***November 2016 Mummies***

I'm waking a lot in the night but can't keep my eyes open passed 8pm most nights so it's driving me mad! I usually love a lie in but I'm awake at 7am at the weekend lately. The sleep thing is definitely strange and those with insomnia have my sympathies xx
Just thought to myself - only 3 weeks and 3 days until I'm in tri 2!!! It's starting to fly by now xx
Sorry about the insomnia girls! I'm tired all day, barely make it past 9:30 but my quality of sleep has been terrible - light sleep. I'm feeling so sick and nauseous even with the avomine tablets :( Im hoping to get through this stage soon...

4 more weeks before tri 2- I'm 9 weeks today!

Clover- thanks for updating the front, I've been struggling to log on because of my sickness! Xx
Prettypee I won't be able to update it as I can't edit your Original post but I quoted it and edited the quote. ..so if you can copy and paste it ??

Hi everyone. Just having a nosey and glad to see everybody is doing ok :)

I'm doing ok, felt a bit lost these last few weeks but doing ok really apart from eating for england!! Keep having dreams that I'm pregnant and trying to decide whether we should try again. Just remembering how content I felt when I was pregnant and think I probably do want to. Got a blood test tomorrow. I wanted to rule out any issues because I read undiagnosed diabetes/thyroid etc can cause loss.

Anyway. It's a beautiful sunny day. I'm glad to see you are all doing ok and send you all my love. Look after yourselves xx :)
Hey Schell hunny
I've Missed you, I'm glad your doing ok hun, as well as can be expected. ..If you feel you want to I think you should try again sweetie and apparently it's more likely to happen after a m/c
I wish you hadn't of had to go through this and I wish you were still with us but I'm sure you will be here again soon, I will be looking out for you

You take care my lovely and yiu know where I am if you want to chat, you can PM me or write on here

Sending you extra big hugs my lovely :)

Thanks Clover. You are so lovely. I'll be keeping an eye on your progress from afar :) I'll be back xxx
Good to hear from you Schell!! Take one day at a time and allow yourself to grieve. Take care and keep checking in xx
So sorry for ur loss schell xx

Hoping for a better sleep tonight, felt awful in work today. And even got a bit of nausea around lunchtime.

Can't believe some of the Nov mummies are nearly tri 2 already!! Xx
Sorry to hear your loss Schell x

Hope everyone has had a good day. I spent the morning looking at the bottom of the loo. Couldn't keep anything down. Went back to bed at 1 for a couple of hours. Spent the rest of the day pulling up the conservatory floor and stripping the wall paper ready to decorate. We then littered in the garden and had our first BBQ of the year. Suddenly realised this afternoon that its our 1 year anniversary today too x
Hope everyone is okay!

I have have felt "full" all day alongside heartburn :-( fun!
Just got my 12 week scan date - Friday 13th May! Good thing I'm not superstitious eh?! :)
Hi everyone! How are you all feeling? And bellys showing yet??

I'm feeling so tired and nauseous.... I think the avomine prescribed by Dr has actually worsened my sickness?

My belly is starting to show now, the bottom of my belly is now sticking out, it's getting to the point where I imagine rumours might start appearing at work. Even my husband said yesterday "wow you already look pregnant?! Going to have to try and hide it!" I didn't really start showing until 12-14 weeks last time. My belly now at 9 weeks resembles my 12 week belly before :S ahhhh!!!
Hi Girls
Yay for the scan date Birdie, I'm not superstitious either :) I've got my booking appointment on 13th April but its not a Friday, have you had had your appointment yet?
I'll be 9 weeks when I have it next week so hopefully not to late to book my scan on time

Prettypee I just feel fat tbh, I don't look pregnant but I'm super bloated, I'm on my 4th baby so have a mum tum lol
You always show earlier the more babies you have apparently
Have you told work yet?


How's everyone else doing ?

Hey, please may I join! I know I am late, I am always late to everything aha
I am currently 7 weeks and 5 days pregnant with my first, and my due date is around November the 16th!

I was suffering with morning sickness a week or two ago but that has generally eased off, and now just feel constantly full and bloated.

Is anyone else's stomach massive already?! It is probably just bloat but I am now just all boob and stomach!

I hope everyone is well and you are growing healthy babies!
Oh, and my name is Imogen.
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Hi Imogen..... I too am one big ball of bloat!
I'm 8+5 today and still very uncomfortable ..... I've had to visit primark and invest in Lycra dress/vest top things just to be comfy. I can see myself living in these for a long time.
Can't fit into my work uniform so much either, so people will be guessing soon....
Hi Imogen! !!
Another due date buddy :)
As you can see from the picture above my belly is massive but mainly bloat hehe

I've been getting pains today
was a bit worried as they were quite sharp pinching pains but now they have dissappeard

Tina, I'm struggling with my work uniform, I'm off this week so hoping I cam still fit into it next week as I haven't told work yet lol
What do you so for a living hun

Hey everyone! My name is Laura, due 29th Nov (I think, due date calculator says!) does anyone get lower abdominal pains pretty much everyday?

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