Not so....Down in the *thanks*

I am sooo glad you are OK! And you should totally have a good few jars tomorrow and dance and eat and just kick up the heels love!
Ha - its now his problem cos he could have just had his wicked way with me last night and instead he had me in tears (now I know why - emotions with AF on way) - now I have AF he can piss off and play with Pam and her 5 friends - FOR A WEEK !!!
Glad your feeling much better Tracey :hug:

Your jokes crack me up all the times so it's be such a shame if you left us ;)
Sorry you had such a horrible day Tracey :-( You couldn't leave us though, we would miss you too much!
Deffo have a blow out tomorrow and then get geared up for lucky Cycle 2 :)
Hugs x
Sorry to hear AF arrived hun. :hug:

I love your cheery optimistic attitude about things, that's deffo a great thing to have! Hope you feel better about things soon hun. x x
Feeing much better today girs. I got a good bd last night before af came to full flow, (so much for denying dh), had a good talk with dh but about loads of other stuff - I think he knew I was on the edge to talk about me getting af so I'll save that for Sunday when I'm less emotional about it. I'm sitting here putting on my gel nails catching up on sky+ before going to work then at lynch I'm chucking it all in a basket to go out shopping, edinburgh xmas markets, ice rink, big wheel etc, nice meal then clubbing (hotel booked) with my best mate. We have been planning this night out for 2 years (she ended up pregnant now her son is one)....

How is that for a treat to cheer me up?
Feeing much better today girs. I got a good bd last night before af came to full flow, (so much for denying dh), had a good talk with dh but about loads of other stuff - I think he knew I was on the edge to talk about me getting af so I'll save that for Sunday when I'm less emotional about it. I'm sitting here putting on my gel nails catching up on sky+ before going to work then at lynch I'm chucking it all in a basket to go out shopping, edinburgh xmas markets, ice rink, big wheel etc, nice meal then clubbing (hotel booked) with my best mate. We have been planning this night out for 2 years (she ended up pregnant now her son is one)....

How is that for a treat to cheer me up?
Tracey, sounds like a great plan to cheer you up!

Am rather jealous now! OH has been saying for two years that he'd take me to Scotland, now am thinking I'll go with the girls instead, your way sounds loads more fun!
:hug:Tracey, so glad you're feeling better now (just caught up on thread). Sorry the witch got you hun, but at least you can have a fabby night out on the tiles :) Hope you have a great time.xxxx

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