No heartbeat at 12 week scan


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2013
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Went to 12w scan today and sadly baby had died. Had absolutely no clues anything was wrong. Baby had stopped growing at 6-7 weeks but my dates are 11+4 so baby possibly died over a month ago. :'(

I have a 1-2-1 appointment with nurse tomorrow to discuss my options but I'm already sure I want a d&c.

This is now my second loss (mc between my two girls at 10+4)

I am absolutely gutted but this baby was obviously not to be.

We waited for a period being trying after last period (and caught with my youngest daughter). Have any of you tried straight away and not waited for a period??

Thanks for reading xx
Im so sorry for your loss!! Its so unfair! Xxx
So so sorry to hear that

I also found out at 12 weeks that my baby had no heartbeat and it's absolutely heartbreaking

We didn't wait until the next period to try (I used OPKs to measure when the hcg hormone had gone out of my system) but sadly it's not worked for us since.

Lots of hugs to you & best wishes xxx
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, soooo heartbreaking. Thinking of you and sending lots of love and hugs :hug: :hug: xxxxx
Really sorry to hear that hun :hugs:

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so sorry to hear this :( :(, life is so unfair. I had my scan at 8 weeks and no heart beat. I had no clue there was anything wrong either. Worst thing I've went through. I had a D&C and glad I did. Good luck to you and keep your head up :)
I am sorry for your loss hon, it's awful and so unfair!!

I had a scan at 8 weeks on Friday and my bubs had died that day, I had a D&C and I'm glad I did!!

Good luck later hon and I'm sorry again x
So sorry to read this. Hope everything goes ok x x
I am so sorry to hear of your loss.

I tried straight away after both my mc...i didnt.catch straight away after my first but i did after my second.... But my hormones were so bad during that cycle i started bleeding during implantation and i lost it s straight away. So i doubt i would try straight away again.

I hope whatever option you.choose it goes as easy as possible snd you recover quickly x
Sorry to hear you sad news.

I would discuss your options about TTC again when you have your one to one with the nurse.

I had an early loss at 5 weeks (end of Sept 2011) and was pregnant again end of October 2011. Sadly that was my 3rd loss... I am not saying waiting would have made any difference but who knows?

Also my losses were natural, if you have a D&C there may be a recovery period?

I'd speak to your Dr / nurse and see what they recommend.

Once again sorry to hear your horrible news

Hey so sorry for your news, i had an mmc in january, scanned at 10+4 and baby had died at 7+3 horrible knowing its been that long :(

I waited for my period before trying again, mainly for dates. But similar to iwant3, i started bleeding quite quickly and had a chemical, that was last month but it hasnt put me off trying this month xxx
Really sorry for your loss hun, this happened to me last year - had no symptoms anything was wrong previously at all, just started bleeding one morning went to EPU and they said baby had stopped growing at 8 weeks and I should of been almost 11 weeks at time. Life is really cruel sometimes :(

We didn't try again straight away as we were too cut up to think about it but we didn't really go out of our way to use protection either so it took me 7 months to conceive again x
Thanks for all your replies. I saw a doctor today and I will be having a d&c in the morning. In her opinion we should be ok to try straight away and not wait for a period if we are emotionally ready. There are inconclusive studies to say whether you are more likely to have another m/c or more likely to.

We will just see what happens for the moment I think.

Hoe it goes well tomorrow lovely, I'll be thinking of you. Such a heartbreaking thing to have to go through :hug: :hug: xxxxx
I'm so sorry again, no one should have to go through this, I was waiting for my D&C after this happened to me and it all kicked off naturally , but I ended up still needing D&C the next morning as wouldn't stop bleeding, D&C's are very good and quicker physical recovery - hope all is as smooth as can be in the morning for you XX

Re the ttc again - I didn't wait, and once I started ttc again, I felt loads better like I was back on track to achieve my goal. I don't think I ov'd that cycle or missed it, but I fell the next cycle, I really do think your body is more primed and ready to go after a mc.. but do use opks to give yourself a better chance in case cycle changes. XX

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