Louise - I can kinda see where your doc is coming from. Your LO has all reflux symptoms, so he's giving you reflux related advice. I went to the kids hospital for apt with paediatrician & he gave the same advice as your doc (except my LO was older) he said this - When reflux babies drink a bottle or any milk or water, it splatters about in their stomach & causes more acid, the more they drink the more acid is produced. When they are weaned, the milk they've drank before the meal, it gets mixed in with the solid food & doesn't slosh about so much, hense...less acid is produced & splashed back up causing pain...now, if you feed just breakfast...LO might still show reflux symptoms coz all rest of milk is still sloshing about all day. What he told me to do with my LO was 3 meals, gradually increase, do only b/fast for 5 days, then b/fast & lunch for 5 days then dinner too. But eventually he said LO should only get a bottle with his meal & wont be sloshing about, it has worked for us, & you know how bad my LO's reflux was. Its gona take a while to get to that stage tho, you've already tried b/fast so why not start off next few days b/fast & lunch & see if LO is wanting milk in between, gradually she'll drink less. I know its totally different to other mums but I actually wanted LO to drink less coz i know its actually making him worse. He dropped weight but thats better for him than the effects of reflux it can really damage their wee insides.
I do actually think it will work for you this way. And its true what he said, when they get fully weaned (on 3 meals) thats all their nutricional needs! Make sure your purees are the best nutrician you can get (home made) that should help.
If you want any advice on anything send me a PM - please dont struggle thro this alone you know there is ppl that can help.
P.S I know what its like to feel like whats the point, its not exactly fun wakening up knowing you've got a full day of crying ahead.