*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

I'm with spallerina I'll be using a baby sling for majority of our outings. Although my daughter will have just turned three so slightly older.

Lovely bump btw :lol: I'm a bit like that sometimes I said to OH can't wait to tell people so then they don't think I'm just fat :lol: my pj top doesn't quite go down the the trousers now haha

I remember feeling bloated with my daughter, and I did briefly this time but it's gone, and so has the nausea. I lost the last baby between 6 & 7 weeks, I'm so worried that this one has gone. I don't feel pregnant at all now.
Mayflower85 my nausea had lessened so much compared to Monday I've been having the same worry. Whilst I'm glad it's easing I'm also wondering why...

Anyone else got hip pain? Like my actual hip joint hurts. :( xxx

Has the Facebook friend request comment gone? I can't seem to find it.

Looks like it.
I feel sooooo bloated!
So glad i booked this week off work. In seriously hanging! Xx
No sickness still just so tired. Also I've come out in a rash on my back, went to the go and it's an allergic reaction but christ knows what it's to. Glad it's nothing major though.

We have a corsa and won't be swapping with three kids. I love the little car and tbh the bigger cars we had didn't have much if any extra width for the seats. I love that car.
I'll be using a pram with sling occasionally. I found the sling hurt my back a lot so I may venture to the sling library when the time comes and check out a better one for me xxx
Heartburn is killing me tonight! I dont plan on getting a double. Besr will be 2yrs 9mths, if i went out with them both alone hed be in the stroller and baby in sling or thinking of maybe getting one of those sit down buggy boards xxx
redbear could it be it hives? I got this when I was pregnant with my daughter, triggered by the cold. It never went away I've still got it now. xxx

My daughter will be nearly 2 years 6 months when the baby is due, i probably won't bother with a double but have thought about a buggy board.
I would love to try a baby sling!! are they easy to get the hang of?? Where is a good place to learn about them?

the niggle has died down in my right side and now i have more of a period cramp feel, brown blood has also died down and is replaced with stretchy mucus... I don't know if that's positive??

When does the tiredness kick in? it's 2245 here and I've just finished work and I'm wide awake and have trouble sleeping... despite my 1 cup coffee :(

Sweet dreams!!!
Starchild, who knows the Dr said allergy but to.go back if they don't go. Just have to wait and see lol.
T2186 some areasort have a sling library you can go try them on and learn about which one is best for you xx
Welcome to November roxyroo! We're very friendly here :)

You've all put my mind at ease about the double pushchair issue - have been trawling eBay all day working out the cost.

Still need to persuade the oh that our mondeo is fine sizewise.

I have a 2013 Focus, I'm not planning on getting rid, plenty of room for two.
Hi everyone!
Just found out today were expecting- should be late November!
Thought I'd pop by and say hi, wondering if any mums have young babies too??
My LO is 1 in a couple of weeks!
Just catching up with the reading...well my youngest is 8 already so I have to start all over again!!! With her I used a kangol carrier otherwise it was a travel system. her last mode of transport before she got too big was a Mclaren stroller ...oh how I loved that stroller!

we had a Conquest before up until a month ago - and upgraded to an Audi Station Wagon - due to our already big blended family (I have two and hubby has two) - It was a good call...cause now we are adding number 5 to the mix!
That's what they said mine was, it was before I'd even tested positive so it didn't even occur to me it. But once I found I out I looked online and it's quite common.

Yeah there's a sling library comes here too, and we're a tiny little town in the middle of no where so everyone will no doubt have one lol

I'm so tired this morning. Up 6am to work for 7am. I feel sick & I'm just dreading it.

We're having our 2nd and it's gonna be our last so no need for a bigger car really, although OH wants a bigger one anyway. I'll leave it to him as I don't drive yet, although I'm wanting to learn before baby is here.

Welcome Hope1992 and roxyroo! Congrats on your BFPs :) xxx

Aww gutted I don't live in England anymore.. I moved to a small town in Sweden 2.5 years ago... Doubt there's any sling libraries here!

Aww Starchild hope you feel better soon! <3
Maybe who knows! I don't know the cause but it will be fine. Starting a diet today (well not a diet healthy eating) because since my bfp I've been fulfilling my every whim and I need to stop I'm always hungry and always want rubbish.
Welcome new mums xx

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