*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Oh god morning sickness has officially kicked in :(

I didn't get it with my pregnancy last year but with all my others I did so hoping it's a good sign


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Hi ladies another one joining in! I got my bfp with our rainbow last week. Can I be put down for 18th please? :) x
Redbear I'm also healthy eating trying to maintain my weight, I've lost 3 stone and it's slowly creeping back on I'm half a stone heavier than I was at Christmas but I'm constantly hungry

Welcome new mummies :D


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Was meant to be starting slimming wold today (or at least starting back - been off the band wagon for so long) but I've been far too busy with moving house and sorting out our old house.

Finding it so hard to keep it to myself - I have two close friends who've just announced their around 15wks and my SIL has just announced she's 12wks... we have agreed not to say anything until we've had our scan but it's so hard!

Welcome to the ladies who've joined us today!

I lost 4 stone last year, but gained 2 of them back :roll:
But feel so huge now I'm super bloated but I just look fat so I'm going to have to slow down. I ate 2 after 8s last night so that's good as it's on a night I stuff my face.
I don't want to loose weight but I'm just been silly eating KFC and burgers just for the sake of it.

I'm starving now lol xx
I've had a stressful morning....8'
The niggle in my right side had gotten stronger so I rang gynaecology (that's who you ring here, EPU doesn't exist :() and I was in the phone queue for one hour!
When it was finally my turn I explained my symptoms that I've had this niggle in my right side since the time of what I believe was implantation and I've had dark brown bleeding the last 3 days... I honestly thought they'd either book me in tomorrow or see me next week but she said 'can you come asap' !! panic mode!!! so I drove as fast I could to the hospital, crying like a baby because this isn't my country and I miss england haha!!
They did an internal scan and like a lady commented, they couldn't see anything... I don't know what to think now.. they obviously can't rule out an ectopic because its too early.. I'm doing some blood tests next week then a doctor is going to ring me on friday.. sigh ..what a dramatic morning!
I've had a stressful morning....8'
The niggle in my right side had gotten stronger so I rang gynaecology (that's who you ring here, EPU doesn't exist :() and I was in the phone queue for one hour!
When it was finally my turn I explained my symptoms that I've had this niggle in my right side since the time of what I believe was implantation and I've had dark brown bleeding the last 3 days... I honestly thought they'd either book me in tomorrow or see me next week but she said 'can you come asap' !! panic mode!!! so I drove as fast I could to the hospital, crying like a baby because this isn't my country and I miss england haha!!
They did an internal scan and like a lady commented, they couldn't see anything... I don't know what to think now.. they obviously can't rule out an ectopic because its too early.. I'm doing some blood tests next week then a doctor is going to ring me on friday.. sigh ..what a dramatic morning!

I'm so sorry you are having such a stressfull time and can understand how hard it must be being away from home.
Keeping my fx'd that everything is ok and that it's just baby burrowing in deeper (hugs)
Clover my GP told me morning sickness is a great sign and those with morning sickness have less risk of miscarriage.

Welcome April4415 congrats on your rainbow baby! :)

Hope you're okay T2186!

Work has been so difficult, I could smell people, yuk, and I'm absolutely exhausted. Bed at ridiculous o clock again tonight! xxx

Hello ladies, thought i'd just check in with you lovelies as I kind of went AWOL. I don't want to dampen the mood of the thread and I really hope all you wonderful lot are doing brilliantly. but just wanted to give you (who remember me from the start of the thread lol) an update on us.

So as some of you know already, I found out I was pregnant on Saturday 25th Feb… obviously was over the moon. Went to GP the following Wednesday, got referred for midwife etc (woulda been 5 weeks on that Wednesday 1st march), on the Thursday started spotting – long story short then just went downhill from there. Was at A + E on the Sunday (5th April), they couldn’t tell me much so referred me to the early pregnancy unit. Went there on the Tuesday (7th) for bloods, bloods were showing a low level of the pregnancy hormone, so again they couldn’t really confirm much, had to go back in 48 hours for more bloods, in that time I’d got worse and lost more blood etc – my bloods showed the hormone level dropping – so they confirmed we were losing the baby. Had to go back after another 48 hours to make sure the levels carried on decreasing – they didn’t, they got higher – which is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy… went back on Monday to see if my level is coming down and had a scan, scan showed there was no sign of a normal pregnancy left, but my hormone was still rising (gradually, which is deffo the sign of ectopic) – so basically they had me come back in on Monday to see a senior doctor who confirmed it is a ‘pregnancy of unknown location’ – which is basically like a 1% chance of that happening!?! Ffs. I’m not in any immediate danger as such, but I am going to be closely monitored as they are hopeful my hormone level will just come down on its own as my body gets rid of the pregnancy – if it doesn’t then they may have to intervene, either a drug or worst worst case scenario keyhole surgery – potentially even removal of a fallopian tube. Really hoping it doesn’t come to that. Just devastated really and in shock. It was hard enough dealing with a regular miscarriage, but now the loom of this is just the worst L hoping it resolves on its own and that there is minimal lasting damage and we can go on to conceive normally. just trying to keep my mind occupied whilst resting?!!? L just so sad. Because I'm still 'pregnant' too, i'm still suffering my symptoms which is just making things worse in my head really! Nightmare. I've had my fair share of medical issues over the years and I'm always 'the strong one' - but this is testing my strength thats for sure!
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Good to hear from you!

So sorry, I can't begin to imagine what an awful time you're going through. Devastated for you.

Sending you my love and hope that all this resolves like you say with minimal lasting damage. And I hope you go on to have a beautiful little baby really soon! xxxxx

Oh hun, that really sucks, I'm soo sorry that you are having to go through such a stressful time. I really hope that everything resolves itself and there is no need for any medical intervention.

Sending you massive hugs and healing thoughts

Oh no im so saddened to read this, i hope that your better soon and that surgery isnt needed. virtual love and hugs xxx
Sickness is back. I've barely eaten all day and now I'm starving. Feel like going downstairs and gorging on tinned spaghetti (haha)

no sickness just stomach pains all the time. starting to worry but im sure its normal xx
So I've just ate a tin of spaghetti. Haha

I've got pains too I get like a bruised feeling just to the side of my belly button. xx

Sorry to read about the sad news..:( fingers crossed the next bit is as simple as it can be xxx

I've got some annoying cramps going on.. and my mouth keeps watering and I'm belching. It's a bit gross tbh.. other than that I don't feel pregnant. Boobs are not really hurting any more either.
Babyflo i was literally just wondering what happened with you. So so sorry your going through all this and i really hope you feel better soon and get your rainbow! 😘

I tend to feel.most sicky on an evening, not actually been sick yet which is good as i was horrific with my little boy! The pains in my stomach are ao bad! I know its all growing / stretchyness but ouch!!!!
Got my 12wks scan date througj - we adding these to dront page?? Andway its 24th april :) eeekkkk
But agesssss away! So a long ass wait there
Thank you ladies, I'll try and pop back and update <3 got my '7 week' progress email today from Emma's diary, like a knife to the bloody gut :(
Wishing you all the best luck in the world xxxx
Thank you ladies, I'll try and pop back and update <3 got my '7 week' progress email today from Emma's diary, like a knife to the bloody gut :(
Wishing you all the best luck in the world xxxx

I'm sorry to hear about your sad news, take care of yourself &#128156;&#128156;&#128156;&#128156;

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