Not sure where to post this. Feel really sad and upset right now.

:hugs: I am glad you saw the doctor, but hopefully you see the pediatrician soon. I am really hoping things get better for you soon! Xx
Louise - I can kinda see where your doc is coming from. Your LO has all reflux symptoms, so he's giving you reflux related advice. I went to the kids hospital for apt with paediatrician & he gave the same advice as your doc (except my LO was older) he said this - When reflux babies drink a bottle or any milk or water, it splatters about in their stomach & causes more acid, the more they drink the more acid is produced. When they are weaned, the milk they've drank before the meal, it gets mixed in with the solid food & doesn't slosh about so much, hense...less acid is produced & splashed back up causing, if you feed just breakfast...LO might still show reflux symptoms coz all rest of milk is still sloshing about all day. What he told me to do with my LO was 3 meals, gradually increase, do only b/fast for 5 days, then b/fast & lunch for 5 days then dinner too. But eventually he said LO should only get a bottle with his meal & wont be sloshing about, it has worked for us, & you know how bad my LO's reflux was. Its gona take a while to get to that stage tho, you've already tried b/fast so why not start off next few days b/fast & lunch & see if LO is wanting milk in between, gradually she'll drink less. I know its totally different to other mums but I actually wanted LO to drink less coz i know its actually making him worse. He dropped weight but thats better for him than the effects of reflux it can really damage their wee insides.

I do actually think it will work for you this way. And its true what he said, when they get fully weaned (on 3 meals) thats all their nutricional needs! Make sure your purees are the best nutrician you can get (home made) that should help.

If you want any advice on anything send me a PM - please dont struggle thro this alone you know there is ppl that can help.

P.S I know what its like to feel like whats the point, its not exactly fun wakening up knowing you've got a full day of crying ahead.

Thank you ladies :) xxx

Thanks Susanne, that's a good point. I will ring her and make an appointment. I do usually just go to visit in a drop in clinic.

Thanks LM, I think he is giving good advice to be fair, I just I was abit surprised that somebody in the health profession actually said to wean from 4 months instead of 6 months. We are buying a blender and steamer this weekend so I am going to start making her food and mixing her milk into it so I know she's getting the nutrients and I know what's in her food.

She has actually drank 3oz every 4-5 hours today, she tries to make me out a liar I swear! But she was still unsettled for the majority of the day. Feel a lot happier tonight and more relaxed. Still not looking forward to the night ahead or the day ahead to follow.

My1stBaby - I was really apprehensive at first but after been told it seems it's for the best by both my doctor and HV I am feeling Abit confident now. I agree with what Littlemiss said and think we may get to the bottom of her unhappiness by weaning. Hopefully anyway. Xxx

Thanks again ladies :)

You seem a bit more positive today hun hope your feeling a bit better. Xx
Hi hun, just read through and wanted to add my support. My LO was just like yours at that age, I had her back and forth to paediatrician, but she just miraculously changed after weaning. She was just like a different baby, and finally things got much better. I don't know about the advice you've got (though it worked with my LO but she was 6 months when we weaned her, don't know if it would have had the same impact if it had been earlier) but take comfort in the knowledge that in a few months everything will be different. :hug:
It sounds like colic... i really feel for you as i felt the exact same. Lacey was very very windy and only outgrew it a few month ago! Do you use any colic medicine? colic bottles? IT does get better hang in there... !! PM me if you need to chat i know it all too well. xxx
It sounds like colic... i really feel for you as i felt the exact same. Lacey was very very windy and only outgrew it a few month ago! Do you use any colic medicine? colic bottles? IT does get better hang in there... !! PM me if you need to chat i know it all too well. xxx

Hey Hun, she did suffer from colic as a newborn and this cleared up by 12 weeks, she's 17 weeks now nearly. The symptoms she shows now are completely different to the colic symptoms she had, she doesn't bring her knees to her stomache. I say that actually but you could be right, I'm not ruling anything out anymore.

Yeah we have anti colic bottles (BR browns and avent we have tried) she has gripe water before every feed (didn't think much of the infacol).

How old was Lacey when she grew out of it? X
My LO got diagnosed with 'colic' even though she didn't do the knees thing or generally any other symptoms other than the crying and unhappiness. Tbh I think it's just a blanket term for 'somethings wrong and we're not sure what'.
I agree cantstop, seems to be when they can't diagnose, the answer is colic !

Well, today we have had quite a turnaround, she had me up all night again but that I'm used to.. Instead she's woken up, drank a full 5oz bottle without a fuss and then eaten a bowl of porridge, shes actually giggled and smiled all morning.

I've just put her down for her morning nap and she went straight down without a fuss!

Happy baby and now a happy mummy! I just hope she continues this with her feeds! X
That sounds brill! Little cutie hope this is the start of things getting better. Oh meant to ask, do you mix water with the porridge or milk? X
I didnt think the gripe water was upto much! But different things work better with different babies. We used Dentinox, even if i missed 1 dose she would be crippled with wind. This went on until about 9 month! Not REALLY bad though i mean she used to go through OK phases then have a really bad week... got better when i stopped her bottles. Now she only has morning and night. Shes still on comfort milk and nearly 1 year old! Tried to take her off it a month or 2 ago and she went windy again. Poor lass shes always suffered bad :( !! I do agree everything thats wrong with them the doctors say colic for everything when they dont know whats up. I think theres something else apart from wind with Lacey, she only really cries when shes tired but thats ALOT... shes always been an overtired baby though. Could that be the problem with your LO too maybe? xxx
hey hun, not been on in few weeks so bit out of touch with how u been with her reflux ect but after gaviscon causing constipation and getting new meds she was still crying di i made a decision to take her off everything, meds , infacol, gripe water the lot and in a few days she was a defferent baby, smiles much more and just seems happier in her self, might be worth a shot?

so sorry ur feeling so overwhelmed hun but never feel guilty for how u feel your doin everything u can and ur a amazing mother

hope she starts to settle soon x hugs x
I agree cantstop, seems to be when they can't diagnose, the answer is colic !

Well, today we have had quite a turnaround, she had me up all night again but that I'm used to.. Instead she's woken up, drank a full 5oz bottle without a fuss and then eaten a bowl of porridge, shes actually giggled and smiled all morning.

I've just put her down for her morning nap and she went straight down without a fuss!

Happy baby and now a happy mummy! I just hope she continues this with her feeds! X

That is so good to hear!! Let's hope she continues with it, bless her! Xx

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