Not very happy today


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2011
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Did a test with fmu and nothing :cry:im not 100% sure when i am due af anyway as my monthly hasnt settled yet since coming off bc (i was on depo then implanon for 7mnths then depo again for 1 jab) i did think i was due fri just gone so i tested thurs (digital test) with emu but nothing then i tested fri mid morning(with sainsburys cheapo early responce test)...nothing, decided not to test again for a week but couldnt resist testing again sun but again not with emu (keep deciding not to test but then give in berfore lunch time!!) and nothing again so i got oh to get a cheap test from tesco express so i could test with emu today but got nothing again :cry:got to stop testing really but until af arrives its so hard!!! Ive got stomach ache which ive had since thurs which i assume is me trying to come on but then ive read others have felt like this before finding out a bfp..think im just wishful thinking tho!! Its just so difficult because im not even sure what my cycle is doing or even if i am ovulating. My last af started 10th June and ended the 19th!! Had bd 21st or 22nd and at least twice after that the following week can anyone help me work out when i should be testing please? Just to say think i shouldve been due af sun not fri like i thought, i thought i was due fri because i guessed roughly by working out but i found where i actually marked it yest and it was the dates i put above.
you sounds like your in the same boat as me, my last af was 10th June, i usually have 28 day cycles so i tested today as i have had a lot of preg symptoms and i got a neg :( i'm going to hold out till friday now, thats if af doesnt arrive as i'm due on today (or at least i think i am) had a funny af last month! its really hard isnt it!! fingers crossed for us both and lots of baby dust to you :dust: xx
I'm also in the same situation as you two, apart from i havent done any pg tests as not sure when AF is due as i have 35-42 day cycles as they vary month to month and i dont want to do a pg test as i know it will be a BFN. We'll all get our BFP soon.:dust:
Also my ticker is wrong as my cycle varies.
I hope so babystar i will keep my fx for us all :) xx
Thanks deedee, just hope we all get our BFP soon.
My last AF was 2nd June and before that was in April, so i dont know whats going on. I think its my age or i'm going through the menopause which i dont what.
i think coming off any sort of contraception does mess you up a little, since coming off it the first mnth i spotted mostly thru out, 2nd month came on earlier than usual :( my brothers GF is trying too, she didnt have her af until 6wk after coming off the pill and that was only spotting for 2 days, 4 wk later had spotting for 2 days again so i think it i hard to calculate anything when you have been on contraception, hopefully our bodies will sort themselves out soon :) x
I came off the pill in Aug so i thought it will of sorted itself out by now, but how wrong was i. Its just so annoying not knowing when AF is due.
How long have you been TTC?
What age are you?
Hope you dont mind me asking as i'm 38 and OH is 45 in oct and this will be our 1st baby together and my 4th and OH's 3rd.
I came off the pill in Aug so i thought it will of sorted itself out by now, but how wrong was i. Its just so annoying not knowing when AF is due.
How long have you been TTC?
What age are you?
Hope you dont mind me asking as i'm 38 and OH is 45 in oct and this will be our 1st baby together and my 4th and OH's 3rd.

I came off the pill 20th May so been trying since then, it took 3mnth with my 1st child to conceive and i'm 27...i was only 22 when i got pregnant with my 1st so i am expecting it to take a little longer this time with being a bit older! my mum had her 3rd child when she was 44, i think it took her a while to finally get pregnant tho so fingers crossed for you it happens soon :) xx
I have 3 sons who are 15 in sept, 13 and 10 next week, i just feel very disheartened when every month i have a BFN thats why i try and hold out for doing a pg test. We'll both get our BFP soon. xx:smile:
i know what you mean, i've only done one today as i have had preg symptoms for 11 days now, af is due today and apart from some mild pains no sign (as of yet) i'm not going to test again while a little later on in the week just until i'm sure i'm late as if anything i'm early with af not late, if i keep getting a neg i think i will go to the docs and see whats happening :( xx
Im 30yrs old with 3 children already my oldest is 11yrs then my daughter is 6yrs and my youngest son is 4yrs, ive never taken long to get preg before. With my 1st it took about 3mnths roughly the same with my second and my youngest son was a lovely surprise!! We have been ttc for only 3mnths but only just got serious about it really this month- just expected to fall staraight away (wishfull thinking lol!!)
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I didnt take long to get pg with my sons, but i've had alot of stress over the last year or so, as i found out my soon-to-be ex husband was having affair and now i'm going through divorce, so i think thats why my AF is all messed up.
I've now been with my OH since oct last year (known him for 14 years) and we wanted a baby together, so just keep our fingers crossed for all our BFP's. xx
Just went to the toilet and in my usual discharge there were tiny streaks of blood :cry:
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