*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

I've not told my Gp yet, am waiting to get my mortgage offer before I do. Am 6 weeks on wednesday,

Very little in the way of symptoms here, but am starting to get some pain in my hips. I had very severe PGP (or Spd, whichever you prefer) in my last pregnancy. I have order really hard to strengthen my core and loose weight before I fell pregnant again in the hope that would help prevent the PGP coming back. But nope! 😂 already in pain, am now dreading how bad it is going to get. Have a chiropractor appointment for a week on Friday, so that will help.

I had horrific spd aswell babe so feel your pain. Im dreading it with a toddler this time xx
Yep, completely dreading it, especially as Lexi is very clingy to me at the moment, it's constant "mummy carry" currently :wall2::wall2::wall2:

Downloaded the Ovia pregnancy app today which has told me I'm 6wkeeks pregnant and that baby is already the size of a ladybird!

Will be booking in with the GP in the next week or so.
Good luck for your scan today Claire, what time is it at?

Still got backache but no other symptoms. ..boobs a bit sore but nothing major


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Girls..........theres a tweny tiny baby in there with a heartbeat 😍
Hi :)

I guess I've made it over to the first trimester thread!

I am 4 weeks today, still no sign of AF and still BFP!
I've not had any symptoms, however, I've had some dark brown spotting :( I got my BFP on saturday 11po and my spotting started 2 days ago, a couple of ladies on the other am i pregnant thread say its completely normal so I feel a bit better, it's all i can think about though..
Congratulations Claire brilliant news! :)

I made my booking appt today; will receive it in the post soon. Got my green notes already! Starting to feel real. :)

Congrats T2186!

Yeah, most likely, with it being brown it sounds like old blood from implantation. Try not to worry! xxx

Wonderful news Claire, you must be so relieved!

Hope everyone is doing ok, I've been lurking the last few days, feels like forever to wait for my scan next week. Boobs now killing me though so helps reassure me a little. I'm daring to think everything might be ok, which then scares me as I worry I'll come crashing down even harder if something goes wrong.

Returned to work after five weeks off yesterday, only working half days to start with. My son has decided to treat me to particularly sleep deprived nights just to help ease me back in������
Brilliant news clare.. hope you will take some relief from it.

I still have no symptoms. :(

Trying not to be paranoid about it. Also.. In my quest to forget I'm pregnant I have continued my life as normal which has involved going skiing at Xscape, playing netball and HIIT sessions daily. I'm now paranoid I have caused something bad to happen!! I hate tri 1..
Yeah can defo relax abit. Theyve pushed me back to 6wks. Lmo put me at 7 but i edpected that as i know i ovulated late its going to be a long ass 6wks to the scan! Xx
I am findig myself boiling hot all the time. Dread being pregnant in the summer...
Awww yay, so pleased for you Clare.

Am currently feeling soo nauseous, my stomach is churning. I hate this feeling! Off to the pharmacy for some sickness bands tomorrow! (willing to give them a try, can't hurt after all)

Rachelb, me too, I'm always warm, so dreading how hot I'll feel when it's August and I'm 6 months pregnant! Portable fans all round... 😂

I am 4+1 today and I still have a niggle in my right side, it's not painful but its there, is that normal? It's already implanted.. could it be an ectopic? I still have dark brown spotting, this is the third day.. AF due tomorrow.. I'm deff pregnant my tests are getting stronger and I did a digital one too.. according to LMP and ovia app I'm due November 21st!
Sorry, I'm completely new to this and im scared! Where do I go if I want to ask stupid questions like this? I dont wanna post in the wrong place.. thanks :)
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No such thing as a stupid question hun! We are all in the same boat and have concerns and worries that only other pregnant ladies can understand!

The niggle sounds normal it is probably just ligaments stretching to make room for baby. The spotting could just be left over from implantation, the fact it is brown is a good thing.

Morning girls.

T2186, I would try not to worry, ectopic pregnancies are extremely painful in most cases, but if you're concerned ring up the GP & explain your worries.

I did experience a type of stitch like/ stingy pain though at the side almost where my ovaries are, this time and with my daughter.

I'd take the darkening tests as a good sign but I would definitely let someone know about about the spotting. If only to ease your worries somewhat. xxx

Emmajaine I'm feeling the nausea, too. Literally from the second I wake up until I go to bed. Only been sick twice tho, so taking that as a blessing. I have the sickness bands, they didn't work last time but gonna try again anyway.

I almost bought something for baby yesterday, went into Next, but I bottled it & got my daughter some new clothes instead. Don't think I'll be buying until 12 weeks again.. xxx

Thanks Emmajaine & Starchild, how far are you both? It's interesting to hear everyones symptoms even though most of you feel a bit nauseous!

I rang the midwife yesterday because of the dark spotting ( I live in Sweden, the system is a bit different here) she said it could be normal but could also be a miscarriage... so that was nice to hear lol she said if the bleeding worsens to contact gynaecology... I didn't have the niggle yesterday for the first time after what I think was implantation, but before that I've had this niggle for 1,5 weeks now. It's definitely not painful so that's a relief..

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