Not sure where to post this. Feel really sad and upset right now.

I hope you're enjoying your food and have a full belly and no interruptions! I can't even imagine what you are going through, Charlie used to be really whingy and there's been times when ive rang oh to come out of work, house being a tip and I'm still in my pjs at 4pm with panda eyes from crying...and I can't imagine how you do it all by yourself! I kinda know how you feel about going out, Charlie's fine unless we go into a shop, any shop and he starts whinging. Please don't think you're a bad mummy, I'd have cracked long ago so youre doing so so well to go on for this long. I know she has probs with reflux and her soya milk, are you getting help for that? Don't compare her to other babies I did it and it didn't help me. Even now Charlie still wakes in the night and it bugs me that loads of other babies seem to do over 12 hours without waking. What are you doing tomorrow? If you're free ill come down with Charlie and we can all cry together, cause he can be a grumpy little sod when he wants. Massive, massive hugs xxxxxx
Hi sweety. Huge hugs. I have a difficult baby. He cried all the time from when he was born to three months it was awful, everyone said take him in the pram he will sleep....erm no he will scream, same with car. I wondered what I had Done to deserve it. He still won't entertain himself at all now I have to sit next to His playmat and its hard the end I realised that it was lack if sleep for him making him worse. Once we mastered napping things got do much better. The only way he naos is in his swing. I can't get him to snooze bay other way not ideal but man it soon got better. Josh wakes a lot still yes there are babies that sleep thro but lots that don't. I do know how your feeling its dreadful. I did have to laugh when we visited our in-laws last week I saw my sil who's baby's 4 days older she thought josh was a breeze, so I don't think anyone has it as perfect as they make out. But constant crayons so hard it really is.

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:hug: :hug: I'm so sorry that you are going through this.

My o/h works away too and up until a couple months ago Cam was a very difficult baby. My friend has a baby 6 weeks younger and I was exactly the same as you are now.

It's natural to make comparisons between them but all babies go at their own rate. What about some medicated formula or soya?? Didn't u have her on soya for a while?

I don't know what else to suggest only that I hope the weaning helps to pacify her. You're a good person and a great mummy. It's incredibly hard work doing it on your own, don't feel guilty about getting overwhelmed with a difficult baby.

Pm me anytime if u need to rant to someone who knows how it feels xx
Darling I could have wrote this post. You are feeling PND and that I know is a hard thing to admit. I had to admit this last week and go to the docs. I understand everything you have said and feel everything you do. Please pm me if you want to talk. xxxxxxxxx
Enjoy your takeaway honey, I hope you feel better after it, I had no appetite for about 5 weeks, just had it back! :) xxx

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I think you are being really strong and I really admire you for coping for so long. You are basically acting as a single parent and I know how hard it is. Don't beat yourself up over it, H is a gorgeous little girl and she loves you regardless of whether you think that or not!!!

We all have moments like this, today Ella was screaming and I had to leave the room because I had let her get me so worked up, I just think to myself that it is only a noise and it wont last forever.

I was feeling the same and plucked up the courage to go to my GP I told him I didnt want to be put on anti-depressants so he didn't push it, it was just good to talk to a complete stranger about it and not feel judged.

From the little bits I have seen of you, you look amazing, you have a heart of gold and a good sense of humour and you have the most beautiful little girl

A few weeks a go my mum came and sat with Ella whilst I had a bath, sounds silly but it was good to just actually have a soak in the bath with some music on rather than my usual quick dip in dip out!! ...Is there nobody that could do that for you? It would make you feel so much better

Really hope things get better for you soon xxx

Oh Hun !! U r soo strong I would have cracked early on !!! I agree with what the other ladies have said about going to the Gp for both of u and also getting someone to watch little H for an hr . Just wanted to send u big hugs and tell u what an amazing job u r doing xxxx

It sounds as if there may be something, perhaps an allergy. I think you should print off what you wrote here and go to the HV!

You're not bad, it's natural to feel that way under those circumstances :)
that doesn't sound right to me, just too much crying, what the other girls suggested about eliminating reflux etc makes sense.
When my LO is threatening and I don't have the energy to deal with her, I stick her in the baby bjorn or sling and get on with mundane tasks. She loves it and it gives me a chance to get bottles washed etc. Being productive makes me feel better too!
She will change though, don't worry! Well done for getting this far!
Oh Hun I'm so sorry you are feeling this way. But one thing, I have such admiration for you. You have been so strong and the fact that you have opened up about it all too. If it were me I would of turned into a recluse and hid away crying. I really think you should push to see the doctor. Something is bothering your little one. All this is not fair on you or her. I really hope Things get easier for you as quick as poss so you can enjoy every moment rather then feeling the way you are right now. Sending you lots of hugs. :hugs: xx
Hun I know ive said it before but I sympathise so much tegan screamed and screamed and screamed she would eventually give in at 4 am! I felt awfull we went to baby massage everyones babies were happy not mine. At 4.5 months once she was diagnosed with lactose intolerance it was like a new baby.

Have you tried sma lactose free?

