Did a test with fmu and nothing
im not 100% sure when i am due af anyway as my monthly hasnt settled yet since coming off bc (i was on depo then implanon for 7mnths then depo again for 1 jab) i did think i was due fri just gone so i tested thurs (digital test) with emu but nothing then i tested fri mid morning(with sainsburys cheapo early responce test)...nothing, decided not to test again for a week but couldnt resist testing again sun but again not with emu (keep deciding not to test but then give in berfore lunch time!!) and nothing again so i got oh to get a cheap test from tesco express so i could test with emu today but got nothing again
got to stop testing really but until af arrives its so hard!!! Ive got stomach ache which ive had since thurs which i assume is me trying to come on but then ive read others have felt like this before finding out a bfp..think im just wishful thinking tho!! Its just so difficult because im not even sure what my cycle is doing or even if i am ovulating. My last af started 10th June and ended the 19th!! Had bd 21st or 22nd and at least twice after that the following week can anyone help me work out when i should be testing please? Just to say think i shouldve been due af sun not fri like i thought, i thought i was due fri because i guessed roughly by working out but i found where i actually marked it yest and it was the dates i put above.