Screaming all the time :(

Your dr doesn't sound very pro breastfeeding either! It doesn't sound like you are getting much support from anywhere. Have you got a local breast feeding support group? I am sure that they could suggest things to help you x
Thanks hun
Just spoke to a private midwife and she will do it tonight at 8:45 at our house for £110! Thousands my arse lol!!
She sounds lovely and knows what she's talking about, gave me some advise about the thrush and reassured me about milk supply, it tends to go down about this stage so that's why I'm not feeling as full in the mornings anymore..
She will stay to help her feed properly afterwards and call after a week to check up on her :)
I hope this helps her I'd hate to put her thru this when it's not the problem! She said the sooner the better as it gets tougher and will hurt more as time goes on that's why they do proper surgery from 6months.. And she will have to get used to her new tongue..
Your dr doesn't sound very pro breastfeeding either! It doesn't sound like you are getting much support from anywhere. Have you got a local breast feeding support group? I am sure that they could suggest things to help you x

This is the second one we've seen and they don't seem to care just give her a bottle and be done with it! I'm gonna do all I can to bf my baby I've been thru enough trying to feed her I'm not giving up now!!!
Gonna look into a support group after the half term is over.. Bf is harder than one would imagine!!!
I was gonna say thousands my arse!! We've just been quoted £2,500 for my 4 year old to have a full tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy and grommets fitted, cost is mainly due to general anaesthetic and overnight stay! Luckily she is now having it on NHS. Dr was talking crap, £110 sounds about right to me! Bet that's a huge relief :)

Good luck with it, I'm sure she will be so much better once it's done xxx
Blimey I'm glad she's getting it on the nhs now! Jaycee had grommets done was in and out the same day happy as anything! That sounds a reasonable amount for all that work tbh, that's y I thought just a 10min snip can't be much!! If I had the money I would have paid for Jaycee to get her grommets sooner she suffered for two years before they done anything for her :(
I hope her op goes well hun its so scary when they go under I cried my eyes out and I still well up thinking about it and it was nearly 4 years ago lol!!
And yes, a MASSIVE relief!! I nearly cried after lol I'm so sad lol!!!
That's great you have a mw coming out tonight, she sounds like she will help you and will give you some tips so increase your supply. Let us no how it goes tonight x

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Not sad at all. There's nothing worse than seeing your baby suffer or be frustrated. That in addition to the lack of support you are getting. Mw sounds lovely - so glad she can help you :hug: xx
Thanks ladies :) mil asked if we needed her to be there.. Like we can't manage on our own? Or so she can question this mw? Sod that I'm not having anyone so unsupportive around when this happens! Feel bad enough as it is without her around being negative! I thought about allowing her so the mw can put her straight but then I woudknt want this woman to feel uncomfortable.. I want a nice calm environment after she has this done and I need this mw who will support me, not mil who will make me feel bad :(
Fed her again at 2 and she fed more than usual and is settled now sleeping :) can see her tongue coming out the side of her mouth when she's latched on to just the tip.. Been trying to get her to take more but she just won't take it.. I really hope cutting will help her feed!! Fingers crossed!!!

Just read this. I'm glad you got an appointment so quickly, was gona say thousands is a bit of an exaduration. Try not to worry too much, from what i've heard its not even sore! I'm guessing the MW will be round soon? Lots of good luck & let us know how you got on

Great news, hopefully feeding will become much easier for you both :)
Thank you! She took a huge feed this morning which I think was too much for her coz she was sick EVERYWHERE!!!
She seems much more settled today tho so fx it's done the trick!!
Glad you got it sorted so quickly privately and fx she feeds well now. I didn't know tongue tie effects their weaning, even if it's minor. I might ask my HV about Elyssas.
It's worth a try babe Lily's was 80% tie.. has some info on there about it x
My elyssa has it too and it may have been why she had numerous problems with weaning and even her gastric reflux!
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The minor looking ones can be worse than the obvious ones, I didn't know that!
Yeah your prob right! She prob guzzled as much as she could and her tummy couldn't handle it, aww bless her! Her tum will prob have to get used to taking so much in one go. Xxx

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