Noa's on his way!! Evelina's in labour :D UPDATE page 7 and PICTURE page 11..!! x x

She must be well on her way now, i'm on the edge of my seat ....
Lots of luck hun!! Come on Noa!! :yay: Hope its quick and all goes well! Can't believe I haven't been on since yesterday evening and its all happening, after checking religiously all day!! x x
come on noa so excited good luck evelina xxx
I've txt her but not had a reply, fingers crossed she's either very busy in labour or cuddling little Noa!
Hope its all going well cant wait to see a piccie!
oh good luck hope little noa is well on his way xxxx
How exciting! hope no news is good news!!
hope everything is going well hun x
On the edge of my seat here!!! Hope its all going well for her.
it could just be taking awhile! Fingers crossed we hear some news soon x x
Oooh, just caught up and it's all been happening! Hope little noa's here now!
Noas deffinatly keeping everyone on their toes!

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