Screaming all the time :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Quick one while I take a min to myself, OH trying to settle her for me..
She just won't stop crying! I don't know what's wrong with her, tried bonjela in case it's her teeth tried feeding her but she won't have it!!
She basically cries herself to sleep eventually but then wakes and cries again!
I don't know what to do with her :(
Oh god chick, wish I could help. Kayden's been doing the same all day & seems to be settled now, its been like this for days, I think its the teeth.

Aww no, hope she's settled a bit now. Phoebe does this too but hers is mainly the colic and wind. Could she have a bit of tummy upset or constipated? x
Ah poor thing hope she's ok x

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Oh hun bless her could b colic Ethan used to b like that and always in the evening/ night. Hope she settles soon xxx

I know its.too late now buy c did this the other night, after an hour ended up getting him out of bed and hr burped pretty much.straight away, could be wind x
Owen did this tonight. He only does it on odd occasion and I think it's his teeth as his front ones are coming through. I too used bonjella and also a bit of the baby neurofen and managed to settle him eventually! Problem is we have bought him on a mini holiday to Brighton and we are in a hotel and I worry people will complain!! We had
To have him in bed with us and idle him to sleep x
Thank u all, just after my post I managed to settle her and get her in bed.. She's still asleep now after having a coughing fit for half hour..
Her tummy is really soft so I didn't think it was wind but was trying to wind her anyway, trying everything!! With wind they usually pull their legs in, but she kicks out with legs and hands and throws her head back :( I'm feeling less full every morning I think she's not feeding right and my milk is going :( got a dr app today 11:10 gonna try and get her tongue cut.. I've tried to avoid it but I don't think we have any other option :( it can also cause colic and such.. Which is why I think Ellie had gastric reflux at her age and also was a nightmare to wean.. Leading to a v fussy baby and toddler!! I never realized tongue tie could effect all that!! Also a worse looking tied baby can feed better than one that looks mild!! That shocked me! I should have done this when she was a week old :( it can also cause thrush from not latching right..
It's all my fault she's suffering coz I didn't wanna get her tongue cut :cry:
I also think its her teeth playing up, MAJOR dribbles and hand is glued in her mouth, even while I'm trying to feed her!! Bonjela did help for a couple of mins but then she kicked off again :(
She's got a nasty cold, thrush and conjunctivitis still so no wonder she's so sad :(
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It's not your fault hun !! I probably wouldnt have had it cut either as she did really well feeding !! Could u not express to help your flow ? With everything going on with her with her teeth conjunctivitis thrush no wonder she isn't a happy girlie !!
Also lots of babies get thrush and colic etc when not tongue tide !! U r an amazing mummy JM xxxx

Thanks babe :)
It hurts more to express than feed and I'm not getting anything out at all :cry:
Oh bless her and you!! Sounds like you are having a horrible time :( its not your fault - of course you would avoid getting her wee tongue cut if possible :hug: x
Thanks :) think she's making up for how good she's been lol! She's still asleep now thankfully, she seems to be worse at night than in the day I don't get it!
Aww sounds like she's going thru it! No wonder she's screaming. Bless her!! Hope she's better soon x
Thanks hun..
She's just had her first feed, didn't finish off, I'm worried her stomach has shrunk coz I'm basically starving her by night time aren't i? :cry: she's happy at the moment coz she's full..
If they don't refer her I'm going private.. Its about £40-£60 I've seen online, there's a midwife who does it at home I'll contact her after if I don't get anywhere!
Just about to leave for docs..
Oh your having such a hard time lately, I really feel for you. And your not a bad mum! X
Your milk supply isn't so good later in the day and night times might be why she's upset and getting frustrated. Fx crossed getting her tongue tie sorted will help then you can just let her suckle lots to get your supply going again. Have you tried wearing those breast shells they can help your nipples breath and heal plus they don't know why but they can increase your supply. Have you tried to pump while feeding? It makes your body think you have twins so you produce more milk.
Thanks hun I'll look into those.. My nipples are too sore to express properly but I'll give that a go!
Just got back from docs an they've given us more thrush stuff and sent an urgent referral for the op.. But she said it could take up to two weeks!! She said if I go private it with cost 'thousands and thousands'... How exactly?? I've seen online it can cost under £100 so where is she getting that from?? She said in the meantime I can top up with formula (mentioned about her dodgy poos after and she said she has to get used to the formula) but surely that would ruin my supply?? Would I be wrong to just feed her on demand in a hope it will build up my supply?? Gonna get her weighed every week (Wednesday) to keep an eye on her weight as obviously I don't want to let her get ill..
I don't know what to do.. If I can't express and she isn't latching on properly to increase the supply... ??!!
Sorry she's not right hun! It's so hard when they're ill! Hope she improves soon! Don't blame yourself either, I only do what u think is best! Xxx
Not sure re milk supply...sounds silly bit o struggle to express if I'm stressing about it, so hard ad it is c of I can relax a bit? BIG HUG xx
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