***November 2016 Mummies***

Thank you!

It's all still sinking in!

I bet it was, It was a shock for me and I have been TTC a long time ;)
How are you feeling? what symptoms do you have that made you test?

That's lovely, how old is your 1st?
This is my 4th baby I have 2 teenagers and a almost 4 year old , have been TTC for 2 years

Aww congratulations. My little lad will be 2 next month. This pregnancy was a complete shock, we were planning on buying a house next year before we even attempted to try x
Congratulations misswoolaway, really exciting! :)

That's lovely, how old is your 1st?
This is my 4th baby I have 2 teenagers and a almost 4 year old , have been TTC for 2 years

Aww congratulations. My little lad will be 2 next month. This pregnancy was a complete shock, we were planning on buying a house next year before we even attempted to try x
Aww that's nice, babies come when they want hehe, least they will be nice and close in age :)

Hey Prettypee could you update the front page please as my edd is 16th not the 15th and schell has sadly left November mummies :(
Thanks sweetie

Morning girls
It's gone quiet! !! How's everyone feeling today?

Well after saying I feel fine yesterday I started to feel sick yesterday afternoon
Feel ok this morning so fingers crossed

Morning girls
It's gone quiet! !! How's everyone feeling today?

Well after saying I feel fine yesterday I started to feel sick yesterday afternoon
Feel ok this morning so fingers crossed

I use to get my sickness in the evening! Every night without fail after tea on my last pregnancy. It never went away, infact I got worse and by 28 weeks I was hooked up to drips in hospital. So I am hoping that doesn't happen this time around. I cant really afford hospital trips when I have a 2 year old at home this time.

Try some ginger tea & ginger biscuits, they're meant to really help. x
Wow more mummies! Welcome to the forum :-D

I think I'm 5+3 atm. Only real symptom is sore boobs. They've grown a bit too which for a flat chested gal is great!!

Occasionally felt a bit hungover like and def off food a bit too.

what symptoms has everyone else got?
Wow more mummies! Welcome to the forum :-D

I think I'm 5+3 atm. Only real symptom is sore boobs. They've grown a bit too which for a flat chested gal is great!!

Occasionally felt a bit hungover like and def off food a bit too.

what symptoms has everyone else got?
Hey congrats. I did 8 tests all positive. Confirmed by doctor yesterday, just waiting on first MW appointment. I had symptoms from around 4 weeks, started off with one sore boob, both are aching now, feel bruised & heavy. My stomach feels full, not bloated as such as its still pretty flat but full like I cant eat. Also have the pregnancy hangover feeling, so tired. I get hot flushes at bizarre times too. And the occasional headache, but I think thats a factor of switching to de-caf teabags x
I'm feeling really anxious at the minute as it's all so early and I haven't seen a Dr or Midwife yet. I was late and I was feeling a little nauseous so did a test, never did I think it would actually be positive!

I'm getting quite a lot of cramping and I have no idea if that's normal or not?

Broony iv had lots of cramping too. Try not worry.

Tri 1 is def a stressful time. Wishing away the next 7 weeks haha x
I'm feeling really anxious at the minute as it's all so early and I haven't seen a Dr or Midwife yet. I was late and I was feeling a little nauseous so did a test, never did I think it would actually be positive!

I'm getting quite a lot of cramping and I have no idea if that's normal or not?


I've had awful anxiety and found that rescue remedy spray has helped take the edge off xx
Hey girls Well I've just booked my first Midwife appointment! !!!! :) But they did say it was a bit late, I will be 9 weeks when I go

When is everyone else having their booking appointment? I would of gone next week but we are away

Hey girls Well I've just booked my first Midwife appointment! !!!! :) But they did say it was a bit late, I will be 9 weeks when I go

When is everyone else having their booking appointment? I would of gone next week but we are away


I had mine about 2 weeks ago I think! I don't know how I managed to get in so early lol.

Suffering with an awful headache today :-( x
Hey girls Well I've just booked my first Midwife appointment! !!!! :) But they did say it was a bit late, I will be 9 weeks when I go

When is everyone else having their booking appointment? I would of gone next week but we are away

On my first Pregnancy I got in at 8 weeks. Booking appointment & bloods were done at 10..... Not yet managed to get an appointment yet. Hoping I will hear tomorrow to book in for next week or the week after. x
Where I live they ask that you don't even call to organise a booking in appointment until you are 8 weeks :( in Birmingham when I was pregnant with dd I went to the Dr at 5+4 or something and was referred over to the midwives. Had my booking in appointment at 9 weeks. Just doesn't feel real because I haven't even been able to register with the midwifery team or anything.

But I can as of next week so it's not all doom and gloom :cheer: xx
Afternoon ladies. Just checking in today, how is everyone?
My symptoms seem to have escalated in the last 24 hours, nausea, vomiting, headaches, restless legs, insomnia, aversion to certain smells .......... The list feels endless!!!!
I have my midwife appointment on 12th April (I'll be 8+5 weeks) and my scan on 5th May ( I'll be 12+1)
Its becoming very real and exciting :-)
First mw appt is 14th Apr - I think il be 7+4

Won't get scan date til after that x x

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