***November 2016 Mummies***

Hi Schell, We are due on the same day! Exciting. How are you feeling ? Today has been mostly lower back pain, cramps, bleeding and headaches. I'm due an early scan on Monday afternoon to check everything is well. I'm hoping it's just implantation and stretching Xx
So after bleeding and back cramps since yesterday morning I called out of hours. I was taken in to hospital for tests and send home after 3 hours of waiting to be told all results negative. The lady nurse even came across as if I was mad. She said your body can trick you into believing it's pregnant.. I asked what about the positive tests?? I walked out of A&E feeling really confused and full of mixed emotions. Since arriving home the bleeding has stopped almost instantly but the cramps still remain. This is my first miscarriage so in shock but can't help but feel a lack of after care from the hospital today.

Wishing all you November Mummy's the best of luck!! Xxx
So sorry to hear this penguinmumma xx take care of yourself. Miscarriage is devastating xx
Thanks so much for the kind messages! I'm still feeling so strange - didn't help that out celebratory nandos ended in food poisoning for oh and I! Hoping bean is ok (neverending!)

Today nausea has started kicking in (with cramps which are quite uncomfortable) so planned for a nice quiet day... Only to get a burst pipe under the kitchen floor meaning our water had to be shut off! Had to have showers at the in laws - think hubby managed to fix it now though. I just went shopping all day instead....

Penguinmumma - bleeding didn't last long... Did they do blood tests or dip test? A miscarriage is normally a very heavy version of period (mine was sudden heavy and 10 days)... I'm really sorry that you're going through this :( hope you're OK xx
Can I join here please? Just got my BFP for baby #2 and am due 22nd November :wave:


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Congrats birdie those are definite BFPS :D. How old is number 1? My daughter is 11 months! X
Thanks ladies! :) My son is 2.5yrs old Prettypee - I can't believe you have an 11mo, I knew I needed a big age gap! Congratulations to you all & wishing everyone a wonderful 9 months.
So how're everyone's anxiety levels doing? Mine are a bit up and down. How nice it would be to just be like 'yep, I'm pregnant' and just bask in the glory until the 12w scan xx
So how're everyone's anxiety levels doing? Mine are a bit up and down. How nice it would be to just be like 'yep, I'm pregnant' and just bask in the glory until the 12w scan xx

Mine have been awful, the the point that I'm currently signed off work. Rescue remedy is helping, as is meditation apps. I'm nowhere near as bad now so 1 more week then back to normal. I'm currently 6+4 which is the longest I've ever been pregnant so it's really calmed down now - especially as we saw a heartbeat on Friday!! The first time we've seen one!! I know it's still a long way to go, but we both have a good feeling about this one xx
Ah that's absolutely wonderful. Fx for a happy healthy 9 months. Less than that now! Xx
More like 7 and a half months!! :)

I always aimed for a 3 year age gap but then my girl has been so wonderful at sleeping through, Eating well and being really chilled so oh convinced me to start trying from 2 year age gap... Only we had a bit of a contraception malfunction on night in February (Friday 12th!) and here I am! We were happy but I'm obviously nervous. Still can't shake the feeling it's not really going to happen yet so anxiety got me 24/7 atm...

Millers a heartbeat is fantastic! I'm so pleased for you xx
Anxiety is just awful isn't it?? I've suffered with depression on and off for a number of years now and have been so so much better since my oh came into my life. He's such a positive influence on me. But anxiety has got the better of me since the ectopic in June - I have really struggled with confidence, things that I would do without thinking about like answering the phone at work became huge struggles because it was unknown what was at the other end. I think I'm going to get a referral for CBT whilst pregnant because I need to not be anxious when bubba is here!! X
Well millersmissus that's incredibly positive that you are looking into cbt and if you decide it's not for you, that's ok too. Your motherly instinct will kick in and you would be surprised how much it changes you. It's a wonderful thing xx

Pregnancy in general is an agonising time but the first tri really does suck sometimes. As beautiful as it is, the worries and the constant over analysing and symptom watching, the unknown. I literally wish the first twelve weeks away xx

Prettypee these babies happen as and when they want to don't they?! May be sooner than you thought but I can tell this baby is so wanted. Exciting x
So after bleeding and back cramps since yesterday morning I called out of hours. I was taken in to hospital for tests and send home after 3 hours of waiting to be told all results negative. The lady nurse even came across as if I was mad. She said your body can trick you into believing it's pregnant.. I asked what about the positive tests?? I walked out of A&E feeling really confused and full of mixed emotions. Since arriving home the bleeding has stopped almost instantly but the cramps still remain. This is my first miscarriage so in shock but can't help but feel a lack of after care from the hospital today.

Wishing all you November Mummy's the best of luck!! Xxx

Penguinmumma, only just saw your 2 messages. About us being due on the same day and then your next one saying you had all negative results. I'm so sorry and hope that they are wrong. Sounds like they weren't very sympathetic if they thought you had miscarried. I hope they were wrong. Wouldn't you still be bleeding? HPT are negative now aswell?

I have some cramps and bleeding aswell today and I'm worrying about it. Hoping all will be ok. Sending you love xx
Really sorry to read your post Penguinmama.

I've just booked an early scan for Wed when I'll be 7 weeks exactly as I've had two previous early MCs. I've promised myself I'm going to stop worrying about this pregnancy once I see the heartbeat (easier said than done, I know!).
Schell I'm sure it's nothing. Could be a breakthrough bleed or anything. Try to keep calm and think positive xx
Hawthorn I'm sure you will be fine, fingers crossed for you xx
Hope everyone is ok! It's all over the place at the moment!

Fx for a heartbeat on Wednesday Hawthorn!! Dw if nothing yet though as could be not as far as you think. According to the hospital I was only just about 4 1/2- 5 weeks last Thursday when I know my exact ovulation date, the exact day of dtd and my lmp all say I'm 6+4 today!! I got a bfp 3 weeks ago..... So anyway my next scan is when they estimate I'll be 8 weeks (i estimate 10!) will be interesting to see who is right...

Last time they dated me at an early scan at 6 +2 weeks (early little hb) and at my 12 week changed their mind and made me 14+2!
Hope you're feeling a bit better Schell! I bled red a couple of times in my last pregnancy - once 8 weeks and once at 15 but all was ok so keep positive and rest up xx

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