
How awful!! Hope you get the result! Meant to add to my list of symptoms - vivid dreams!! They are really weird and have only happened twice over the last two nights, but my husband finds it hilarious to listen to them the next morning!!

Lets see if it happens again tonight!
After eating less then half my tea 2nite av felt so sick an bloated its untrue,
No shorty I haven't tested yet don't really want to test unroll I know witch isn't going to get me so trying to hold out til end of the week.
U hold out huni,
Stronger person then me,
But least it will b a deffo positive,

Fx Hun, xxx
Thank u, it is hard holding out till fri but I don't want to be Disapointed, I think I deserve a possitive after 14 months. I'll keep u updated xx
I'm confused just now. I have some symptoms, but I had AF but it was extremely short, and extremely light... with none of my usual AF symptoms... but thats happened the last 3 months (although this month was extra light!).

I am sleepy... no, make that exhausted.
I have terribly nausea!
I am eating more... and pretty much constantly want to eat!
I have bad headaches.
I am bloated.
I have 'twinges' in my abdomen.
I have been crying at everything!

This has been going on for 3 weeks now... I have no idea what is going on with me. I have done some cheap tests, that all say negative... I am planning on doing another one tomorrow, and if that is negative then I will be off to the doctor either this week or next week coz something isn't right with me...
they were my first symptoms joannaB x
There are a few SS threads running. I'll just continue on this one since I got my other dpos here.

8 dpo
slight af cramping (unusually early)
left boob sore (why only one??)

I feel it's going in the right direction, the next 6 days will tell.


to all you ladies and to myself this Wednesday eve
they were my first symptoms joannaB x

im getting really worried and a little bit teary because my symptoms keep coming anfd going and chan ging... is this normal?

Like I wasnt sick yesterday but i slept tillmidday, then about 1am last night i w3as hugging the bowl, its like i could taste everything i had eaten that day all at once and it wanted to come back up for a game of show and tell - but didnt. then i got so hot and my eczma got REALLY painful and i couldnt sleep with it. then today i just looked WHITE and got sent home.
I went to bed and then woke up - ate 5 bananas - idk why 5 bananas but i did...

anyway i had a nap and woke up and i felt... normal... no pains really, just tired a bit and i kindsa felt like i didnt FEEL pregnant.

i took a test and it had a line that was SO weak it didnt show in a photo but might have not been a liner at all

right now im achy, and headachy, slightly bloaty feeling

my boobies have rings round em and i got more bumps...

but idk i just feel like when i take a test on saturday like planned its going to be negative


see u cant see it at all but i swear i saw something pinky maybe it was my eyes.

just feel like despite any symptom its going to be negative and then ill have to fogure out what IS wrong with me
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