Newborn hearing screening

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Hi ladies, had my baby on 7th august 7 days ago- weve just been home from hosp a day as he was 36 weeks and him and I had a few issues after birth, doing well now.

Can I just ask if anyone had the newborn hearing screening while in hospital or via hv at 2 weeks old failed the test and didn't get a clear response in one or both ears ? Did ypu have further screening and how did your results go?

Baby Griffin failed in both ears and then was retested 2 days later and failed in both again, wondering if he's just gunked up in ears still or because he was preterm, or do they get it wrong often ?

Thank you, next AABR further test booked for next wed at 12 days old in a local centre but it worrys me
Luca had his done the day he was born and he failed 1 ear. Retested 2 days later and passed that ear. She said if he failed the hv would do a more detailed test xx
My baby failed in 1 ear the day after he was born. They weren't concerned and said it was most likely mucus that hadn't cleared yet. I had an appointment at the hospital 2 weeks later to be retested and he passed straight away. I think it's very common so wouldn't worry xx
Hey JJ mum, congratulations again.

Bee failed in one ear a few hours after birth. She failed the 'usual' test and failed the more in depth one (where they attach little pads to head and neck - this one took much longer - 45 minutes? The did both tests when she was about 3-4 hours old but as we were on a 6 hour discharge they saw us really quickly). Lady who did the tests was amazing and very reassuring. She said it is very common for newborns to be blocked up in their ears but she booked us an appointment with the Nuffield centre for when Bee was 3 weeks old.

Bee passed the tests at Nuffield centre - they were very in depth and took ages as could only be done when baby was sleeping. Bee doesn't sleep - not even as a 3 week old. Ha

I was so unconcerned about failing the hearing test I don't think I even mentioned it to many people and I didn't post it in my birth story. It's incredibly common.

Try not to worry and hopefully the more in depth tests come back all clear.

Both my boys failed the hearing test. My son who's 18 months was tested twice and failed. But when we was referred passed the in depth test and was discharged. My 6 week old failed the 1st test but we was discharged the same day so was referred for a 2nd hearing test at the midwife unit and passed. On my postnatal ward all the 3 babies failed the tests and was referred lol so really wouldn't worry hun xx
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Amy failed the test twice in her left ear. So she has to go on Monday for another test x
JJ Cole failed on one ear the day after birth but the lady said it was very common and we're back next week for another test! Xx
Hayden failed both ears on his first test. Had another one 2 weeks later and passed perfectly clear. Try not to worry, we could tell when he started to hear as he was reacting more to things. When he couldn't hear he would constantly jump out his skin when we touched him as he wouldn't hear us coming xx
Thanks very much ladies that is reassuring that so many failed and then passed, esp you nats with Bee
We ended up being readmitted back to scbu the last few day and once in transitional care out from the lights they said they could do the more detailed test AABR with the neuro sensor thingys, it took 45 mins and they did get a response in his right ear right at the end! Yayy the left ear still failed so we are waiting for a refferal to a hospital in guildford to have a more detailed one, but youve made me feel loads better that it might just be gunk, he was prem too so could factor in clearing gunk - thanks all x
Sorry you ended up back in hospital but it's good to know these little weeny ones receive such good care.

Yay to passing in one ear. I think passing on one ear reduces the possibility of some types of deafness - the most severe types of deafness are usually in both ears.

Yep Bee failed the one you mention JJ [did Griffin have to wear the baby earphones?] as well as the bog standard test. As I say my lady was amazing and explained things very clearly. Bee was very mucusy and was born very quickly - both could have been factors in her failing those early tests.

Not sure how it works with premmies but I am sure they'll explain it to you all when you go for the other tests and I am sure all will be fine!!


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