Massive hugs hun. If you ever want a chat your more than welcome to pm me xx
omg u are not a bad mummy..your amazing she has put you though constant screaming since being born and uve handled it so well,i would never cope!!i get so worked up even from 10minutes of crying

hows she taking the food?has it helped atall.. i know uve been to docs with her reflux could you bring her to a specialist to get more tests??..

you need a hug and a there any family that could take her even for a few hours?? my oh works from 5am-8pm and by the time he's had food and fed the dogs its bed im basically on my own the majority of the time so i know how that feels,its stressful at times..

hope u feel better xxx
Oh hun, u sound like such a nice person having such a tough time! U really should give urself more credit for how strong and brave u r! I couldn't do what u do! Really hope LO settles down soon and that u really get to enjoy being a mummy xxx
I'm sorry your feeling that way Hun. Your a great mummy and done so well to have coped as you have, I know I couldn't have done it. Is there any chance your OH can have LO for a couple of hours this weekend so you can have some time to yourself? I hope you've enjoyed your takeaway and managed to eat it without any interruptions x
Oh loopy :hugs: you are a brilliant mum, you have done an amazing job coping this far on your own, no wonder your feeling like this, wish I could come give you a hand :hugs:

Wow!! Your all amazing ladies! You really are! I am absolutely astounded in the support you have all given me at what I feel is one of the lowest points of my life so far! Honestly words cannot express how much I appreciate you all and your kind messages right now!

I had a lovely surprise tonight! I ordered my chinese and heard somebody try opening the front door (luckily was locked) at 9.30pm and then they knocked.. I thought "cheeky fecking delivery man tried to just walk in my house!!!! So I slowly and hesitantly opened the front door and guess who was stood ther!! My OH!!! I swear I have never been so happy to see anybody in my whole life!! I broke down and read out what I wrote on here rather than trip over myself by explaining of the top of my head. He was abit shocked. I don't think he had any idea and certainly didn't see that coming. It upset him as he has never ever seen me upset. I very very rarely show my emotions so he knew I was truley at a low point.

So he just let me cuddle him and cry it all out and spoke to me with kind words of encouragement and made me feel a lot better. He told me he feels nothing but jealousy over the way H prefers my company over his and he would love the bond we have, he made me realise that I just didn't notice it as I keep looking at the bad things rather than the good.

Really sorry if I have missed any questions out, just trying to remember off the top of my head what questions I was asked, I will go back and re read and answer anybody I missed out. (it's hard using Tapatalk to write massive replies lol)

To the ladies who asked about reflux, Harlow was diagnosed with reflux at 6 weeks old after going to hospital,a paediatrician seen her and she was put on domperidone and ranitidine, it gradually helped with her feeding and she started take bottles without fighting me. They told me the would review her after 6 weeks and to decide what the next step would be......6 weeks has been and long gone! I rang the hospital asking why they hadn't sent a review app through and the women said she would sort it... 3 weeks later didn't hear back.. During this time her medicine had run out and a doctor re-prescribed Zantac for some reason... This made her go back to how she was at 6 weeks old! This is when she started fighting the bottle again and screaming constantly. So i stopped the meds all together thinking it may be that.. No result, shes still the same. I went to see the HV early this week and she advised to wean. I have started and she absolutely adores her food! She loves it and will eat a lot of food but still bawls at the bottle!

Back to the hospital, my HV put a complaint through about the lack of contact and appointment from the hospital and I got a phone call the next day from them with our long awaited appointment! It's ages away... 27th July!!!

To the ladies who asked about soya - I started her on Cow and Gates Infasoy and this dramatically reduced her crying a lot but this started up again 2 weeks ago so spoke to my doctor and was told she can't really stay on this particular formula when she starts teething nor could they run tests for lactose until she was on normal milk. So I took that leap and put her back on normal formula so we can be tested at the earliest opportunity.

Littlemiss i am seriously considering that option, I am making an appointment tomorrow first thing for the doctor and if I get nowhere I am going to seek help privately. I feel we cannot go on and I fear that whatever problems H is having, it is affecting her progression and causing her to not interact or smile or even be interested in learning things!

I havnt finished my reply but will have to hit send as my batteries going to die and need to find the charger..

Bare with me xxxxx
Sounds like your oh came home at just the right time! Its good you've opened up to him, you need his support right now. Maybe she will improve very soon on her own from starting weaning. Hang in there, your doing a great job and it won't be long before you have a happy smiley baby xx
Oh loopy I'm so so sorry to hear you're feeling like this it must just be so awful. There's a lot of support here for you, even though we can't be there in person just talk to us! I'm always so happy to help if you wanna talk. I can't imagine how bad that must be for you I struggle without the constant crying! There must be something going on though and I really hope it gets sorted for you. Glad that your OH knows how you feel now, hopefully he can help a bit more. And I know you think your friends babies are all great and lovely and your friends are coping amazingly well but you don't see what goes on behind closed doors! Think of all us on here and how many of us have struggled- but we only tell eachother no one else!

The biggest of big hugs going to you right now sweetie. Remember your little lady loves you and it WILL get better xxxxx

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