confused now


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2011
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Ok so my last af started on the 10th june and didnt finish until the 19th of june (cycle all over the place after coming of bc) my fertility tracker app on iphone said my fertile times would be from the 25th-29th and my next af due on the 10th july. On 7th july i started having stomach aches so expected af but nothing until last night i had tiny streaks of red in discharge. This morning i had bright red blood on tissue so put on pad, have had same stomach ache ive had since thurs (no better and no worse) but ive been to toilet just and expected to see more blood but only the tinyest bit of brown spotting on pad and small amount of brown on tissue when wiping. Not sure what to make of it all now. I took test on sun (cheap tesco test) and it was negative. Is my body just messing around and taking its time to start af properly? Its just usually i get the stomach ache and with the next bm i come on heavy basically the same day my bellyache starts. Any opinions appreciated.
Could of been a bit early and the bleed could of been implantation bleed fx for you xxxx
i'm exactly the same, not due while friday 15th but yesterday had cramps and today as well when i wiped earlier some browny coloured cm on tissue, thought that was start of my af (that was this aft) nothing since this aft but been to the loo again and wiped and some discolouration on the tissue again...had loadsa symptoms too so thought i might have been so i'm not sure as usually when i'm due af i get bad cramps and then start properly where i need to put a pad on but havent needed to yet...very confusing isnt it ??!! :/ xx
Really confusing because if im not preg id rather just come fully on so i can start counting down for next time!!!
well i finally got my af last night so now i can relax and stop gettin worked up about all my symptoms, seems strange how i had them all for 11 days and now nothing (apart from sore nips) onwards and upwards for my next 2ww lol good luck hun xx

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