Noa's on his way!! Evelina's in labour :D UPDATE page 7 and PICTURE page 11..!! x x

how exciting that things are happening around their anniversary!
good luck! X
Oh wow!! About time little Noa made an appearance! good luck evelina!!!
So excited for her- we were only due 1 week apart but our bubs arrived over 6 weeks apart!

Good luck honey. Xxx
my god im so excited i have been waiting for evelina to go into labour for like forever

so excited good luck hopefully noa wont be too long now xxx
:cheer: Yeah - so glad he's making his on way and she's avoiding an induction. Good luck!!!
Wahaaay. Hope she's ok. Awww we might all wake up to a little noa x
OMG! At last! Good luck evelina! U can do it!! Thinking of u x
Hey hon, hope things start off for u again this morning - if not, all the bst for the induction - thinking of u and can't wait to hear that ur cuddling ur little man x x x
Oh I can't wait for some news of how she is getting along! Just tol,d OH , I'm not getting out of bed yet, Noa's not here yet, need to log on and check!!

hang in there Evelina, you can do it Hun X
Oooh I wonder what's happening now. Hope shes having the nice birthing centre birth she wanted x
Hope the contractions pick up or she will have to have the drip xx

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Good luck hun! Let's hope Noa is here by the end of today! x

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