*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

So sorry you're going through this babyflo, I've been wondering how you were doing. Be gentle with yourself, huge hugs xxx
So sorry babyflo, you're being so strong. I really wish you the most luck in the world. <3

My nausea is bad today. LO is at school and I've got back into bed which is unusual for me, but I've got a family meal tonight & work at 7am tomorrow & then out tomorrow night too so I need all my rest. My sickness is worse when I'm tired so that's maybe why you feel worse in the evening?

I've added scan date to front page. Not got mine through yet, booking in appt is April 5th though.

I've got my seabands on to see if they do any good. xxx

I have already used the on antibiotics excuse last week for a party I was going to. This week it's another birthday party and I know they will all click if I say it again. They know I love vodka haha. So me and my dh are hiding all weekend and claiming we are at the caravan with the kids when really the kids are with my mum and dad at the caravan. Xx
Claire2606, what did you see at your scan? I'm trying to book a private one for the weekend, I'll be 7 weeks I think.
redbear That's a great plan! Lol I can get away with not drinking tonight as I'm up at 6am tomorrow for work, but tomorrow night I need an excuse! Can't even pretend to drink in case someone buys me one :lol:


redbear That's a great plan! Lol I can get away with not drinking tonight as I'm up at 6am tomorrow for work, but tomorrow night I need an excuse! Can't even pretend to drink in case someone buys me one :lol:


It's hard because I normally never miss a party so they will think it's weird anyway. I'm gutted I'm not going but my husband says I'll hate it if I go and I'm sober... I don't agree I can have fun without drink!

Imy feeling huge today and bloated. Im going to have a sleep when the kids have set off hahaha xx
I feel really bloated and my clothes feel uncomfortable. I weighed myself today thinking I must have been on loads, but my weight is the same as before, so it must just be bloat. Scan booked for tomorrow. So nervous and apprehensive already.
Having fun without drink is one thing, being surrounded by drunk people when you're sober is something else haha

My app today says this week (week 7) is not uncommon for bump to show in 2nd/3rd etc pregnancies!

Good luck in your scan tomorrow Mayflower85. xxx

I'm on a diet of wotsits, digestive biscuits and fresh orange juice. Wonder if they'll serve that up at the meal later? *eyeroll* xxx

What apps does everyone have/use?! I have the bounty one atm
haha just had KFC the diet is going badly.

its my 3rd but i dont think its bump its my fat belly lol.

i can feel it though. feel less tired this afternoon. ive been ready for bed at 4pm xx
I use the ovia app!

I have zero pregnancy symptoms other than period like cramps and sensitive boobs in 4+3 :( I want to feel pregnant! No more right sided pain and no more bleeding :) having my bloods done next week to rule out ectopic...

Hope you're all well xx
I use baby bump, it's really good can store bump pics, has a reminder for appointments, can search and save baby names, and gives Day by day & week by week info on pregnancy.

I had a cheese burger this evening at the meal and it tasted awful, had to smother it in piri piri sauce lol

Ah we wish for symptoms and when we get em, ugh! Lol xxx

OK I'm huge. This isn't right I'm guessing it's bloat from the KFC. My stomach is double it's usual fat size.
Think I may be a November mummy too... shaking isn't the word...


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Welcome :) :)

Spd is starting to kick in, the outer thigh and hip pain is so so bad i cant sleep on the one side. I was hoping this wouldbt start rill alot later on but nonsuch luck hey. Totally killed me last time :(
Claire I completely sympathise, mine is also starting to kick in. Have you seen a chiropractor at all? Last pregnancy mine was the only reason I could still walk. Much better that the physio I saw, who told me there was nothing they could do and that I just had to put up with the pain...


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