*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!


Still don't quite believe it obviously!
Hope u ladies are enjoying the ride so far, bring on the symptoms! Xx

Still don't quite believe it obviously!
Hope u ladies are enjoying the ride so far, bring on the symptoms! Xx

Massive congratulations!!! How far along are you? :)

Thanks Hun!

Well I believe I'm 12DPO so I am going to guess at 4 weeks Monday coming! Only found out this morning!
Didn't expect such a strong line if I'm honest!!

Congrats babyno2!

I'm been feeling like total crap last few days, nausea much worse, completely wading-through-treacle exhausted. Hoping this is al positive, getting increasingly anxious about scan on Tuesday.
Congrats Babyno2x!

How old is your first child? Mine will be 3 in September. :)

Claire what exactly is SPD? I've got an awful pain where my hip socket is. It hurts when I walk but worse when I walk upstairs or downstairs.

Sickness has been bad today too, home from work now and hoping to grab a nap before tonight.

Hope all went well Mayflower xxx

One little baby with a heatbeat, measuring 6+6 with a due date of 5/11/17! What a relief.
It was the same sonographer who told me the last baby had no heartbeat, I couldn't look at the screen I was so nervous. Thankfully everything was looking ok. Just hope the little one hangs on!
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Ahhh mayflower thats fab news!!!!!! Same date as me :)

Spd is horrific! Its pain in the pelvic area and its hurts to move. Gets worse as the baby gets bigger but its all to do with the bones and ligaments softening to move.
I was on crutches by 30weeks with my LB so dreading this time with a 2yr old!
Oh no. It sounds awful! I really hope this isn't what I've got. I had irritable hip as a kid & it's exactly what this feels like..

Great news Mayflower! :)

I'm exhausted, ready for bed & I'd be going too if I didn't have to go out tonight.

Hope you all have a nice evening. xxx

Hi starchild!
Mine will be 4 in August, starts school in September *sob* lol xx
I feeling very very sick 😷😢
Why am doing this again??? Shprt term pain....long term aim! I think! Lol xxx
Hi everyone, can I come in? :)

Current due date of 16/11 with baby #4, I must be crazy!! Xx
How/when are you all planning to announce your pregnancy to the world then ladies? I want to do something a little bit different but have no ideas! Xx
I had spd with the first but strangely not with the second. Hopefully I'll miss it this time. Still no symptoms this morning but a belly. I went to the party in the end just drank cola no one noticed I wasn't pouring vodka home for 10pm with a kebab. Our friend saw me and my dh in town so couldn't claim we where on holiday.
Welcome everyone who is new.
April i bought a babygrow that says "baby of house redbear" (but my last name) from game of thrones. I'm planning to post a picture of it in some way.
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