Hi ladies.
So just got back from the doctors and I'm in two minds about him. He seemed like he was trying to help but the advice he gave me is odd! I think..
He told me to just fully wean her and if she is taking food just give it to her till shes full up, still offer the bottle as often as I can but not to worry to much if she refuses it. I asked didn't she need her bottle to give her particular nutrition.. He said no, not with her on food fully weaned. Hmmm ok.
He asked about her medication, I told him I stopped it as it made her ridiculously sick and the 1oz bottle she would drink she just brought back up! He said good that's ok, I wa going to tell you to stop it anyway.
He wants to see us every Friday morning to keep an eye on her, so I guess that is good. He is keeping an eye on her centile line and wants her weighed more often. He is pushing for an earlier appointment with the peadiatrician as he said that it's really them that she needs now not a doctor.
I chickened out telling him how I felt, I couldn't find the words

he kept commenting on how busy he was so I didn't feel comfortable. I'm going to go to the health visitor on Tuesday to get her weighed and I'm going to speak to her instead. She seems like a genuine person and a good listener and has seen Harlows problems from day one so I feel she will be a good person to speak too.
Thanks again ladies, your support is wonderful