Not sure what to expect.....


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Dec 9, 2011
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I am 4 - 5 weeks pregnant...I have been having some bleeding and passed one blood clot. Today I have been for a transvaginal scan, tests, more tests and finally blood tests. The scan showed a little sac in my womb they said it's too early to see the yolk but to go back in 2 weeks for another scan. Also my hcg level today was 2100. I have to go again in 2 days time for another blood test to see if my hcg levels are doubling! I am soooo worried that my little 'seed' has gone!! Has anyone experienced anything like this before??? I'd be grateful of any advice thanks :)
Aw hun, really hope all is ok, prob just too early to see anything :hugs: don't have any experience of this I'm afraid but didn't want to read and run. At least you'll get more bloods in a couple of days and hopefully that will give you some indication of what's going on :hugs: x x
This happened to my SIL early this year but I think she was a little further on - maybe 8 weeks.
She started bleeding quite heavily and having cramps and went to the hospital and had scans and tests etc.
She now has a healthy, and absolutely beautiful 6 week old baby boy.
Hope its the same for you hun, some people bleed, some don't.
My SIL also bled quite heavily towards the end, but everything was fine.
Fx for u xx

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Hi i think we in the same boat.....
Im still so confused, basically what happened was i took 3 cheap stick hpt the week before last and all said i was not pregnant, but i knew i felt different, after the weeekend, on the monday my husband bought me a clear blue, which was positive really quickly. then on friday i started getting brown spotting, and then what seemed like a normal period on saturday, tis got a bit heavier as the day went on and some dark stringy bits, and at other imes was clear stringy bits.... then sunday it started to slow down... and today it has stopped completely.
I went to A&E on Saturday morning as i got quite a fright and was told that the egg may not have implanted into my wall and what happens is the hormone levels drop and your body then has a period.... the egg is flushed out.... but not in all cases. she said in some rare cases it could be an implant bleed but its not normally this much (as much as i was having as it was like a normal period) I was told to make an appointment with the early pregnancy clinic....
I finally got trough today ( which took me 4.5 hours coz they are so busy) and i have an appointment for friday so they can check my blood and do a scan to see whats happened. Im not sure if a scan will ldo any good as my last period was 29 oct so i dont know if they will even see anything with a scan!?
A small part of me hopes that I am part of the minority that experiences these things, but im not going to let it get me down if it was a Msc and we are going to keep trying!
I would say try not to let it worry you too much until you have had the blood tests done again, if its going up then you will be fine!!!! I know exactly how you feel though!!! And the not knowing is worse in some cases i think!!!
I hope everything works out ok, and ill check in on ya here to see how you are doing!! Keeping my fingers x'd for you! Will keep you updated with my situation either way. xxx
Hi hun. How were your blood results? Hope all is ok :hugs: x x

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