Not sure where to post this. Feel really sad and upset right now.

when my daughter got put on those meds hun and she ran out, i had to wait 5 weeks til was going to be seen best thing annoy your family doctor and tell them that they only work and that you want them percribe it again for LO, they will do it and hopfully baby will sort herself out when reflux is gone, i felt the same hun and had the same with my daughter just remember it goes and down the line you will realise you have done the best for her hunni x x x
I'm a bit late in here but :hug: hope you're ok chicky. You're doing a fantastic job. Never doubt that. Glad OH was there for you today xxx

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So please hubby came home, he must have had a sixth sense!! You're definitely right that we all look at the bad points and sometimes don't see the bond we have with our lo.

Hope your feeling a little better after lots of hugs :) I'm seeing that you haven't replied again as a real positive. Hope your got some much needed rest
Take care Hun and we are all here for you x
Lou this is my third attempt at posting a reply!!

So glad OH came home he must of known!! It must be so hard with him being away all week. My hubby is usually away a couple of nights a week with work so I know how that feels

Hope you feel better this morning and PF is here to let you vent zxxx
can only offer hugs loopy and say your so amazing for being harlows mummy and im sure she appreciates it too x
Sounds like you have been doing amazingly well on your own.

When I read your reply and that OH had come home made me tear, just knowing he is.there to support you now :)

Your a fantastic mum xxxxx
Sorry this took so long to continue... H had me up all night pretty much think i got 2 hours uninterrupted sleep. She's up now and I'm feeding her, so far she's drank 2oz and has now started her dicky fit. I havnt bothered with her porridge this morning, to be honest, I was kidding myself about weaning.. I'm not comfortable with it at all. I only started it through desperation really.

I thought id wake up this morning feeling abit better and thought that perhaps yesterday I was just having a mini breakdown and that it would pass and I'd be ok. Wrong, I feel like I just can't wait for tonight to go back to bed. I'm not enjoying this at all anymore. Everything is a chore.

I have rang the doctors and we have an appointment at 11am. Not really sure what it is I am expecting from this appointment. I don't know how to explain myself to him. I plan on taking a bottle in so he can see how H is with her feeds but after that I think I'll freeze when it comes to explaining how I feel.

OH was talking and playing with her this morning and he got a little smile out of her, then says to me "see, she is a happy baby" - she usually does smile first thing in the morning, the rest of the day is a different story!

Luckily my sister has text me and asked if she can have Harlow tomorrow so me and OH are going to go to the cinemas and have a meal together. I'm hoping I will come back from this mini break feeling refreshed.

Have I missed anybodies questions out? Really sorry if I have! X
i thought the weaning went ok and she loved the porridge and then drank more milk? my mum was saying yesterday how when we were little you only had to be over 3 months beforemums could give food and she gave us rusks in lots of water. if she loved it and it helps i wouldnt feel bad about doing it hun. i hope your lil break makes you feel better
i thought the weaning went ok and she loved the porridge and then drank more milk? my mum was saying yesterday how when we were little you only had to be over 3 months beforemums could give food and she gave us rusks in lots of water. if she loved it and it helps i wouldnt feel bad about doing it hun. i hope your lil break makes you feel better

Your right, she did, she really enjoyed it, that was a one of where she finished the bottle afterwards, she hasn't done it since. I am uncomfortable with it purely because I feel this could result in her refusing her bottle completely.
Thanks hun :) - I'm hoping to watch Snow White, looks really good xxx
Only just saw this thread now - so sorry you're still having such a difficult time, it sounds like you're doing an amazing job though!!! I hope you have a nice time at the cinema tomorrow so you can re-charge your battery again. Maybe, if your sister is willing, you could make this a regular thing? Something to look forward to and keep you going every week? Also, good luck at the doctors today! Please try to really make them understand how you are feeling, maybe they will be able to help! Thinking of you! :hugs:
I know what you mean about weaning and bottle refusal I'm scared josh will do the same as he is just not interested at all. Wat u could do tho is mix the milk in with the porridge you may find that helpful. I really know how u just said u feel I have had so many days like it days where I would ait and cry with him. How old is he I can't see tickets.

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Thinking of you hun, I really hope you and H get some answers!! xxx
yeah mix the milk in her porridge, that way at least shes eating something. i hope the docs can help loopy
Good luck hun, I hope you get some answers.

You could mix milk into most of her food if you are tw hun xxx
Hi ladies.

So just got back from the doctors and I'm in two minds about him. He seemed like he was trying to help but the advice he gave me is odd! I think..

He told me to just fully wean her and if she is taking food just give it to her till shes full up, still offer the bottle as often as I can but not to worry to much if she refuses it. I asked didn't she need her bottle to give her particular nutrition.. He said no, not with her on food fully weaned. Hmmm ok.

He asked about her medication, I told him I stopped it as it made her ridiculously sick and the 1oz bottle she would drink she just brought back up! He said good that's ok, I wa going to tell you to stop it anyway.

He wants to see us every Friday morning to keep an eye on her, so I guess that is good. He is keeping an eye on her centile line and wants her weighed more often. He is pushing for an earlier appointment with the peadiatrician as he said that it's really them that she needs now not a doctor.

I chickened out telling him how I felt, I couldn't find the words :-( he kept commenting on how busy he was so I didn't feel comfortable. I'm going to go to the health visitor on Tuesday to get her weighed and I'm going to speak to her instead. She seems like a genuine person and a good listener and has seen Harlows problems from day one so I feel she will be a good person to speak too.

Thanks again ladies, your support is wonderful
Couldn't possibly comment on the advice he's given you, but what I find really good is that he wants to see her regularly and that he is doing his best to push the paediatric appointment forward - that sounds really encouraging and can only be a good thing, I think!

Sorry that he didn't make you feel like you could talk to him about your own feelings, I think that is just as important as getting Harlow sorted out. I hope your HV is more sympathetic when you see her on Tuesday! Do you have an appointment with her, or is it just a drop-in clinic? In the latter case, maybe you could phone her and make an appointment instead, just to make sure she has enough time to properly talk to you, which might not be the case if it's a busy clinic? Sorry, I hope you don't think I'm being patronising, it's just a thought I've had.
Thats great that your Dr sounds understanding and determined to get to the bottom of Harlows discomfort. Even though he hasn't been able to help you a great deal, he is willing to push your appointment with the paed which is fab and just what you both need.

I'm sorry you couldn't tell him about how you're feeling but I hope you have more luck with your HV. Don't feel embarrased or uncomfortable, hundreds of people feel just like you, you're not alone and you're not the first person to feel down.

Sorry I can't physically help you but we are all here for you hun, mentally!! xxx
Only just seen this thread, and wanted to send huge, huge hugs. The way you are coping with all that has been thrown at you is truly admirable. Xx
how do you feel about fully weaning Harlow?

dont worry about not getting back to us quickly or answering all questions were just worried about you and want to help, i just hope it all helps!!

like the others have said, get out all your feelings and it could make everything so much better. start with the HV thats a good idea but the doc is the only one that can prescribe anything if thats what you need.

big hugs xxxxxxxxxx

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