! xxx

I feel for you Starchild, I've started with sickness this week and I feel awful, I work full time and I'm struggling, what do you work as sweetie?


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I work in admin/stocking systems but it's also a lot of walking about, and I have to work with figures.

I feel like I have to be really ill before anything will get done. I said I'm struggling looking after my daughter and working & basically told to get on with it.

Just feel like crying. xxx

Starchild there is no reason you can't have anti sickness AT ALL!!!! Who did you see?
I seen a nurse in the primary care centre. (Couldn't get in GP til next week and back at work tomorrow)

My GP gave me tablets when I was pregnant with my daughter and it was a month before my 12 week scan so pretty much same time.

I've got awful pains in my stomach too, not sure if it's baby related or from not eating / drinking enough. :( xxx

She really should have given you something - does your gp do phone appointments or emergency appointments? As a doc I'd never not give someone something even for just nausea! Yeh its prob from not eating but thats ok for a bit as long as you can keep water down and are passing enough urine. Did she dip your urine? Pains could be from vomiting so much too x
Emergency appointments usually get sent over to primary care centre. :/

That's the thing I can't drink water the thought of it makes me sick, if I try drinking it I'm sick, all I can drink is fresh orange juice and even that's just sips & it just came back up now.

No she checked my heart rate, blood pressure and temperature all of which were fine. xxx

She shouldve dipped your urine. Can you call out of hours?

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