***November 2016 Mummies***

Ive been to GP today.
Ive been handed a little book with some stuff about pregnancy and told I'll revive a letter with date of my 12 weeks scan.
That was literally it. :o
Oh and also i was told to stop smoking.. really? Easier said than done...
And my delivery date is 3rd November.
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Prettypee, I have FX crossed for you and hope everything is okay.

My name is Roxy and I am have been married since December 2015. We have been together since 2010 �� Currently 4 weeks pregnant and this will be our 1st. I am so so excited but very nervous just now as it's so early! I was in the care industry so being very careful at work. I have 2 dogs also!
I'm going back in Thursday - for scan to confirm if it's an ectopic or not fx just a rough start and all ok! Went to make official at gp and then sent to hospital so probably have to go back to gp abd start all over again afterwards!

Updated front page:)
I'm going back in Thursday - for scan to confirm if it's an ectopic or not fx just a rough start and all ok! Went to make official at gp and then sent to hospital so probably have to go back to gp abd start all over again afterwards!

Updated front page:)

I have my FX for you and will be thinking of you tomorrow! Hope all is well xx
Unable to 100% confirm on ultrasound as it's still early but she saw nothing in my womb, however a small mass by right Overy which means likely ectopic. Still at hospital for further consultation but outlook currently doesn't look good.
Unable to 100% confirm on ultrasound as it's still early but she saw nothing in my womb, however a small mass by right Overy which means likely ectopic. Still at hospital for further consultation but outlook currently doesn't look good.


I still have my FX for you. You can't give up hope until you get a definite answer! Here for you if you need to talk! All my love x
Hello everyone!

Can I join? I just found out I am pregnant again after a miscarriage last month and the month before that.
I am happy but scared to get excited! I am really hoping for a sticky baby this time! My due date is 17 november.
Congrats lilalylola - fx for a sticky bean - I'll add you to the list xx
Congratulations lilalylola, pleased to see you back in Tri1 so quickly, good luck x
Hi all!

Prettypee, i hope everything works well! Have a positive mind :)

Been so busy this week with work. Hopefully I have been so much better and can handle the nausea. I drink water in the morning to clean the stomach. It helps a lot. If i need to trow up, at least its only water, and then im fine eating after. This sounds gross, but its working fine!

Answering all your questions. :)
Apparently I did something strange when I checked my due date, and I got it checked again, and it will be October. Silly me.
And I'm 30, going on 31 this April. Its my first! I am scared as hell! :)
I work in the water industry as a network engineer. It's been busy lately since its end of the year this month.
Love anime and play computer games. Love a good book, the beach, the sun and heat! If had more money and holidays would be travelling so much more. My dream holidays is going to Japan!

I just received the letter from the hospital, they only booked the US for April! I dis the math, and it will be around 14 weeks.
How are they booking yours?
I'm going to call GP on Monday, to see if they do the early scan. If not, I will just go private.
Dont understand why in England an Early Ultrasound (8-10 weeks) is not done? It can prevent so many things..
My GP did not even told me to go meet with her so she can discuss what a pregnant woman can do or not. Like eating raw eggs. Eggs must be well cooked! Salads and fruits must be throughly washed! No raw fish! (No sushi unfortunately..) This should be discussed with us. Ok that we can google on the internet, but what about those who cant? Oh well. This is me ranting. Apologies.
But I'm curious as what its been happening with you girls? When are you having your appointments? Are you having good support?

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Hi all.... Hope it's ok if I join in!
I took my test on Friday and it was positive, so phoning the midwives etc tomorrow.
Still very much overwhelmed etc. it was planned, but didn't think it would happen so quickly; I've been on the pill forever and have endometriosis.....I kinda feel like I need
To take another test though to make sure it's all true!

I'm 37. It's my first baby.... It's actually the only time I've ever felt broody, so starting late I guess! Same for my partner....
I'm a ward sister (mental health) and have a tortoise, shush tzu and a springer spaniel.
Not had my official due date, but according to the app I downloaded it's 9november
Hey ladies, please could I join?

I have no idea of my due date yet due to irregular periods but I'm sure my due date is sometime in November! (I will update as soon as I know).

Im 21 and my fiancé is 24. We have been together 3 year and engaged a year and a half!

I was told nearly 2 year ago that I have PCOS as I would find it difficult to conceive so I was quite upset.

I was then referred to a fertility clinic and went through all the usual tests scans, HSG etc. and was then told I need to loose a few pound (literally 5 pound) but I was finding it hard to shift it.

I was due back for a follow up this month but got a totally unexpected BFP!
Hi Tina- love that you have a tortoise!

Bee, congratulations! Bfps often happen when you least expect (at least mine tend to!)

Hawthorn welcome and congrats :)

Front page updated.

How is everyone doing? Any symptoms yet?

I'm exhausted, never been so tired. Guess it doesn't help with the fact the drs think I'm having an ectopic... I'm just praying ive been misdiagnosed (i.e. cyst mistaken for baby) and that it was too early to see baby in womb. Fingers crossed my scan shows something in my uterus this time. Thursday seems like forever away :S
I am so sorry to hear that prettypee :( I was in your situation last month and it is draining and very scary, "luckil" it was not an etopic my levels dropped and I started bleeding.
I hope that Thursday you will see a lovely little one.
Did you take anymore tests? And does you hcg go up or does it hover?
Hcg is more than doubling. It was tues 146, Thurs 390 and over 2000 on Sunday
Cb digital said 3+ on Sunday. I think my levels will be high enough to see sac and yolk.... Fx I see in right place - getting nervous!

Yeah, tortoise is just waking up now after a very long sleep....zzz...

Well, I'm just short of five weeks now and I'm feeling terribly bloated and so tired. It's strange, because I'm really tired, but I'm also restless at night. Plus my boobs are killing me.
I'm really thankful for any symptom thought....

My big dread is that I start my night shifts tonight....I just don't know how I'm going to cope

So is the scan you're having to determine what's going on? Forgive me for not knowing anything about all this...I'm very, very new!

Hi Tina- love that you have a tortoise!

Bee, congratulations! Bfps often happen when you least expect (at least mine tend to!)

Hawthorn welcome and congrats :)

Front page updated.

How is everyone doing? Any symptoms yet?

I'm exhausted, never been so tired. Guess it doesn't help with the fact the drs think I'm having an ectopic... I'm just praying ive been misdiagnosed (i.e. cyst mistaken for baby) and that it was too early to see baby in womb. Fingers crossed my scan shows something in my uterus this time. Thursday seems like forever away :S

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