NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

Can I join you all please, I am CD 8 today, ready to get on with it. I saw 2 magpies today, usually only ever see one so I am taking it as a good sign :) xx

I had two magpies in my garden a lot this weekend so I am going with that too!! :) x
Can I join you all please, I am CD 8 today, ready to get on with it. I saw 2 magpies today, usually only ever see one so I am taking it as a good sign :) xx

I had two magpies in my garden a lot this weekend so I am going with that too!! :) x

We have to find the positivity where we can :) xx
Magpies sound a great sign :)
LOL I am drawing positivity from crazy places atm! I was thinking last night in the bath.. the people who used to live here lived here for 10 years and had an 8 year old. Therefore that means she would of got a bfp whilst living here.. that means the house is lucky and I will too. Ha ha ha xxx
Hey ladies hope your all well ....
I'm definitly having a very relaxed month hubby yet again fell asleep last night so I'm currently not speaking to him haha he is well and truly in the bad books ......

I'm taking the positive from it and decided a break will do me good haha xx
Mine would be in my bad books too if he did that lol men!!
I've had a break for a month really as had 15 day cycle then AF came so really I get a whole month of no tww.
Got mooncups to try for this month and gonna use cheapie opks but next month for first clomid month I've got some yes baby lube and clearblue opks etc and gonna try go all out :)

Using the next two weeks to focus on positivity, good eating and excersize.
Doing the 7 day detox that Emma sent me that the other Emma gave her :) haha. Today is fruit. Only had a plum so far but going to have some strawberrys and raspberrys when OH has tea and then maybe blend up raspberrys and blueberrys later :). Did my initial measurements lol. Waist atm is 36inches and I weigh 10 stone (gone from 10 stone 5 to 10 stone 3 to 10 stone in last couple months so whilst its very slowww I was happy when I saw the scales today haha)
Hoping to be 9 and a half stone after the detox! Xx
So far had a plum and an apple and OH cutting up a pineapple for me. Haha frozen the core ready for tww!
I hope this is the hardest day Emma lol?? Dreaming of being able to have that veg lasange tomorrow!! Xx
Ohhh Millie the detox sounds good what do u have to do if u don't mind me asking ,
We tried the balance activ fertility stuff and it was horrible went everywhere and oh just couldn't perform so was thinking of trying a different one I'm thinking of cutting out caffeine for the next cycle and see if that helps it's worth a try lol xx
Emma (angel) mailed me it :) and Emma (WishingHoping) had mailed it too her. Do you want me to mail it to you? Haha Wishing has started a trend! :)

Oooh yeah i didn't like the balance activ i think it gave me bv. I like the sound of yes baby as has a one to use after ov to restore ph balance to try prevent bv :) trying to get OH to cut out caffeine lol!! Xx
Tried copying and pastinf it and Pm ing it but dont think it worked haha will email you it? X
Let me know your email address and I'l send :)
Going to shops soon for fruit and then courgette for tomorrow. Think this is hardest day as OH having casserole and dumplings for tea whereas the other days he will have the same as me haha! Xx
You ladies are braver than me doing that detox!! I love my grub! And I get very moody when I'm hungry!

Well I let my mind wander today at work and decided to work out 'if' I fell pregnant this month when would I go in mat leave! So much for not getting too excited!! Xx
Haha I'm feeling starving now. OH's eating his tea and it smells amazing lol!!
Aww thats exciting :) when would it be? Xx
It'll be worth it Millie - stick at the detox!

Well I worked out I would go off the week of Xmas! And wouldn't go back til like 10 January 2017!! Mental isn't it! So that's one plus of having a January baby - I'd be off for two Christmas! Xx
Ha ha I've already worked that out, I would be leaving work for Xmas and not going back!! :D

Hot pot for my tea tonight :)
Aww that would be great with timings being off for two christmas's :) xxx
Oh millie im soooo hungry!!! I've just had soup (boiled parsnip and carrot puree) and it was nice and ive just grilled some courgette mushroom and onions
Still hungry tho!!!
The fruit day was hard but today im more hungry
Been drinking loads of water and green tea
tomorrow I can have fruit and veg!! Yay

Still negative opk today, hoping It's not too long till ovulation but hubby really tired tonight and has gone up to bed so glad I'm not ovulating yet xxx
Oh that's a bonus for a January baby!!
I would only be taking 6 months so unfortunately it wouldn't make any difference for me, I wish I could take longer but I'm the breadwinner xxx
I'm starving Emma haha feel so weak too! Tomorrow I'm excited for as having carrot sticks for breakfast, homemade carrot and coriander soup for lunch and then for tea tomorrow having the veg and courgette lasange. So hopppefully will feel a bit better ha. How did you get through the fruit day lol theres only so much fruit you can eat :L
Try making a veg lasange?

Hope you get your pos opk sooon :) xxx
So far hard a plum, an apple and most of a pineapple. Got strawberrys and raspberrys for later. May buy some other fruit in Aldi if any appeal to me haha. Xx
I'm hoping I lose a bit of weight on this, I'm craving really bad food like cheesy chips and pizza lol xxx

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