I've had a stressful morning....8'
The niggle in my right side had gotten stronger so I rang gynaecology (that's who you ring here, EPU doesn't exist

) and I was in the phone queue for one hour!
When it was finally my turn I explained my symptoms that I've had this niggle in my right side since the time of what I believe was implantation and I've had dark brown bleeding the last 3 days... I honestly thought they'd either book me in tomorrow or see me next week but she said 'can you come asap' !! panic mode!!! so I drove as fast I could to the hospital, crying like a baby because this isn't my country and I miss england haha!!
They did an internal scan and like a lady commented, they couldn't see anything... I don't know what to think now.. they obviously can't rule out an ectopic because its too early.. I'm doing some blood tests next week then a doctor is going to ring me on friday.. sigh ..what a dramatic morning!