"Normality" in Pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2014
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I'm not sure how else to put this, but is there ever a time when you feel NORMAL in pregnancy? Or is it just me that constantly feels ill, or funny?

I'm still feeling sick, but fingers crossed the worst of that has passed. But from day dot I've felt spaced out, just weird, ill. It's gone from the hideous sickness, to just damn painful everywhere and just not tip top. The funny taste in my mouth started at 12 weeks (I thought it was meant to disappear around then!), and it drives me crazy and makes me feel sicker.

Is there a time in pregnancy when I will just feel ok? I naively thought that Tri 1 would be an ill few months, Tri 2 I'd go back to normal, and Tri 3 aches and pains.
Well, I'm only in tri1 with baby 1 so still feeling so tired, but I have heard that tri2 is when people feel the best.
I feel awful too.

I was ok with my first two, so this is new for me.

But I do feel tired and sick and generally unsettled all the time these days. I'm hoping I'll start to feel normal again soon as I'm approaching week 14, but we'll see.
I never really felt normal throughout the whole pregnancy. I had terrible morning sickness well up until about week 23/24, this was followed by daily migraines and then throughout tri 3 I was absolutely shattered again and just very very sore.

As soon as my baby was born, I returned to what I would call normal and I feel completely fine.

Fingers crossed you start feeling better :) It's worth it all in the end
Tri 2 u do get a good run but for 1-2 wks max if ur anything like me. Tri 3 was not too bad tri 1 was my worst stage
I'm taking it one day at a time, and have just kind of come to terms that it's going to be 9 months of feeling like death. I just wondered if it was normal really - as everything you hear and read is about people feeling fine and blooming!
With my last 2 pregnancies I felt awful all the time. Right up untill they were born.
I'm hoping this pregnancy will be different. I feel fine at the moment just very sore boobs and feel bloated.
Being 46 years old I'm just petrified x
One of the worst things for me is that my husband is a chef (I did work in the same place but have had to stop working), and the smell of the food/oil is literally seeping out of his pours. No matter how much he washes I seem to still be able to smell it. Can't even go near him a lot of the time :(
I felt awful the whole way through only thing I enjoyed was him moving.

I had Pupps rash at the end, sciatica, SPD, severe swelling my feet went from a size 5 to a 9, HG sickness, UTI.. The list goes on BUT I promise it is all worth it when you have your baby!

Not long now xx
They lie about feeling normal!! I felt a bit weird the whole way through last time, so far this time I feel a lot weird. It's all completely normal. I think once you've got your baby in your arms you tend to look back a bit with rose tinted glasses on the whole experience.
I felt weird and achy all of my pregnancy but at about 24 weeks I felt less tired and a lot less sick and could get on with my day much better. Oh and I never bloomed, I just looked like a tired whale all the time!x
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I suppose you don't ever feel normal during pregnancy there is always something that makes you feel a little "off" everyone said to me I look fantastic, I don't feel it and certainly don't think I do! As wishing has said its all totally worth it and it gets forgotten quickly this is my 2nd and no way and I doing it again as much as I've enjoyed this pregnancy more as its my last. Hope u start to get some good days
I felt most normal in tri 2, sickness had gone and I was showing enough for it to be clear I was preg but I wasn't huge. Tri 3 I was just huge! I did feel normal very quickly afterwards though!
I've never felt more ill in all my life than I've felt these past 8 months, I swear to god pregnancy is an illness haha! Tri 1 was full of sickness, tri 2 was full of uti's and kidney pain and tri 3 has been full of the flu and cold. My midwife told me that the women who feel healthy during pregnancy are very very lucky since the baby takes all the goodness it needs from your body, so some women are left with enough to still feel human and others are left with the crumbs! x
Kitty unfortunately I felt ill thro my whole first pregnancy and totally relate to the smell. I used to gag when my oh used to come near me! It was related to hg which I suffered thro the whole entire pregnancy. Tri 1 I never got out of bed! Tri 2 I went to work in afternoons and was in bed by 7?each night and tri 3 I developed oc and had an emergency op to remove my gallbladder so I can't say it was the best 9 months of my life but def worth it! This time I'm having a boy and not nearly half as bad as I was with my girl. Big hugs to u xxx

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